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    28 November 2008, Volume 42 Issue 11 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Management Science
    Research on Composite Index of Liquidity in Security Market
    YANG Chao-jun,ZHANG Zhi-peng,LIAO Shi-guang
    2008, 42 (11):  1767-1771. 
    Abstract ( 3592 )   Save
    Liquidity is one of the basic characters of security market and has various aspects. Index based on microstructure theory measures only one or another character of liquidity. This paper defined the concept of liquidity, and then constructed a composite index. Our empirical study shows that the index is effective and predictive.
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    An Analytic Integrated Framework for Distributed Energy Supply Chain Networks
    DONG Ming
    2008, 42 (11):  1772-1775. 
    Abstract ( 3453 )   Save
    This paper presented an integrated framework for distributed energy supply chain networks that can be used to model different network topologies such as serial, parallel, assembly and arborescent structures. Aiming at the largescale, complicated and stochastic energy networks, an integrated framework is needed to be able to describe uncertainties and multipleenergy coupling on one hand, and capture the interdependent relationships between different supply chain stages on the other hand. Besides the multiscale modeling and performance analysis, the unified framework will also be used for optimal decisions and simulation studies.
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    Research on Stock Liquidity Based on Trade Size, Order Imbalance in Shanghai AShare Market
    GAO Wen-tao1,MENG Xian-zhong1,ZHANG Shao-jun2
    2008, 42 (11):  1776-1779. 
    Abstract ( 3708 )   Save
    This paper considers method to measure investors’ buy and sell order imbalance and investigates the relationship among trade size, order imbalance and stock liquidity based on high frequency trading data of Shanghai Ashare market in 2006. The empirical result shows that there exists significant positive relationship between trade size and stock liquidity for small trade size of mid and smallcap enterprise and for big trade size of bigcap enterprise. And for all level cap stocks, through controlling the trade size, the stock order imbalance based on the ratio of buy minus sell to total volume and the order imbalance of big trade size stock based on tick data are positive to stock liquidity significantly, the investors’ preference on buy order results in the higher liquidity. There is no great relationship between order imbalance and trade size, the contemporaneous trade size does not cause the order imbalance changing, and vice versa.
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    A Game Model of Information Disclosure Cheating in Securities Issuing
    YANG Rong-guo WU Wen-feng
    2008, 42 (11):  1780-1783. 
    Abstract ( 3063 )   Save
    Securities issuing supervision is very important to the securities market development, and information disclosure is the center of securities issuing supervision, so how to assure issuer disclose the true information becomes main object of supervisor. This paper established a game model of securities supervision between issuer and supervisor and analyzed their optimum strategy. Some advice was given to reduce information cheating level and promote issuer to disclose true information.
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    Venture Capital Investment Decision Based on Uncertainty of Benefit and Cost
    HAO Xu-dong,OUYANG Ling-nan
    2008, 42 (11):  1784-1787. 
    Abstract ( 3360 )   Save
    On the basis of high risk and multistage of venture investment, accounting for the uncertainty both in the cost and benefit, a new real option model was developed. Moreover, the comparison of traditional net present value method and sensitive analysis of main parameters were given. The result shows that this model promotes the science of decisionmaking of venture project investment due to the waiting value introduced by uncertainty of cost and benefit.
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    The Momentum and Contrarian in Shanghai A Stock Market and Shenzhen A Stock Market
    ZHU Xi1,CHEN Jun-fang1,XU Zheng-sheng2
    2008, 42 (11):  1788-1792. 
    Abstract ( 3524 )   Save
    This article studied the momentum and contrarian in Shanghai A stock market and Shenzhen A stock market using Jegadeesh and Titman method.The case study shows that it is of strong relation in stock’s price of Shanghai A stock market and Shenzhen A stock market.There shows the momentum in shorttime and longtime,while the contrarian in midtime.On the other hand,it has more strong momentum profit in Shenzhen A stock market than in Shanghai A stock.
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    Research about the Feasibility of GiltEquity Yield Ratio Act as an Investment Strategy
    CHEN Zheng-xu,XU Xiao-hua,PANG Qing-wu
    2008, 42 (11):  1793-1796. 
    Abstract ( 3852 )   Save
    Giltequity yield ratio (GEYR) was predicted using Kalman filter, then a Markov regime switching investment strategy was set up. Compared with other investment strategies,the Markov regime switching investment strategy is not proved to be the best. However, with the development of China capital market,it is necessary to take consideration of this method.
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    The Relationship between Fluctuations of Stock & Real Estate Prices and Business Cycles
    DENG Shen a,b,YANG Chao-jun b
    2008, 42 (11):  1797-1801. 
    Abstract ( 3776 )   Save
    This paper discussed the relationship between fluctuations of stock & real estate prices and business cycles with model deduction and empirical evidence. A unite model analysing their relationship was found.The findings reveal that stock prices are the lead indicator of macroeconomy; there exists positive relationship between real estate prices and GDP, interest rates & CPI; the fluctuations of real estate prices are consistent with business cycles; and the fluctuations of stock prices greatly lead that of real estate prices.
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    Uncertainty Risk,Ex Ante Investment and Futures Transaction
    YAN Zhi-xiong,FEI Fang-yu
    2008, 42 (11):  1802-1805. 
    Abstract ( 3305 )   Save
    Based on the holdup problem of ex ante specific investment transaction, this paper built up a transaction model between upstream and downstream firms. Applying the recent contract theory, the paper analyzed three transaction mode: ① market transaction, that the two firms ex post renegotiate surplus; ② contract transaction, a bilateral contract transaction mode; and ③ futures transaction, a multiside contract transaction mode. The result shows that the first two transaction modes cause upstream and downstream firms to under invest because the benefit from specific investment can not avoid being shared; and the third mode can transfer partial risk of specific investment to the third party, which makes the expectation revenue of upstream and downstream firms only depend on their respective investment. That is, upstream and downstream firms respectively sign up a contract with the third party, which is independent of natural states. Such a transaction mechanism can even eliminate inefficiency of en ante investment. It also is the reason that why the existence of futures market can make transaction between upstream and downstream firms more efficient.
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    China’s Social Security Programs Based on Endogenous Economic Growth Model
    YANG Ji-guang1,LIU Hai-long1,XU You-chuan2
    2008, 42 (11):  1806-1809. 
    Abstract ( 3322 )   Save
    A threeperiod dynamic endogenous growth model combining the social security programs of China was set up in the framework of general equilibrium, which simulated the economic growth paths of China from 2000 to 2060 with some given parameters. It was found that the aging population has different influences on capital accumulation and educational expenditures. The educational expenditures in the fully funded social security are more than those in the payasyougo, while the physical capitals in the fully funded are less than those in the payasyougo. The economic growth rates in the fully funded are firstly higher than the payasyougo, while lower later.
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    Game Theory Analysis of Strategies of Market Entry and Product Innovation in the Industry of Durablegoods
    Lu Jun-tao,TANG Yuan-hu
    2008, 42 (11):  1810-1813. 
    Abstract ( 3640 )   Save
    Using a twoperiod game model of Cournot quantity competition between new products, this article investigated the strategies of market entry and product innovation of incumbent and entrant in the industry of durablegoods, and made a welfare appraisal of firms’ innovation behaviors. It is found that whether the incumbent deters entry depends on the innovation costs of incumbent and entrant, and the innovation extent of new products. Innovation can strengthen incumbent’s capability of deterrence. If the innovation extent increases, advantages of deterrence will become greater, expenses of it will decrease and incumbent is apt to not innovate when entry is deterred. In some cases, if the innovation cost of incumbent increases, deterrence will become more difficult. When the innovation cost of entrant is low, there is excessive incentive of innovation investment; when it is high, the incentive is insufficient; when it is at middle level, the interests of firms are consistent with those of social planner.
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    A Consignment Stock Model for a Single Vendor and Multiple Buyers under Deterministic Environment
    HUANG Qingyang,CHEN Junfang
    2008, 42 (11):  1814-1817. 
    Abstract ( 3261 )   Save
    This paper extended the consignment stock(CS) model to the singlevendor multibuyer situation in a deterministic environment. Through the splitting of the holding cost into a financial and a physical component, the model emphasized the most important difference between CS and other policies. On the premise of fulfillment, the joint total cost per unit time for the vendor and buyers was derived and its optimal solution and parameter setting were obtained by an enumerative approach.
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    The Optimal Import Strategy for Chinese Industries with Network Externality
    LIU Zhan,CHEN Hong-min
    2008, 42 (11):  1818-1822. 
    Abstract ( 3365 )   Save
    Using the vertical differentiation model modified by Hotelling model, this paper analyzed the optimal import strategy for Chinese network externality industries. According to the analysis, some suggestions were given as below. Firstly, if the technological gap between the local technology and foreign ones is absolutely large, the government should prompt the local potential entrant to import the highestquality foreign technology with low product compatibility. Secondly, if the technological gap between the local technology and foreign ones is absolutely small, to forbid the technology import is reasonable. Thirdly, the government should take some factors into account, such as quality gap, compatibility, charge rate of international licensing, and technology spillovers. Above all, some political proposals were given.
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    Product Market Competition, Managerial Incentives and Firm Performance: Theory and Evidence
    TAN Yun-qing1,2,LIU Zhi-gang3,ZHU Rong-lin2
    2008, 42 (11):  1823-1826. 
    Abstract ( 3489 )   Save
    This paper analyzed the relationship among product market competition, managerial incentives and firm performance by both the Hotelling model and evidence from China’s listed companies.The results show that product market competition and managerial incentives can improve the firm’s operating performance, and the existence of complementarities between product market competition and managerial incentives.
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    Analysis of Capacity Investment under Information and Capacity Sharing
    WEN Tao1,2,HUANG Pei-qing1
    2008, 42 (11):  1827-1831. 
    Abstract ( 3487 )   Save
    Consider two supply chains, each consists of a manufacturer and a retailer. Customer demands arrive at retailers randomly. Demands in one supply chain are relatively stable. Its distribution is determined and known by both manufacturers.The demand distribution in the other supply chain changes with time. According to whether the two manufacturers can share their excess capacities and information, three models were considered, i.e.the two manufacturers do not cooperate, cooperate partly and cooperate completely.The optimal capacities and corresponding profits for both manufacturers were specified in these models, the impact of sharing capacities and information on manufacturers’ profits was analyzed and conditions were concluded under which manufacturers want to share their excess capacities and information.
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    The Strategic Positioning and Optimization for Decoupling Point in an Innovative Product Supply Chain
    ZHANG Yi-bin,CHEN Jun-fang

    2008, 42 (11):  1832-1835. 
    Abstract ( 4270 )   Save
    In order to improve the supply chain performance in an innovative product supply chain, it is key important for supply chain design to discuss the strategic positioning of decoupling point. By M/M/1 queues theory, a model on minimizing the sum cost of every state in the supply chain subject to a servicelevel constraint was proposed so that an optimal decoupling point can be acquired. To resolve the model, a genetic algorithm was used to simulate and describe the impact of relevant parameters. Some management insights were concluded for the strategic supply chain design of some innovative products such as hitech products and fashion goods.
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    An Empirical Rating Actuarial Model with Claim Size Following Lognormal Distribution in Automobile Insurance
    YU Jia-min1,HAO Xu-dong2
    2008, 42 (11):  1836-1838. 
    Abstract ( 4017 )   Save
    By constructing the structure function of claim size lognormal distribution parameter y, an optimal estimator of the policy’s future claim size was elicited.An empirical rating actuarial model with allowance for claim frequency and claim severity was presented. Thus, the pricing on automobile insurance is more equitable and reasonable. Furthermore, a typical rating actuarial model fit for Chinese automobile insurance reality was put forward,preliminary to the promotion of rates allowance for claim severity.
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    The Value of Information Sharing in a Dualchannel Supply Chain
    ZOU Xi-bing,WANG Li-ya
    2008, 42 (11):  1839-1841. 
    Abstract ( 3498 )   Save
    In order to study the value of information sharing, this paper considers a dualchannel supply chain that consists of one manufacturer and one retailer. The retailer holds his private information about his own valueadded cost in this supply chain system. The supply chain is modeled as a Stackelberg game. The impact of information sharing on the manufacturer and retailer’s equilibrium strategies and profits were analyzed and the value of information sharing to both the manufacturer and the retailer was investigated. It is found that the value of information sharing on the manufacturer is always positive, but this is not right for the retailer.
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    study on Fee Structure of Franchise Based on Brand Value
    XUE Ke
    2008, 42 (11):  1842-1846. 
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    Negative Effects of Twolevel Entrepreneurial Network of Software Parks and Firms on Firms’ Innovation
    WU Bing1,WANG Zhong-ming2,TANG Ning-yu3
    2008, 42 (11):  1847-1850. 
    Abstract ( 3138 )   Save
    Integrating the current research orientation in social network, the negative effects of two levels—software park and interfirm—entrepreneurial networks on the firms’innovation are analyzed. The results of 190 software firms sampled from five national software parks in China being studied show that the moderating effects of park’s entrepreneurial network characteristics are differentiating, some of which exert negative effects on innovation. Centralizationcharacteristics of park’s entrepreneurial network negatively moderate the effects of firm’s entrepreneurial network on firm’s innovation, and cliquescharacteristics positively moderate the effects of firm’s position as structure hole on innovation, but negatively moderate the effects of firm’s centrality status on innovation.
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    Risk Evaluation Method of Weapon Equipment Development Project Based on Support Vector Machine
    LI Kan1,2
    2008, 42 (11):  1851-1854. 
    Abstract ( 3855 )   Save
    Aiming at the problems in application of the evaluation method of weapon equipment development project, a risk evaluation model of weapon equipment development project based on support vector machine was proposed based on the explanation of the theory of support vector machine(SVM) and analysis of the feasibility of SVM in the risk evaluation of weapon equipment development project. The predicated results were verified by the project data, which shows a good agreement. Comparing SVM model with neural network and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method shows that the SVM model has better ability of selflearning and feature extraction, and can provide a helpful suggestion for the risk evaluation of weapon equipment development project.
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    The Mechanism of Talents Regional Flow and the Analysis of Its Effect
    XIA Chen-gui,SHI Jin-tao
    2008, 42 (11):  1855-1858. 
    Abstract ( 3249 )   Save
    Using the principle of maximization of effect in economy, this article built a model of talents’ regional flow, through comparing the effect before and behind the flow decision. It believed that there are three aspects of reason to influence the talents flow decision, i.e. the differences in income, the externality of environment and the regional effects of talents’ flow. The talents make a flow decision not only basing on the direct effects of their income, but also basing on the indirect effects of produce and environment.

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    The DecisionMaking on Quality Improvement of SupplyChain Members Based on Quality Penalty
    ZHANG Xiong-hui,CHEN Jun-fang,HUANG Pei
    2008, 42 (11):  1859-1861. 
    Abstract ( 3646 )   Save
    The quality penalty is usually taken as a measure to stimulate the supplier to improve quality. In practice the quality improvement usually involves the supplier and the purchaser. In order to find the effect of aftersale quality loss on the decisionmaking on quality improvement, a game model of decisionmaking on quality improvement was proposed. It is found that the purchaser can not necessarily stimulate the investment of the supplier into the quality improvement by increasing the proportion of the aftersale quality loss to be borne by the supplier, and that the purchaser shall not make the supplier solely liable for the quality improvement. In choosing a supplier, the purchaser shall not only focus on the commitment of the supplier to assume certain proportion of the aftersale loss, but pay due attention to the preliminary quality status and the decisionmaking on quality improvement of the supplier.
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    Levels and Fractals of Industrial Cluster Complex Adapt System
    DONG Yong,CHEN Ji-xiang
    2008, 42 (11):  1862-1865. 
    Abstract ( 3398 )   Save
    By analyzing the internal levels of industrial clusters with complex adapt system theory, this article explained the similar structure at different levels, and showed the fractals sturcture in an industrial cluster. A fractal dynamic model was used to describe the industrial cluster actions. The result shows why and when the industrial aggregation happens and a few important factors which may affect the industrial cluster.
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    Uncertainties of Piles Load Transfer Parameters
    SUN Bo, ZHANG Lu-lu, WANG Jian-hua
    2008, 42 (11):  1866-1870.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2008.11.025
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    The load-transfer method (t-z method) is easy to calculate and can be used in design practice. The most important thing of using the t-z method is the determination of the load-transfer parameters. The uncertainties of the two parameters in the hyperbolic load-transfer function of pile foundation were investigated. Data of seven static load tests with strain gauges, twelve static load tests without strain gauges together with 75 load tests at a single site in Shanghai were collected. Statistical analyses were conducted for both measured and back-calculated parameters for different soil layers. It was found that the uncertainties of the back-calculated values are close to those of the measured ones. The parameters a and b are negatively correlated. Compared with basic soil properties such as unit weight and shear strength parameters, the COVs of the load transfer parameters are greater. According to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test at a significance level of 5%, the normal distribution for both parameters can not be rejected.

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    Deformation Characteristics of Deep Excavations for Metro Stations in Shanghai Soft Soil Deposits
    DING Yong-chun, WANG Jian-hua, XU Zhong-hua, CHEN Jin-jian
    2008, 42 (11):  1871-1875.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2008.11.026
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    The case histories of deformations due to the deep excavations for some metro stations in Shanghai soft soil deposits were presented and discussed. The statistics show that the ratio of the maximum lateral displacement of the retaining structures to the excavation depth ranges from 0.04% to 0.6%, and the mean value is about 0.3%. The deformation of the retaining structures develops a clearly deep-bulging profile as the excavations continue, and the maximum lateral displacement of the retaining structures usually appears between 1.5 m above the excavation surface and 7 m below the excavation surface. The ratio of the maximum surface ground settlement to the excavation depth lies between the range 0.05% to 0.7%, and the ratio of the maximum surface ground settlement to the maximum lateral displacement of retaining structures falls within the range 0.4 to 1. The construction method of cast-in-place piles combined with compaction grouting for cutting off groundwater is generally proved to be more effective in controlling deformation of deep excavations than diaphragm wall or SMW method.

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    Architechural Science
    A New Systematic Computational Method for Layered Halfspace Solid
    YANG You-zhen,GE Xiu-run
    2008, 42 (11):  1876-1879. 
    Abstract ( 3454 )   Save
    Based on the dual variables, the Hamiltonian system theory was introduced into space foundation, and the transformation from Euclidian space to symplectic space was realized.Therefore, the method of separation of variable and eigenfunction expansion method were derived to solve this problem,i.e. a new systematic methodology for foundation was presented.
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    Natural Element Method for Biot Plane Consolidation Analysis
    CHU Yan-biao, WANG Jian-hua
    2008, 42 (11):  1880-1883,1887.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2008.11.028
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    The natural element method (NEM) is a novel numerical computational method for solving partial differential equation. It is built upon the notion of the natural neighbor interpolation, which is based on Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation. This paper focused on its application in solving Biot consolidation equation. The discrete form of control equation was obtained with classical variation principle; the algorithm routine for 2D condition was also elaborated. The results of numerical examples show that the results of NEM are in concordance with the analytical solution and the precision is higher than that of FEM.

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    Architechural Science
    Design Method on Cement Concrete Pavement in Highway Tunnel
    SHI Chun-xiang1,YANG Qun2,GUO Zhong-yin2
    2008, 42 (11):  1884-1887. 
    Abstract ( 3568 )   Save
    A threedimensional finite model of concrete pavement was established to suit for the concrete pavement in highway tunnel. A nonlinear regression method was used when considering the effect of structural factors. The calculating formula of the tensile stress on the bottom of the slab and the tensile stress on the slab surface was presented. Based on the admitted fatigue tensile stress as design index, the design mehtod of the concrete pavement in highway tunnel was concluded, and the calculating formula of slab thickness was also put foword. An engineering example was used to validate the method. It provides a theory base for the pavement design of the concrete pavement in highway tunnel.
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    Safety Assessment for Fatigue Life of Floating Platform Mooring
    WANG Jia-ying,ZHANG Shi-lian,XU Wei,WANG Wen-ming
    2008, 42 (11):  1888-1891. 
    Abstract ( 3888 )   Save
    Based on Miner fatigue damage theory, after the calculation of the statistical amplitude of mooring tension induced by lowfrequency and wavefrequency wave and the damaged mooring breaking strength, the safety assessment for the fatigue life of a semisubmersible platform’s mooring system in extended service was finished. The research result indicates that secondorder resonant motion is the main ingredient that induces the mooring fatigue damage and the damaged mooring breaking strength has a great impact on mooring fatigue safety life. The assessment method of mooring fatigue life in this paper is applicable in similar assessment for other floating platform mooring in extended service.
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    Engineering Mechanics
    Dynamics of DualMotorDrive Elastic Cylinder
    TAO Jian-feng,MA Qiong,SHANG Yuan,WANG Xu-yong
    2008, 42 (11):  1892-1895. 
    Abstract ( 3314 )   Save
    In order to study the load deformation and stress distribution of the dualdrive system, a simplified dualdrive elastic cylinder system was researched. Based on the vibration theory of continuous elastic body, the singledimension torsional vibration equation for dualdrive elastic cylinder was set up and its analytic solution was deduced. According to the form of the analytic solution, the odddegree modal responses of cylinder’s deformation and shear stress can be suppressed by reducing the difference between the two input torques. The further numerical simulation results show that the larger the difference between the two input torques with constant sum, the larger the maximum shear stress of the cylinder.
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    Algorithm of Reducing the Sample Size of Turbulent Experiment Based on Wavelet Analysis
    ZHANG Bin1,WANG Tong1,GU Chuan-gang1,DAI Zheng-yuan2
    2008, 42 (11):  1896-1899. 
    Abstract ( 3292 )   Save
    Based on the statistic detecting methods, a reasonable algorithm was put forward to reduce the sample size of turbulent experiment. Wavelet analysis method was adopted in the algorithm to get the characteristic parameters of turbulent flow in both time domain and frequency domain. Comparing with the former algorithms, the reduced data size by the algorithm is larger, but it includes the same information with the initial sample data statistically. An example was provided to prove the reliability and rationality of the algorithm, where the sample data is from the experiment on the mechanism of riblets drag reduction and the turbulent kinetic energy is selected as the statistic characteristic parameter.
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    Computational Study of the Aerodynamics of Sails in a Twisted Wind
    HU Wen-rong1,ZU Hong-biao2,DING Zu-rong1,ZHOU Zhi-yong3,XIN Ding-liang4
    2008, 42 (11):  1900-1903. 
    Abstract ( 3696 )   Save
    The aerodynamic performance of a typical sail in a twisted wind was numerically studied by solving NavierStokes equations, and the effects of various factors on the sail’s aerodynamic performance were discussed. Valuable theoretical references of sailing manipulation in a complex wind field were provided.

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    MovingParticle SemiImplicit Method for Simulation of Liquid Sloshing on Roll Motion
    PAN Xu-jie,ZHANG Huai-xin
    2008, 42 (11):  1904-1907. 
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    A meshless numerical simulation method was presented to simulate the rolling of a liquid tank. In movingparticle semiimplicit method (MPS), each step of the simulation is decomposed into two steps: explicit step and implicit step. In NavierStokes equations, the relationship of partials is used to replace the difference term in old methods, and the variety of particles’ number density is used to discern free surface. As a full Lagrange method, the pass through phenomenon is always taken place in simulation.A method used in this paper can reduce the pass through phenomenon and achieve a good result.
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    Nonlinear Analysis of Plates and Shells Based on SolidShell Element
    LI Li-ming,LI Da-yong,PENG Ying-hong,HU Li-juan
    2008, 42 (11):  1908-1911. 
    Abstract ( 3856 )   Save
    A solidshell element was introduced into explicit finite element method (EFEM) and locking pathologies were eliminated by employing twelve enhanced assumed strain parameters,which makes up the deformation limitations of solidshell element. Stress was updated through the corotational theory and radial return algorithm. Accordingly, a solidshell element analysis model based on EFEM was developed to account for plates and shells with large deformation. Standard benchmarks were exercised. The results show the high accuracy of the solidshell element. It also proved the efficiency of the proposed model in dealing with plates and shells exhibiting both large deformation and elastoplastic behavior.
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    Numerical Simulation of Irregular Waves in Shallow Water by Using Meshless Method
    XIAO Long-fei,YANG Jian-min,LI Jun
    2008, 42 (11):  1912-1918. 
    Abstract ( 3843 )   Save
    By using the meshless method, a numerical ocean engineering basin was established to simulate irregular waves propagated in shallow water. Locating the source points outside the computational domain, the problem of water wave propagation was solved by collocation of only a few boundary points instead of meshes. Therefore, the meshless method without singular numerical integrations is easy to implement and the computational time can be economized. Through meshless numerical simulation and experimental validation on the propagation of wave profiles from deepwater to shallow water and iterated modification on the wave spectrums, eligible time series of shallow water irregular waves can be obtained. The numerical results of the wave spectrums, wave parameters and time series of the irregular waves agree well with the experimental results.
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    Plastic Solution of ThinWalled Straight Bar with Close Section
    TIAN Qi-lei,LI Si-ping,WANG Xi
    2008, 42 (11):  1919-1921. 
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    Based on Mises yielding condition theory, incremental theory and the assumption that the material is ideal elastoplastic, this paper obtained stress components of thinwalled straight bar with close section under tension, compression and torsion combined deformation by using nondimensional method. When thinwalled straight bar with close section is subjected to tension, compression and torsion combined deformation, and that the materials get to the plasticity stage, two correlative ordinary differential equations in respect with the compression and torsion subjected on the thinwalled straight bar with close section are obtained based on the theoretical analysis. Stress components can be obtained with analytical solution by solving the ordinary differential equation. Those will lay the foundation for the studies on buckling and stability of thinwalled straight bar with close and open section.
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    Modeling Methods of RigidFlexible Coupling Dynamics
    HONG Jia-zhen, LIU Zhu-yong
    2008, 42 (11):  1922-1926. 
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    A brief review about several phases and present status of flexible multibody dynamics was given and the existing modeling methods of rigidflexible coupling dynamics were summarized. Five indexes, including scientific index, general index, identifiable index, compatible index and efficient index, were proposed to evaluate the existed modeling methods. It shows that the existed modeling methods can not satisfy the actual needs of engineering application and new modeling method which satisfies all the evaluating indexes should be investigated. The research targets including modeling theory, computational methods and experiments were suggested for the rigidflexible coupling dynamics of the flexible multibody systems.
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    Numerical Simulation for the Damage Effect of Bridge Subjected to Blast Wave
    DENG Rong-bing a,JIN Xian-long a,b, CHEN Xiang-dong a,DU Xin-guang a, SHEN Jian-qi a,LI Zheng a
    2008, 42 (11):  1927-1930. 
    Abstract ( 4104 )   Save
    Nonlinear dynamical finite element method was applied to simulate the damage effect of bridge subjected to blast wave. Histories of blast wave propagation and overpressures were obtained. Through the comparison between the calculation results and the experimental values, the reliability of the calculation was validated. Then the dynamic responses of bridge subjected to blast wave were studied. The calculation results show that the limited areas of bridge,with large local damage in regions which are near blast,act with blast wave. The simulation results provide important reference for the calculation of blast resistant loads and evaluation of bridge safety.
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    Hydraulic Engineering
    The Frame of Sea Wall Osmosis Pressure Monitoring Model and Factors Selection
    HUANG Ming,LIU Jun
    2008, 42 (11):  1931-1934. 
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    To describe the osmosis pressure rule and the relationship between it and main effect factors, and to establish the cause and effect model for sea wall safety state real time monitoring, the monitoring data, including sea wall osmosis pressure survey data series, tidewater series and rain records, and their relationships were analyzed. Then, the frame of the cause and effect monitoring model was presented. The former tidewater factor of osmosis pressure was preselected by statistical distance analysis. A new rain effect factor that can reflect the rainfall amount and its duration was presented. These factors together with time effect factors were used to establish the osmosis pressure monitoring model with practical observed data.The results show that this kind model can be good at fitting and forecasting.
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    General Industrial Technology
    Evolutionary Structural Frequency Optimization Using Second Order Sensitivity
    SONG Jie1,GUO Feng-lin1,GU Tao2
    2008, 42 (11):  1935-1938. 
    Abstract ( 3694 )   Save
    The balance between computational efficiency and accuracy is hard to reach when standard evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) method is used for frequency optimization. This paper proposed the concept of second order sensitivity as well as the equation for its value. Then it was used in a new algorithm for frequency optimization, which is extended from the standard ESO procedure. Finally, a numerical example was given to demonstrate its performance. The results show that the algorithm is very suitable for structural frequency optimization, especially for the first stage of the twostage optimization process, and that it can keep balance, at some level, between efficiency and accuracy.
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