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    28 April 2015, Volume 49 Issue 04 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Impact of Subsequent Strokes on Lightning Shielding Failure Outage Rate of Transmission Lines
    JIANG Anfeng1,LI Ruihai2,NIU Ping3,WANG Guoli2,HUANG Bai1,FU Zhengcai1
    2015, 49 (04):  411-417. 
    Abstract ( 741 )   Save

    Abstract: The lightning shielding failure withstand current and outage rate (SFOR) of typical single circuit type 110

    kV, 220 kV, 500 kV and 1 000 kV transmission lines caused by the first stroke, subsequent stroke through the same and
    different return stroke channels with first stroke was analyzed based on EMTP and improved electrogeometric model
    (EGM). The effect of peak current distribution and waveform, tower height and shielding angle were analyzed. The results
    show that the peak current distribution of the first and subsequent stroke has a significant impact on the SFOR while the
    current front time of the first and subsequent stroke has little effect. The subsequent stroke of  different return
    stroke channel has a significant impact on the transmission line with a voltage class of less than 500 kV but has little
    influence on the UHV transmission line. The effects of subsequent stroke of the 500 kV transmission line is worth
    considering. In the condition of none SFOR owing to the first stroke and the subsequent stroke of different return stroke
    channel, the SFOR may still occur due to the same subsequent stroke of the return stroke channel.
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    Performance Study of a MCFC/MGT Hybrid System Based on a Commercially Available Gas Turbine
    LIU Aiguo1,WENG Yiwu2,ZENG Wen1,CHEN Baodong1
    2015, 49 (04):  418-423. 
    Abstract ( 776 )   Save

    Abstract: This paper addressed the design, offdesign and startup analysis of a hybrid system based on the coupling of a microgas turbine and pressured molten carbonate fuel cell. The design of hybrid system was based on a commercially available microgas turbine for the commercialization. The partload performances were compared considering different control methods. The system startup method was proposed and the possible problems and system performances for the startup process were studied. The results show that the performance is poorer for the system designed based on MGT than MCFC. The system performances can be improved by keeping the operating temperature as high as possible for the part load operation. This system is not suitable for frequent startup considering the characteristics of MCFC.

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    Technologies for Positioning of Magnetic Source Based on Gradient of Magnetic Energy Density
    ZHANG Shu,LIU Daming,LIU Shengdao,ZHANG Hua,TIAN Dong
    2015, 49 (04):  424-428. 
    Abstract ( 778 )   Save

    Abstract: The accuracy of the traditional positioning method is influenced by the differences between the mathematical models, dipole model or ellipsoid model of the magnetic source and the actual magnetic source. The conclusion that the gradient of magnetic energy density points consistently at the magnetic source is extended. The positioning of the ferromagnetic targets in geomagnetic field is achieved. Experimental results show that the positional accuracy can reach 95% no matter the magnetic field is far or near.

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    Active Damping Control of Single-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter Based on Filter
    ZHANG Ningyun,TANG Houjun,YAO Chen
    2015, 49 (04):  429-435. 
    Abstract ( 963 )   Save

    Abstract: Based on the mathematical model of the single-phase grid-connected inverter with LCL filter in discrete domain, the stability of the whole system was deeply investigated, considering the relationship between the sampling frequency and the resonant frequency of the LCL filter. The reason for the instability of the sampling frequency which is less than, equal to, and higher than the critical frequency, is discussed. The methods to reform the characteristics of the system were proposed. Two different digital filters were introduced to construct composite controller with the proportional resonant(PR) controller, and the system characteristics from the amplitude and phase was reformed respectively, making the whole system stable under low, medium and high sampling frequency with the composite controller. The validity of the analysis was assessed by both the numerical simulation and experimental results.

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    Numerical and Experimental Study on a Thermal Model of Flexible Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Photovoltaic Panels
    HU Jianhui1a,CHEN Wujun1a,ZHAO Bing1a,HU Pengyu1a,GE Binbin1b,SONG Hao2
    2015, 49 (04):  436-441. 
    Abstract ( 793 )   Save

    Abstract: In order to investigate the temperature of amorphous silicon photovoltaic panel (a-Si PV) under sunny and cloudy conditions, a thermal model was developed based on the total energy balance on the control volume. In the differential equation, the corresponding short wave radiation, long wave radiation, convection and generated power were determined, respectively. And then, this equation was solved by a newly-developed program. Besides, an experimental mockup was designed to get the experimental data for the verification of the numerical results. The measured results show that the effect of solar irradiance on temperature is much more significant than that of the installation angles and ambient temperature, and that the maximum temperature variation under sunny condition is greater than that under cloudy condition. The comparative analysis shows that this model could correctly predict the temperature of the a-Si PV under sunny and cloudy conditions. The maximum difference is 3.9 °C. The acceptable reasons are the solar irradiance with strong fluctuation under cloudy condition and the PV thermal response time effects caused by the thermal mass of the PV materials. In summary, this model could consider most of the variables influencing the temperature of the PV and get the precise temperature variation of the a-Si PV under sunny and cloudy conditions.

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    Communication and Transportation
    Control Strategy Optimization for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Multi-Chaotic Operators Genetic Algorithm
    LIANG Junyi,ZHANG Jianlong,MA Xuerui,YIN Chengliang
    2015, 49 (04):  442-449. 
    Abstract ( 855 )   Save

    Abstract: This paper presented a fuzzy logic control strategy for a parallel HEV equipped with battery/ultra capacitor based hybrid energy storage system. By combining the population evolution feature of genetic algorithm and the randomicity and ergodicity of chaos sequence, the chaotic initialization, disturbance and local search operators were introduced into non-donminated sorting genetic algorithm-II(NSGA-II) to construct a novel multichaotic operators NSGA-II (MCO-NSGA-II). MCO-NSGA-II was adopted to optimize the fuzzy control strategy for improving the fuel economy and emission performance of the target HEV. The results demonstrate that chaotic initialization, disturbance operators can improve the searching ability of NSGA-II and increase the diversity of the solutions. The chaotic local search operator can further improve the local searching ability to obtain better pareto solutions. By adopting MCO-NSGA-II, the fuel consumption of HEV under ECE driving cycle is reduced by 11.8% while the HC, CO and NOx emissions of HEV are decreased by 7.72%, 15.72% and 11.77%.

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    Regional Transportation Investment Structure Optimization Under Economic Distribution Pattern
    YU Haisong,PU Yun,LIU Haixu,WANG Zhouquan
    2015, 49 (04):  450-456. 
    Abstract ( 752 )   Save

    Abstract: To make effective decisions on regional transportation investment structure, considering self-regional and inter-regional induced economic growth that transportation infrastructure generated, a regional transport infrastructure investment structure optimization model was built, by defining maximum economic benefits of regional investment as objective function, coordination evolution of economic distribution pattern as constraints. The model combined CobbDouglas production function, Gravitation field theory and Zipf law, using heuristic algorithm to simulate Chengdu statistics. The results indicate that the model is valid for analyzing the influence of regional transportation investment structure on economic efficiency and distribution pattern. It is proposed that the key to the regional transportation investment structure optimization is the intervention intensity of the government on economic distribution pattern. The conclusion can provide strategic reference for decision making on regional transportation investment structure.

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    Numerical Study on Scale Effect of Axial Wake of Twin Screw Ship
    WANG Zhanzhi,XIONG Ying,HUANG Zheng,WANG Rui
    2015, 49 (04):  457-463. 
    Abstract ( 947 )   Save

    Abstract: DTMB5415 was studied without considering free surface effect, the viscous flow fields of ship at different scales including full scale were solved numerically in RANS method and SST kω turbulence model, and the scale effect of axial wake was analyzed in detail. It shows that the reciprocal of mean axial wake fraction of propeller disc exhibits a near linear dependence on Reynolds number in logarithmic scale. For the twin screw warship with transverse stern, only one wake peak exits. The amplitude of axial wake peak decreases with the increase of Reynolds number and the corresponding phase angle shifts at the same time. In the inner area of propeller disk, the amplitude of axial wake peak remains constant when the Reynolds number reaches a critical value. However, in the outer area, the amplitude of axial wake peak becomes smaller when the Reynolds number increases, and reveals nearly a cubic polynomial function dependence on the Reynolds number in the logarithmic scales. The reciprocal of mean axial wake at each radius reveals a nearly linear dependence on the Reynolds number in the logarithmic scales.

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    Threshold Zone Light Environment of Tunnel Based on Driving Visual Demand
    HU Jiangbi,MA Wenqian
    2015, 49 (04):  464-469. 
    Abstract ( 889 )   Save

    Abstract: In order to achieve safe and comfortable threshold zone light environment of tunnels, from the point of the driver’s visual function and requirement, a threshold zone light environment evaluation method was proprosed based on the driving safety of visual cognition. Taking the color temperature of 5 700 K, and the color rendering index of 70 threshold zone light environment as the research object, car drivers were chosen for visual cognition testing with different running speed, to get the drivers’ dynamic visual characteristics. The visual cognition distance was selected as the evaluation index of tunnel threshold zone safety visual cognition. The Matlab mathematical statistics software was applied to establish the logistic regression model of visual cognition distance and luminance reduction coefficient. Different design speed luminance reduction coefficients which could meet the demand of driving visual cognition, and slightly higher than the current specification values were obtained. The research method and conclusions is this paper can provide technical reference for actual tunnel environment setting, monitoring and operation management.

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    Numerical Calculation of Hydrodynamic Forces on a KVLCC2 Hull-Rudder System in Oblique Motion
    FENG Songbo a,ZOU Zaojiana,b,ZOU Lu a
    2015, 49 (04):  470-474. 
    Abstract ( 1342 )   Save

    Abstract: By solving the RANS equations in conjunction with a RNG k-ε turbulence model, numerical simulation of the viscous flow around a KVLCC2 model appended with a rudder moving at different drift angles was conducted. The grid convergence study was performed using three sets of grid, and the computed and measured results were compared to show the reliability of the numerical method. Besides, the lateral force and yaw moment acting on the hull-rudder system moving at different drift angle, with and without rudder angle were calculated, and the numerical results were analyzed.

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    Melnikov Method in Chaos Analysis of Asymmetric Dynamic System
    LIU Yachong1,HU Ankang1,2,HAN Fenglei1,WANG Chunhui1,LUYu1
    2015, 49 (04):  475-480. 
    Abstract ( 1016 )   Save

    Abstract: Based on HelmholtzDuffing oscillator which is an asymmetric doublepotentialwell dynamical system,  the potential function and phase plane of degenerated Hamilton system at different asymmetric parameters of σ were  analyzed. Then according to the Melnikov theory, the threshold values of the left and right homoclinic orbits of the nonautonomous system excited by the harmonic force were deduced. By virtue of numerical simulation, the safe basin was obtained and the erosion phenomenon of safe basin along with the variation of excitation amplitude was observed, which verified the correctness of the analytical results. The research shows that when σ is between 0 and 1, the left half of the system is mainly affected, and the condition is on the contrary when σ is larger than 1. For the same asymmetric parameter σ, there exists a critical frequency at which the threshold value of both left and right half of system are equal.

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    Path Tracking for Different Wheelbase Vehicles
    ZHAO Youqun1,WANG Jian1,ZANG Liguo1,LI Bo1,WU Yue2
    2015, 49 (04):  481-486. 
    Abstract ( 952 )   Save

    Abstract: In order to improve the path tracking robustness for different wheelbase vehicles, this paper proposed a path tracking algorithm for parallel parking based on sliding mode active disturbance rejection control (SMADRC). The linear sliding mode control was used in the algorithm to design the error feedback in ADRC law, which improved the structure of ADRC. The algorithm can be applied to different wheelbase vehicles. The linear active disturbance rejection controller can observe and estimate the external disturbance and uncertainty caused by different wheelbase vehicles. With the assumption of operating conditions such as a low speed and small slip angle, a nonlinear kinematic model with kinematic constraints was used for the design of the controller. Simulation results show that the path tracking algorithm based on sliding mode active disturbance rejection control can observe and compensate the uncertainty, which can guarantee different wheelbase vehicles to track the ideal parking trajectory very well.

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    Power Battery Thermal Faults Diagnostic System Based on Thermal Model
    LIU Peng1,ZHU Jianxin1,CHU Aihua2,ZHOU Xingye2
    2015, 49 (04):  487-493. 
    Abstract ( 857 )   Save

    Abstract: To improve the performance of battery thermal management system, a battery thermal model was built based on the analysis of battery structure and the thermal conductive theory. With the help of this model, the internal and surface temperatures of the battery were predicted online. By comparison of predicted and measured temperatures, the thermal faults were diagnosed. The battery management system transmits diagnostic information to the whole car control unit to make the car react in time. The experimental results indicate that this system is able to detect the thermal faults such as fan failure and battery overcharging in time and exactly, which effectively avoids battery overheat under high temperature conditions.

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    Rational Criterion Approach for Ship Cabin Acoustic Layout  Optimization Design Under Area Constraints
    YANG Deqing,FENG Aijing,GAO Chu
    2015, 49 (04):  494-498. 
    Abstract ( 808 )   Save

    Abstract: Ship cabins’ acoustic layout optimization design considering standard and nonstandard area constraints were investigated based on the general cabins acoustics layout optimization model method, in which mathematical formulations with quantity design variables were presented. The rational criterion approach was proposed to solve the presented acoustic layout optimization model. For the optimization model with standard cabin area constraints, the modified assignment matrix with weighted coefficients were defined, and the Hungarian algorithm was applied to solve the optimization problem. For the optimization model with nonstandard cabin area constraints which denote the numbers of available spaces are less than the numbers of cabins to be allocated, the criterion method based on the rearrangement inequality was applied to solve the problem. Design examples of layouts optimization with area constraints demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed general model and rational methods.

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    Multi-Stage Hybrid Flow Shop Model for Quay Crane Dual Cycling in Container Terminals
    ZENG Qingcheng,CHEN Zigen,HUANG Ling
    2015, 49 (04):  499-505. 
    Abstract ( 871 )   Save

    Abstract: Quay crane dual cycling is the most efficient and complicated operation method in container terminals. The complexity is embodied in the interrelation of multistage, the synchronous scheduling of loading and unloading operations. In this paper, the quay crane dual cycling was treated as a hybrid flow shop problem, and a scheduling optimization model was developed considering the characteristics of no waiting, block and batch processing. The lower bound of the model was formulated and algorithms based on the Tabu search and heuristics dispatching rule were designed. Besides, empirical experiments were conducted to illustrate the validity of the proposed model and algorithms. The results indicate that the proposed model helps to realize the synchronous scheduling of different stages, loading and unloading operations, and the proposed algorithms can ensure the scientific and validity of the schedule.

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    Optimization Method for Vehicle Concept Design Based on Cooperative Game Theory
    QIU Xuefeng1,ZHOU Jiangqi2,JIN Sun1,LIAN Chaochun2,CHU Guoping1
    2015, 49 (04):  506-512. 
    Abstract ( 830 )   Save

    Abstract: Based on the QFD method and cooperative game theory, a new vehicle conceptual optimization design method for cost and customer satisfaction was proposed. First, the requirements of customers gained via market investigation were converted into technical requirements by QFD analysis, and a customer satisfaction index model was built. Second, by identifying the players and the payoff functions and grouping the players’ strategies, the multiobjectiveoptimization problem of the new product design was converted into the cooperative game theory model. Subsequently, the Shapley value method of coalitional gaming was used to calculate the optimized solution. Finally, the result obtained with the Shapley value method and that with the traditional methods were compared, and the effectiveness of the proposed method was verified.

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    Intelligent Layout Optimization Design of Ship Pipe
    WANG Yunlong1,WANG CHEN1,2,HANYang1,LIN Yan1
    2015, 49 (04):  513-518. 
    Abstract ( 104 )   Save

    Abstract: Aimed at the pipe layout environment which is complex and changeable, the pipe layout space model which includes cabin model, obstruction model, pipe model and layout area model was proposed. Based on the characteristics of ship pipe layout, the pipe intelligent layout direction guidance mechanism was established and the direction parameter was proposed. Based on this space model and direction guidance mechanism, the improved genetic algorithm was used to solve the pipe layout problem. The simulation tests show that this approach is feasible and valid.

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    Pricing Problem of Social Network Platforms with Co-Existence of Positive and Negative Network Effects
    WU Chunxu,HUANG Yiluo,XU Chuanyong
    2015, 49 (04):  519-523. 
    Abstract ( 126 )   Save

    Abstract: This paper studied the pricing problem of social network platforms with the co-existence of positive network effects of resources and negative network effects of advertisements. A duopoly competition model was built and the Nash equilibrium of the game was obtained. In equilibrium, the variation of quantities of resources, advertisements, and platform profits were then analyzed. It is found out that the ratio of resources to advertisement has an important impact on platforms. The platforms offer network users services free of charge, whereas the actual costs are shifted onto advertisers through advertising fees. As the ratio of resources to advertisement increases, the variation of quantities of resources and advertisement are not monotonous, instead there exists a turning point. In order to maximize platform profits, the optimal ratio of resources to advertisement lies at the boundary of feasible region. The results of this paper help to reveal how platforms balance resources and advertisements.

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    Integrating Production Scheduling and Preventive Maintenance for a Single Machine with Due Window
    DING Peiwen,JIANG Zuhua,HU Jiawen,HAN Lijie
    2015, 49 (04):  524-530. 
    Abstract ( 87 )   Save

    Abstract: In order to explore the effects of machine failures on JIT delivery in pull environment, a combination model was proposed to jointly determine PM planning and production scheduling of a single machine. A new earliness/tardiness penalty membership function was proposed, and two kinds of PM—simple repair and replacement were considered. The earliness/tardiness penalty cost with due window and maintenance cost were included in the objective function. A new algorithm named GALSA based on GA was proposed to optimize the model. The proprosed model was compared with the enumeration algorithm and genetic algorithm to show its effectiveness. Computational experiments show the performance of this integrated model is satisfactory, compared with the conventional independent decision model and integrted model with single PM mode.

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    A Mechanism of Supply Chain Coordination and Risk Sharing Through Lead-Time Flexibility
    ZHANG Yibin1,LONG Jing2,CHEN Junfang2
    2015, 49 (04):  531-536. 
    Abstract ( 119 )   Save

    Abstract: In the environment of contract manufacturing, demand uncertainty often leads to variation of delivery lead-time and impacts on upstream and downstream decision-making in innovative products supply chain and generates incentive conflicts. A supply chain coordination model provides a Stackelberg game process, which is established by a real option of lead-time flexibility between suppliers and buyers. It makes suppliers and buyers to determine their right policies on the reasonable variable magnitude of delivery lead-time, flexible cost-sharing ratio and optimal order policy. It is found out that this two-way operation of risk sharing mechanisms may make supply chain channel for innovative products to achieve Pareto optimization, thus coordinates the whole supply chain and improves supply chain performance.

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    Modelling and Analysis of Bullwhip Effect with Customers’ Behaviours and Production Capacity Constraint
    LIN Wenjin1a,JIANG Zhibin1a,LI Guowei1b,SUN Dongji2
    2015, 49 (04):  537-542. 
    Abstract ( 76 )   Save

    Abstract: A system dynamics model was established hereto and validated by comparing simulation results with practical data from a tool manufacturer in Shanghai. Then the sequent oscillation characteristics of stochastic demand information were analyzed. For sensitive customer, adjustment of production capacity amplifies the bullwhip effect. For insensitive customer, adjustment of production capacity decreases the inventory level with stable market segment share. Based on these principles, it is concluded that suitable production strategy should be performed in accordance with different customers’ behaviors. It is necessary to promote customer service in the long run without adjusting the production capacity instantly. A ballance should be stricken between decreasing the inventory cost and dampening the bullwhip effect.

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    A Study of Auction Pricing of Property by Maximizing the Value of Wealth
    YANG Zhongzhi
    2015, 49 (04):  543-549. 
    Abstract ( 83 )   Save

    Abstract:  English auction and Dutch auction of the property were obtained based on the zerosum equation of weighted marginal utility to solve equilibrium price of the property deduced by a pricing model of negotiating transaction of the property right which can maximize wealth value, and by considering the differences between preference and utility function and the differences between the bidding reservation prices and the expected value to the object among different bidders where the preference and utility function of the auctioneer are given and the winning prices in competitive bidding. By comparing the winning price which is the highest equilibrium price in the sense of Pareto optimality, the loss of wealth and inefficiency in two situations were analyzed, one taking the highest value accepted by the bidder as the winning price, the other taking the reservation price of the auctioneer as the winning price. Finally, an economic explanation for the fair transaction maximization of the value of the property right was given.

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    Optimal Ordering and Transfer Policy for Deteriorating Products with Stock Dependent Demand
    LI Jiayina,DONG Mingb,ZHANG Dalia
    2015, 49 (04):  550-557. 
    Abstract ( 71 )   Save

    Abstract: Based on the general inventory models with demand depending on the stock level of products, this paper develops a model to determine the retailer’s optimal ordering and replenishing policy for deteriorating products, considering the limitation of the display shelf and the difference of deteriorating rates between the warehouses and the display shelves. In addition, it deducts the optimal ordering and replenishing policy for nonperishable products. Moreover, it presents numerical examples to illustrate the models developed and reported the sensitivity analysis.

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    Inventory Management Policy for Supply Chain Systems with Remanufacturing
    ZHU Fenga,DONG Mingb,ZHANG Dalia
    2015, 49 (04):  558-563. 
    Abstract ( 114 )   Save

    Abstract: The inventory policy for supply chain systems with remanufacturing was discussed. The existence of (s,S) type optimal inventory policy was proved. Under leadtime scenarios, the theoretical optimal policy is infeasible as a consequence of the lacking of the returning information of products. Data mining within the user phase was executed to solve this problem. Specification of user phase information that served to implementing optimal policy was articulated. Simulation experiments were conducted to verify the optimality of (s,S) type policy and the contribution of user phase information sharing to inventory cost reduction.
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    An Integrated Model of Production Planning and Preventive Maintenance for Parallel Systems
    ZHANG Bowen1,LU Zhiqiang1,ZHANG Yuejun2
    2015, 49 (04):  564-571. 
    Abstract ( 137 )   Save

    Abstract: A joint model was proposed to integrate preventive maintenance (PM) into the capacitated lotsizing problem (CLSP) of parallel systems  to minimize the total cost of production and maintenance. Both runbased PM policy and group replacement police were adopted during the modeling, which helped to accurately reflect the relationship between production planning and maintenance activities in actual production process. A heuristic algorithm was constructed, which combined the inserting and moving of maintenance activities with the smoothing of capacitated lot sizing. Numerical examples indicated that this model could effectively avoid excessive maintenance, reduce fixed maintenance cost, thereby reducing the comprehensive cost of production and maintenance. The result of the algorithm is close to the solution of CPLEX and has an advantage on scale and speed.
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    Experimental Study on Process of Cohesive Particle Defluidization
    YANG Rundong,FAN Haojie,CHEN Bo,MEI Dengfei,YANG Junbo
    2015, 49 (04):  572-576. 
    Abstract ( 109 )   Save

    Abstract: The low-fusion-temperature polyethylene particles were used to simulate the process of high-temperature defluidization in a two-dimensional semithermal circulating fluidized bed. The process of defluidization can be divided into five stages, including fusion, layering, nucleation, agglomeration and shutdown. The time-domain analysis shows that pressure changes can reflect the approximate time of the occurrence of defluidization and the changes of standard deviation preceding the changes of average value. The frequencydomain analysis shows that the changes of dominant frequency in spectrogram are more obvious than that of average value, which makes it possible to prevent defluidization. By comparing the spectrogram of different measuring points, the earliest position of the defluidization can be obtained.

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