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    28 June 2013, Volume 47 Issue 06 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Numerical Analysis of Pumping-recovery Tests Performed on a Transverse Isotropic Circular Excavation
    HUANG Kai-yong, ZHOU Xiang-lian, WANG Jian-hua
    2013, 47 (06):  851-855.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2013.06.001
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    A consolidation model for saturated-unsaturated soil was formulated in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates to simulate the hydraulic head changes and land deformations of circular excavations caused by well pumping. The transverse isotropic properties with respect to both hydraulic and mechanical properties were considered, so were the effects of underground structures. Based on this model, two groups of pumping-recovery tests performed on a circular excavation were simulated to study the effects of transverse isotropy related to Young's modulus and initial saturated hydraulic conductivity on hydraulic heads and soil displacements. The result shows that as Young's modulus increases, hydraulic head changes get easier and soil displacements get smaller. As initial saturated hydraulic conductivity increases, both hydraulic head changes and soil displacements get smaller.

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    Architechural Science
    Numerical Simulation  and Wind-resistant Optimization of Wind Pressure on Concave-roofed Low-rise Building with Eaves
    LI Junlong,ZHOU Dai,CHEN Yiran,JI Qing,MA Jun
    2013, 47 (06):  856-861. 
    Abstract ( 932 )   Save
    Based on Fluent and Re- normalization group(RNG) k-ε model, the wind pressure distribution around concave low-rise buildings with eaves in southeastern coastal areas of China was numerically investigated. The influence of roof pitch, wind direction and cornice forms on the mean wind pressure over the roof and the wind around the building were mainly analyzed. The results show that the wind pressure over the roof is closely related to the parameters above. The wind pressure over the windward roof decreases while that over the leeward roof increases with the increase of roof pitch. Furthermore, the cornices can greatly change the average wind pressure coefficients of the subdomains on roof, making it possible to optimize wind-resistant by using eaves on roofs.


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    Analysis of Wind-induced Vibration Effects of a Funnel-shaped Open Membrane Structure
    ZHOU Dai,QIAN Kun,MA Jun,HAN Zhaolong,HONG Ronghua,JI Qing
    2013, 47 (06):  862-866. 
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    By using the harmony superposition method (HSM), the wind velocity time history was simulated and converted to wind load time series. Applying the wind load time series to funnel-shaped open membrane structure(FOMS), the structural wind-induced vibration response and the wind-induced dynamic magnification factor were numerically investigated. The results revealed that the wind-induced nodal displacement, the velocity and acceleration responses of FOMS were stable, and the statistics for the wind-induced nodal displacement time history followed the Gaussian distribution. Furthermore, the windinduced dynamic magnification factor related to different parts of the structure varied significantly and the windinduced dynamic magnification factor on the windward part of structural system was greater than that on the leeward part.
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    Micro Disturbance Mechanism of Concrete Pipe-jacking with Slurry Pressure Control
    CONG Mao-qiang, CHEN Jin-jian, WANG Jian-hua
    2013, 47 (06):  867-871.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2013.06.004
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    A finite element model for theoretical analysis was established to study the effect of slurry pressure on soil deformation control during pipe-jacking construction. Based on the comparison of measured data and finite element results, the influences of pore pressure and soil deformation during the construction process were discussed. The soil disturbance around pipe-jacking with different slurry pressures was analyzed, based on which the concept of pore pressure change rate was proposed. Taking the results of soil deformation and disturbance analysis into consideration, it is suggested that in practical engineering, the slurry pressure should be 1.1 times the overlying earth pressure, which has less impacts on the surrounding environment. This conclusion can provide reference for future similar pipe-jacking constructions.

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    Architechural Science
    Elastic Redundancy of Pin-jointed Bar Structures and Its Characteristics Analysis
    ZHU Hongfei1,2,CHEN Wujun1,DONG Shilin1
    2013, 47 (06):  872-877. 
    Abstract ( 256 )   Save
    The elastic redundancy is defined first, which is different from the conventional geometrical redundancy. Because the elastic redundancy of the pinjointed bar structures is dependent not only on the elastic stiffness but also on the geometry topology. The governing equations of equilibrium equation, physical equation and geometric equation are formulated from differential of the potential energy equation. After linearizing the geometry equation, and substituting it into the other two equations, the elastic redundancy formula is yielded. The presented algorithm is implemented with matlab. The benchmark examples unveil the characteristics of the elastic redundancy of the pin-jointed bar structures.
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    Communication and Transportation
    A Reshaping Method for Anticavitating Hydrofoil Design
    WU Wei1,2,XIONG Ying1
    2013, 47 (06):  878-883. 
    Abstract ( 396 )   Save

    In order to improve the anti-cavitating performance of the hydrofoil, the suction side of the two-dimensional foil was transformed. By integrating the technology of the geometric parameterization with the panel method and the optimization algorithm, the hydrofoil was reconstructed with anti-cavitating consideration. The modification was achieved by setting up a vaulting barrier on the suction side of the section and using cubic B-spline to parameterizedly express the shape. The basis data for the genetic algorithm objective function which was founded for the NACA0010 airfoil optimization, were accessed by the panel method program in forecasting the foil performance under a certain condition. The instantaneous simulation of the prototype and the modified foil flow with cavitating were conducted by using RANS method and RNG k-ε turbulence model. The differences between the contours of gas volume fraction, which reflects the degree of foil in cavitating, were acquired. The result confirmed the intended purpose of the modification. This hydrofoil design method provided reference for the three-dimensional hydrofoil design.

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    FOA-Based SVM Parameter Optimization and Its Application in Ship Manoeuvring Prediction
    WANG Xueganga,ZOU Zaojiana,b
    2013, 47 (06):  884-888. 
    Abstract ( 322 )   Save
    The fruit fly optimization algorithm (FOA) was applied to optimize the parameters of ε-support vector machine (εSVM). By using the ε-SVM, a black-box model for predicting the ship manoeuvring motion was established and applied to predict the zig-zag tests. The validity of the proposed algorithm was verified by comparing the predicted results with the simulation data. It is shown that the proposed algorithm is simple, convenient and effective.
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    Architechural Science
    Pressure Loss of Explosion-Proof Valve with Flame Arrester for Ship’s Diesel Engine
    JIANG Lanfanga,LIU Hongb,LU Congdab,MU Jiegangb,GUO Chaob
    2013, 47 (06):  889-893. 
    Abstract ( 330 )   Save
    A method of pressure loss analysis for explosion-proof valve with flame arrester sheets was presented. The structure and operational principle of the explosion-proof valve was analyzed and its numerical analytical model was established. The effect of different inlet temperature and inlet pressure on the pressure distribution inside the valve was analyzed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology. The result showed that the influence of inlet temperature on pressure distribution was small while that on pressure distribution was significant. The fitting function for the pressure on the surface of  each section of the basic element under different inlet pressures was done. Besides the function relationship for the pressure on the surface of each section and inlet pressure and the amount of the section was obtained. This function relationship could efficiently reflect the pressure loss and calculate the pressure of the surface  of each section of the basic element, which is of importance to the design of explosion-proof valve with flame arrester
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    Communication and Transportation
    Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Group Decision-making for Ship Passage Arrangement
    WANG Wenquan,HUANG Sheng,WANG Chao,HU Yulong,HOU Yuanhang
    2013, 47 (06):  894-899. 
    Abstract ( 314 )   Save
    The arrangement scheme of ship passage was selected using intuitionistic fuzzy multiple attribute group decision-making method based on artificial bee colony algorithm. The influencing factors of ship passage arrangement were analyzed and the evaluation indexes system of passage arrangement was proposed. The optimization model of consistency adjustment was established adapting to the intuitionistic fuzzy judgment matrix, the artificial bee colony algorithm was introduced to solve the mathematic model, and a novel consistency correction method was formed in intuitionistic fuzzy multiple attribute group decision-making. The method did not need to repeat the decision expert consultation to achieve acceptable consistency, which improved the efficiency of decision-making. The reliability and the rationality of decision method were verified by the instance of ship passage arrangement scheme evaluation.
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    EEDI of Self-elevating Drilling Units
    WANG Yunlong,SHEN Tao,WANG Chen,LIN Yan,JI Zhuoshang
    2013, 47 (06):  900-903. 
    Abstract ( 260 )   Save
     The energy efficiency design index(EEDI)-formula of drilling platforms was established and  the EEDIs of the self-elevating drilling units in service or under construction in the world were calculated. The mathematical models of the self-elevating drilling unit reference line value were established using the regression method, providing reference for the energy efficiency assessment of self-elevating drilling units.
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    Model Experiment of Time Distribution of Flare Slamming
    CHEN Zhanyang,REN Huilong,SUN Fangsheng
    2013, 47 (06):  904-908. 
    Abstract ( 183 )   Save
    Slamming ship model experiments of a container ship were conducted in the wave basin. Based on the form of impulse triangle of bottom slamming and experimental data, the time of flare slamming was obtained again, and the time distribution model of flare slamming was established. Besides, the flare slamming pressure of this ship was predicted by Wagner’s theory of impact. The experimental results showed that the theoretical results were in a good agreement with the experimental data and the flare slamming time characteristic was reflected by the method properly.
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    Model of Tramp Ship Scheduling with Variable Speed Based on Set Partition Approach
    TANG Lei1,XIE Xinlian1,WANG Chenwu2
    2013, 47 (06):  909-915. 
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    According to the operation feature of tramp shipping which involves numerous cargos, ships, ports and lanes, a tramp ship scheduling and speed optimization model was proposed to deal with the ship scheduling problem with variable speed, after analysis of the effect of ship speed on fuel cost and time table. In light of the structure of the model, the two phase algorithm based on set partition model was designed. The availability and reasonability of the model and algorithm was tested and proved by some cases. The results show that the operating income increases by 10%~25%, when speed is taken as a decision variable. The model established could comprehensively optimize ship scheduling, cargo selection, contractual cargo transportation organization, and ship speed, which can provide decision-making support for tramp schedule practice.
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    Scheme Generation and Optimal Selection of  Principal Dimensions for Large Naval Ships
    WANG Wenquan,WANG Chao,HUANG Sheng,HOU Yuanhang,HU Yulong
    2013, 47 (06):  916-922. 
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    Scheme generation and optimal selection of principal demensions for large naval ships were studied based on chaotic differntial evlution for multi-objective(CDEMO) and instuitionistic fuzzy multiple attribute group decision making(IFMAGDM). An optimization model was established using objective attribute indexes. The pareto-optimal scheme set was generated using CDEMO. The model of IFMAGDM was introduced for scheme optimal selection. Aimed at the problem of consisency correction, the concept of adjustment of biggest degree was proposed to improve the iterative algorithm, which was efficient and satisfying to the initial preference of experts. The case study indicates that  the method of consisency correction is highly reliable and the proposed mothod for scheme generation and optimal selection is highly practical, which offers a novel, simple and efficient avenue for large naval ship preliminary design.
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    Application of Wave Energy Recovery by Oscillating Wings in Energy-efficient Ship Propulsion
    FENG Peiyuana,MA Ninga,b,GU Xiechonga,b
    2013, 47 (06):  923-927. 
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    Under the background of the EEDI becoming an international convention and the vigorous development of green ship technologies, this paper proposed the concept of connecting a pair of oscillating wings alongside the ship using coil-springs to recover wave energy  through the combined motion of the ship and the wings in waves. The coupled interaction between the wings and the ship under head sea condition was solved in the frequency domain based on potential theory. A sample containership was then adopted to study the performance of the proposed concept and to discuss the influence of oscillating wings on ship’s seakeeping performance. Besides, design parameters such as connection position, spring stiffness and submergence depth were studied. The results show that the connection position and the spring stiffness are key factors to determine the produced thrust, while submergence depth has negligible influence. This study can provide some design guidance for this type of green ship.
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    Optimization of Multipurpose Ship Structures Based on Particle Swarm Approach
    HE Xiaoer,WANG Deyu,XIA Lijuan
    2013, 47 (06):  928-931. 
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    This paper established a finite element model for the cargo areas of the multipurpose ship. It then implemented PSO to optimize complex ship structures using matlab to call the finite element software. This approach obtained relatively better results compared with the results obtained by using the GA algorithm, validating the application of PSO in the optimization of complex ship structures.
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    Numerical Simulation of Steady Hydrodynamic Performance of a Pump-jet Propulsor
    PAN Guang1,HU Bin1,2,WANG Peng1,YANG Zhidong1,WANG Yiyun1
    2013, 47 (06):  932-937. 
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    The numerical model of integrative internal and external flow field of underwater vehicle equipped with a pump-jet propulsor was established. The computational region discretization was conducted  by using high quality multiblock structure grid. The steady hydrodynamic performance was calculated by adopting Reynolds time averaged method, SST k-ω turbulence model and finite volume method. The open water performance curve was given, indicating that the pump-jet propulsor had a high efficiency and ideal balance of performance. Pressure distributions along the meridian of vehicle hull and at various heights of blade were analyzed. The tip vortex of the rotor was displayed and explained. The velocity components were discussed in the location before the rotor, in the middle of the gap and behind the stator. The comparison with the results of the full stage model showed that the single stage model was applicable and feasible for the research.
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    CFD Study of Hub Gap Effect on Podded Propulsor Performance
    DONG Xiaoqian,YANG Chenjun
    2013, 47 (06):  932-937. 
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    A CFD study of the hub gap effect on podded propulsor performance was presented. The sliding mesh model was employed to simulate the unsteady interaction between propeller blades and the pod housing. To investigate the effect of hub gap width on the hydrodynamic forces acting upon various parts of the propulsor, several cases with different gap widths were calculated. The numerical results indicate that the hub gap has little influence on the hydrodynamic forces of the propulsor unit and propeller blades; the pressure on the downstream face of the hub acts as a thrust, of which the magnitude is appoximately 2%~3% of the blade thrust; and when the distance between the downstream face of the hub and the propeller trailing edge is kept constant, the hub gap pressure decreases with increasing hub gap width.
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    Numerical Prediction of Self-propulsion with a Body-force Propeller Model
    WU Zhaohuaa,CHEN Zuogangb,DAI Yia
    2013, 47 (06):  943-949. 
    Abstract ( 402 )   Save
    In order to predict the self-propulsion quickly, based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method, this paper performed numerical simulation of selfpropulsion for MOERI container ship(KCS) at ship point without rudder and at model point with rudder, in which the propeller was simulated by using a simplified prescribed body-force propeller model to give a model that determined propeller-hull interaction. The method to obtain self-propulsion factors was based on equality thrust method, open water computation and experimental open water curves. A comparison of calculated and measured data shows a fair agreement, indicating that the prescribed body-force propeller model can accurately and quickly predict the selfpropulsion.
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    Fatigue Reliability Prediction Method for Life Extension Offshore Platform Tubular Joint Based on Stochastic Structures
    LIU Yong,CHEN Luyun,YI Hong
    2013, 47 (06):  950-955. 
    Abstract ( 346 )   Save
    Life extension platform structure has degenerated after suffering prolonged environmental erosion. It is difficult to observe platforms completely due to the limitation of objective conditions, so it is necessary to regard the life extension platform as a stochastic structure in tubular joint fatigue reliability prediction. Taking into consideration the fracture mechanics model, stochastic finite element method and compound random vibration theory, the fatigue life prediction method  for offshore platform tubular joint stochastic structure under stochastic wave load was proposed. The practicality and simplicity of the proposed method was proven by an example. The computational results proved that structural randomness had an effect on tubular joint fatigue life prediction.
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    Hydrodynamics Performance of Podded Propulsion at Declination Angles
    XIONG Ying1,SHENG Li2,YANG Yong1
    2013, 47 (06):  956-961. 
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    The hydrodynamics performance of podded propulsion at declination angles was discussed. A series of experimental investigations for hydrodynamics performance of podded propulsion at declination angles were conducted by pod dynamical instrument and cavitation tunnel. The hydrodynamics performance of podded propulsion at different declination angles were compared and analyzed. Meanwhile, the hydrodynamics performance of podded propulsion at declination angles were predicted using the RANS formula with RNG k-ε turbulence model based on the sliding mesh method. The experimental and the numerical results were compared and analyzed, which indicate that, along with  the augmentation of the declination angle, the warp between the experimental and the numerical results is larger, especially for the thrust of podded propulsion in the flow direction. However, the variational trend is consistent.
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    Emergency Location-routing Problem with Uncertain Demand under Path Risk
    SUN Huali1,ZHOU Zhanjie1,XUE Yaofeng2
    2013, 47 (06):  962-966. 
    Abstract ( 335 )   Save
    The location-routing problem (LRP) is an important logistics problem in emergency management. Considering the risk of the extended traveling time, the risk of road connectivity, the road complexity and the demand uncertainty of relief supplies, a multi-objective optimization model based on the stochastic chance constrained programming was proposed to minimize the total transportation time and the total system cost. Then, an improved genetic algorithm (GA) with penalty function was presented to solve the optimization problem. The results of numerical examples show that the optimization model and the improved GA algorithm proposed in this paper are feasible and effective.
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    Simulation and Experimental Study of Steel Wheel Impact Test Considering Strain Rate Effect
    YIN Ji,ZHU Ping,ZHANG Siliang
    2013, 47 (06):  967-971. 
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    Aimed at the strain rate effect on impact characteristics of steel wheel, the constitutive model of steel wheel material was established by taking material tests on steel wheels in different strain rates. Based on the constitutive model of steel wheel material, a detailed finite element model of steel wheel impact test was established according to GB/T 15704-1995, and impact simulation results were analyzed in comparision with the results of impact physical test to verify the constitutive model and impact simulation model. Finally, a method of high-precision simulation analysis of steel wheel impact characteristics was proposed, hoping to provide reference for design and development of steel wheel.
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    Simulation and Errors Analysis of Vehicle Sideslip Angle Algorithm
    ZHENG Zhuangyi,XIONG Lu,WANG Yang
    2013, 47 (06):  972-978. 
    Abstract ( 281 )   Save
    Vehicle sideslip angel is the most important parameter in vehicle electronic stability control. Its estimation errors directly influence the dynamics control. Aimed at the requirement of the vehicle stability control system of the four-wheel drive electric vehicle, four sideslip angle estimator algorithms, including integration algorithm, simple dynamics estimator algorithm, generalized Romberg algorithm and generalized Kalman filter algorithm, were simulated in this paper. Sensor signal errors and noises were analyzed based on the sensitivity of different algorithms to vehicle parameter errors in two typical test maneuvers. The result shows that the error sensitivity of different algorithms is quite different. In vehicle electronic stability control, integrated use should be made of the algorithms based on both kinematics and dynamics. This paper is of great importance to the practical application of active safety control technology for four-wheel drive electric vehicles.
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    Determination of Rotation Resistance Moment between Bogie and Body
    CAO Xiaoning1,LIU Yumei1,2,SU Jian1,GUO Wencui1,XU Zhen1,LU Haige1
    2013, 47 (06):  979-983. 
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    A novel test bench was proposed in this paper to realize the determination of the rotation resistance moment between bogie and body. Based on the rotation resistance moment determination principle, the yaw angle mathematic model between bogie and body and the time history function of the yaw angle when the vehicle is running in curves were constructed, and the calculation of actuator displacement control instructions was presented by means of space kinematics. Besides, a real vehicle test was conducted  with this test bench. The result shows that there is a slight difference for the rotation resistance moment coefficient between the measured values and calculated values, which verifies the validity of the model proposed in this paper and proves the creditability of the test results using the test bench.
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    Preparation of Self-assembled Au Nanoparticles and Its Properties
    WANG Yachena,b,WANG Xiaohongb,HU Zhiyub
    2013, 47 (06):  984-988. 
    Abstract ( 276 )   Save
    Dodecanethiol(DDT)passivated monodispersed Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been synthesized by using a combination of citrate reduction method and the Brust and schiffrin method(Two step-Two phase method). The DDT-AuNPs can be easily adsorbed onto some substrates (silicon or glass) to form a thin film by using the dip coating method. The chemical composition and surface morphology of modified substrates were investigated by means of SEM. The optical properties were studied using UV-vis spectrum. The result indicated that the AuNPs can form a close-packed arrangement with a number of controlled plasma resonance effect and catalytic activity for CO oxidation at room temperature. It suggests that the film prepared by this method can be used extensively in chemistry biosensing and catalysis area.
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    Numerical Method for Carbon Black Trace Based on  Particle Deposition Theory
    CHEN Dehu,YANG Peizhong,LI Chao
    2013, 47 (06):  989-993. 
    Abstract ( 244 )   Save
    Some traces of carbon black particles will be left on the wall surfaces when smoke flows over in a room fire, which are very useful for fire investigators to judge fire point, fire cause, and fire responsibility. According to the particle deposition theory,  a mathematical model for these traces was built and embedded  in the FDS software. The new FDS software with carbon black trace model can not only quantitatively calculate the mass of soot  left on the wall surfaces but also make these simulation values visible. Then a room fire was simulated to verify the validity of the model. Based on  these simulations, the  developing characteristics of the carbon black trace was analyzed.
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    Gene Expression Data Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Different Brain Areas
    KONG Wei1,MOU Xiaoyang2
    2013, 47 (06):  994-997. 
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    An improved FastICA (Fast Independent Component Analysis) algorithm using Tukey biweight function as its nonlinear function was proposed to analyze significant genes and regulatory network of multibrain areas of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). To avoid the limitation of traditional clustering methods which group genes in only one class and based on the global similarities in their expression profiles, in this study, the improved biclustering method can identify the significant genes and gene regulatory modules of AD efficiently. According to the function of brain area, this method was applied to the AD brain samples of hippocampus (HIP), entorhinal cortex (EC), media temporal gyrus (MTG) and primary visual cortex respectively which was closely related to human learning and memory. The integrated biological analysis demonstrated that the identified inflammation processes in human brain played an important role in AD.

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    Signal Processing Methods for Detecting Impurities in Ampoules
    ZENG Taoa,HUANG Meizhena,LIANG Minglianga,JING Junbob,LIU Tianyuanb,LIN Peihuab
    2013, 47 (06):  998-1002. 
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    In this paper, an opt-electronic method based on light-blocking theory of detecting impurity signals in ampoules was introduced. The signals of impurities contained in ampoules were investigated and analyzed. First of all, Butterworth digital filter, means filter, ideal low-pass filter and wavelet transform filter were used for the signal pre-processing, and the corresponding SNR(signal to noise ratio) were 13.98, 10.80, 9.18 and 14.89 dB, respectively. Experimental results show that the wavelet transform filter is the best choice. In addition, in order to improve the credibility of the test results, the methods of differential and the criterion of variance of section signal were proposed.
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    Extraction of Intake Acoustical Source and Optimization of  Acoustic Performance of Air-cleaner
    HU Xianfeng,HAO Zhiyong,LIU Lianyun,QIAN Xinyi
    2013, 47 (06):  1003-1008. 
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    The intake noise of engine fixed with different acoustical loads was measured and the intake acoustical source was extracted using the fourload least squares method. The calculated and experimental values of the intake noise when fixed with one load were compared. The comparison results show that at most of the frequency range, the simulation values agree well with the experimental ones, indicating that  the acoustical source extracted is reliable. By taking into consideration the intake acoustical source and by culculating the acoustical characteristics of the original air-cleaner using the FEM approach, the order components of intake noise was computed. The frequencies where the noise needed to be lowered were found. Finally, the noise was reduced by adding or better designing noise eliminating elements.
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