Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University ›› 2015, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (04): 499-505.

• Communication and Transportation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Multi-Stage Hybrid Flow Shop Model for Quay Crane Dual Cycling in Container Terminals

ZENG Qingcheng,CHEN Zigen,HUANG Ling   

  1. (School of Transport Management, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, China)
  • Received:2014-10-27 Online:2015-04-28 Published:2015-04-28


Abstract: Quay crane dual cycling is the most efficient and complicated operation method in container terminals. The complexity is embodied in the interrelation of multistage, the synchronous scheduling of loading and unloading operations. In this paper, the quay crane dual cycling was treated as a hybrid flow shop problem, and a scheduling optimization model was developed considering the characteristics of no waiting, block and batch processing. The lower bound of the model was formulated and algorithms based on the Tabu search and heuristics dispatching rule were designed. Besides, empirical experiments were conducted to illustrate the validity of the proposed model and algorithms. The results indicate that the proposed model helps to realize the synchronous scheduling of different stages, loading and unloading operations, and the proposed algorithms can ensure the scientific and validity of the schedule.

Key words:  container terminals, quay crane dual cycling, hybrid flow shop problem, scheduling model