Driving Dynamic Characteristics of Multi-Axle Special Vehicles in Shortage of Tires
通讯作者: 刘志浩,副教授;E-mail:zhliu201@163.com.
责任编辑: 孙启艳
收稿日期: 2021-06-29 接受日期: 2021-08-1
基金资助: |
Received: 2021-06-29 Accepted: 2021-08-1
作者简介 About authors
为了探究多轴特种车辆在轮胎损失极限工况下的行驶特性,基于TruckSim车辆动力学软件,建立包括整车参数、动力传动与制动系统、车桥与悬挂系统、转向系统和轮胎系统的五轴特种车辆动力学仿真试验模型,通过对仿真模型进行调整和改进,建立符合实车驱动的特种车辆动力学模型.为重点分析轮胎缺失状态的影响,以轮胎六分力试验为基础,选取TruckSim中性能相似的非线性轮胎模型进行修改,通过进行0~80~0 km/h直线加速制动平顺性仿真试验和双移线操稳性仿真试验,研究不同位置处轮胎缺失状态下的车辆平顺特性和操稳特性.同时,以车辆质心偏移量为标准,分析讨论不同行驶速度下的最大缺失轮胎数量,提出不同行驶速度下缺胎工况的轮胎布置方法以及各桥轮胎对车辆行驶影响的程度级别.研究结果表明:多轴特种车辆具备在缺胎工况下行驶的极限条件,不同位置处轮胎缺失对车辆的最大行驶速度影响不显著;该型车辆各桥轮胎对车辆行驶影响的重要程度依次为一桥、五桥、三桥、二桥和四桥;车辆分别以50、30和20 km/h速度行驶时,最大缺失轮胎数量分别为1、2和3个.研究结论为多轴特种车辆行驶安全性评估提供了理论支撑.
In order to investigate the driving characteristics of multi-axis special vehicle under the limit condition of missing tires, a five-axis special vehicle dynamics simulation test model including vehicle parameters, power transmission and braking system, axle and suspension system, steering system, and tire system was established based on the vehicle dynamics software TruckSim. Focusing on the analysis of the effect of tire deficiency and based on the tire six component test, the simulation test model of tire parameter was modified and the 0—80—0 km/h linear acceleration brake comfort simulation test and double line operating stability simulation test were conducted to study the smooth features and stability characteristics under the condition of tire deficiency at different positions. Based on the deviation of the centroid of the vehicle, the maximum number of missing tires at different driving speeds was analyzed, and the tire layout methods as well as the degree of influence of each axle tire on the vehicle at different driving speeds were proposed. The results show that the multi-axle special vehicle has the limit condition of driving under the condition of tire deficiency, and the tire deficiency at different positions has little effect on the driving speed of the vehicle. The influence of each axle tire on the driving of this type of vehicle is ranked in order of importance, which are the first axle, the fifth axle, the third axle, the second axle, and the fourth axle. When the vehicle travels at 50 km/h, 30 km/h, and 20 km/h, the maximum numbers of missing tires are 1, 2, and 3, respectively. This paper can provide theoretical support for the assessment of driving safety of multi-axle special vehicles.
黄通, 高钦和, 刘志浩, 王冬.
HUANG Tong, GAO Qinhe, LIU Zhihao, WANG Dong.
1 缺胎行驶仿真试验
由于特种车辆的特殊性,在TruckSim中没有五轴特种车辆的模型,但五轴特种车辆与五轴载货卡车具有相同的底盘类型,因此,本文以TruckSim中TS 5A Tractors模型为基础进行某型五轴特种车辆参数建模,其中车辆建模主要包括整车参数、动力传动与制动系统、车桥与悬挂系统、转向系统和轮胎系统,忽略空气动力学的影响.
试验条件选择0~80~0 km/h直线加速制动试验进行平顺性测试;选择双移线试验进行操稳性测试.
1.1 车辆建模
(1) 整车参数建模.
表1 整车基本参数
簧载 质量/kg | 长度/ mm | 宽度/ mm | 高度/ mm | 质心距离坐标原点距离/mm | 转动惯量/(kg·m-2) | |||||
纵向 | 横向 | 垂向 | 绕x轴 | 绕y轴 | 绕z轴 | |||||
43720 | 12900 | 2460 | 2310 | 4470 | 0 | 1080 | 184500 | 511500 | 429500 |
表2 整车参数建模
侧倾惯量/ (kg·m-2) | 俯仰惯量/ (kg·m-2) | 偏转惯量/ (kg·m-2) | 惯性积/(kg·m2) | 回转半径/m | |||||
绕xy平面 | 绕xz平面 | 绕yz平面 | 绕x轴 | 绕y轴 | 绕z轴 | ||||
184500 | 511500 | 429500 | 0 | 2660 | 0 | 2.054 | 3.420 | 3.134 |
(2) 动力传动与制动系统建模.
TruckSim软件中动力传动系统建模主要由发动机、离合器、分动箱和差速器等组成.实车所安装的发动机性能与软件内部的330 kW Diesel (210 0RPM)发动机相似,可修改调用.与普通车辆后桥驱动不同,该型特种车辆采用前四桥驱动方式,在TruckSim中没有可直接调用的10×8前桥驱动方式,本文选择10×10全驱传动模型,通过对四桥和五桥分动箱传输比进行修改,将四桥和五桥分动箱传输比定义为1∶0,建立了符合实车驱动模型的动力传动模型如图1所示,分动箱和差速器等参数按照实车性能参数进行设置.制动系统按照实车要求均选择强度较大的10 kN·m具有防抱死制动系统(ABS)模块的气压制动系统.
(3) 车桥与悬挂系统建模.
根据实车配置情况,各桥悬挂具体参数如表3所示,并在TruckSim中选择10 t的具有弹性阻尼特性(K&C)的独立悬架模型进行修改调用.
表3 各桥悬挂参数
各桥非 簧载质 量/kg | 车桥横摆 转动惯量/ (kg·m-2) | 轮距/ mm | 各桥 质心 高/mm | 各桥质 心横向 坐标/mm | 各桥车 轮前束 角/(°) | 各桥车轮 外倾角/ (°) | 1-2轴 距/m | 2-3轴 距/m | 3-4轴 距/m | 4-5轴 距/m | 悬挂刚度/ (N·mm-1) | 悬挂阻尼/ (kN·s·m-1) |
870 | 295 | 182 0 | 580 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.9 | 4.2 | 1.8 | 1.8 | 600 | 50 |
(4) 转向系统建模.
该型车辆采用前两桥和后两桥转向的方式,选择中轴距转向轴模型调用修改对应的转向轮定位参数, 名义传动比为25∶1.转向系统的弹性运动特性采用系统的默认设置.
(5) 轮胎系统建模.
1.2 直线加速制动仿真试验
表4 车辆行驶速度与对应时间
名称 | 最大速度/ (km·h-1) | 最大速度 对应时间/s |
完备轮胎 | 80 | 73.825 |
缺一桥右胎 | 80 | 87.900 |
缺二桥右胎 | 80 | 73.950 |
缺三桥右胎 | 80 | 87.250 |
缺四桥右胎 | 80 | 73.700 |
缺五桥右胎 | 80 | 77.700 |
1.3 双移线仿真试验
双移线仿真试验主要考察车辆在各缺胎工况下的操稳特性.选择TruckSim中的Double Lane Change模块进行测试,试验速度为恒定目标速度执行双移线运动.路面设置为附着系数为0.85,滚动阻力系数为1.0的高附着平直路面,无风环境,试验轨迹如图10所示,其中z为侧向位移.
图11和图12结果表明,在50 km/h稳速直线行驶阶段,缺一桥右胎时的侧倾角为3.49°,缺二桥右胎时的侧倾角为2.85°,缺三桥右胎时的侧倾角为2.62°,缺四桥右胎时的侧倾角为2.96°,缺五桥右胎时的侧倾角为3.43°.此外,各缺胎工况下的横摆角速度均控制在0.1 (°)/s内;在稳速左转、右转行驶阶段,缺五桥右胎时的侧倾角最大,分别达到8.74° 和7.21°.缺三桥右胎时的侧倾角幅值虽然不是最大,但波动很明显,这主要是由于三桥距离车辆质心最近,三桥右胎的缺失对车辆质心位置影响较大.此外,缺一桥右胎、缺二桥右胎、缺四桥右胎和缺五桥右胎工况均出现了明显的横摆角速度突变,而缺三桥右胎工况与完备轮胎系统工况的横摆角速度相比,横摆角速度变化更平稳,这主要是由于实车三桥不具备转向功能,在缺失三桥右胎后,转向横摆现象反而减小.且与左转相比,右转时横摆角速度明显增大,在缺五桥右胎工况下达到4.12 (°)/s.
2 分析与讨论
多轴特种车辆轮胎垂向载荷分布和车辆行驶姿态受车辆质心位置影响较大,以车辆质心偏移预定轨迹的值为指标,对不同缺胎工况下各位置处轮胎垂向载荷分布进行量化和表征.计算在50 km/h稳速行驶速度下执行双移线仿真试验时各缺胎工况的质心偏移量(Δx),如图13所示,结果表明如下.
(2) 在稳速转向行驶阶段,一桥右胎缺失工况质心偏移量最大,达到3.55 m,并出现明显的失稳甩尾现象.三桥和五桥右胎缺失工况的质心偏移量次之,二桥和四桥右胎缺失工况的质心偏移量最小.
3 结论
(1) 与常规普通车辆相比,多轴特种车辆尺寸较大、轮胎数量较多,具备在缺胎工况下行驶的极限条件,且不同位置处轮胎缺失对车辆的最大行驶速度影响不显著.
(2) 与正常行驶工况相比,缺胎行驶工况轮胎垂向载荷分布产生变化,引起各位置处轮胎力学特性变化,进而导致车辆行驶动力学特性改变.该型五轴特种车辆各桥轮胎对车辆行驶影响的重要程度依次为一桥、五桥、三桥、二桥和四桥.
(3) 当车辆以50 km/h速度行驶时,最大缺失轮胎数量为1个,即四桥或二桥缺失1个轮胎;当以30 km/h速度行驶时,最大缺失轮胎数量为2个,即四桥双胎缺失或二桥四桥对边缺胎;当以20 km/h速度行驶时,最大缺失轮胎数量为3个,即四桥双胎缺失和二桥缺失1个轮胎.
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Based on the results of tire handling test of tires, the cornering properties of the tire under different wear conditions are studied, and the variation law of the tire lateral deflection characteristic parameters with the tire wear amount is obtained. By establishing a tread wear model to clarify the mechanism of tire wear characteristics change, the expression of tread stiffness, aligning stiffness and wear amount is obtained. Then, based on the expression and the tire brush model considering the tire wear state, a complex brush model of the tire considering the tread wear is established. The relationship between the wear amount and the tire cornering stiffness is obtained by the model derivation. The relationship is used as the basic expression formula of UniTire modeling to establish the UniTire cornering model considering the tread wear. In order to verify the correctness of the model, three kinds of wear state cornering slip data are used to fit, and the UniTire cornering model considering wear is obtained, the tire cornering properties in the other two wear states is predicted. The error between the simulation results of the prediction model and the experimental results is small, which effectively proves the predictive ability of the UniTire cornering model considering wear. The UniTire tire model helps provide theoretical and technical support for the UniTire model indoor and outdoor expansion applications.
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[J]. ,为了提高汽车在突发爆胎事故时的稳定性,对爆胎汽车主动制动控制策略进行了研究。根据车轮爆胎时间与压力变化的关系,在UniTire模型基础上建立了爆胎模型;根据电子稳定性控制系统中横摆角速度及质心侧偏角对汽车稳定性影响的关系,基于二自由度汽车动力学模型,通过计算汽车横摆角速度及质心侧偏角实际值与理想值的偏差,并基于线性二次型调节器最优控制方法决策出最优附加横摆力矩,从而修正爆胎后汽车的运动状态。最后通过计算机仿真对所提策略的有效性进行了验证。结果表明:主动制动控制策略可以保证爆胎过程中汽车的行驶稳定性和安全性。
Tire blow-out modelling and active braking control algorithm of vehicle
[J]. ,In order to avoid serious traffic accident caused by tire blow-out, an active braking control algorithm was studied to improve vehicle stability and safety. Considering the time of blow-out and pressure change of tire, a tire blow-out model was built based on UniTire model. The effects of yaw rate and side-slip angle on vehicle electric stability control systems were referred and the two-degree of freedom vehicle dynamic reference model was built. The difference between the ideal values and the actual values of yaw rate and side-slip angle was computed and the tire blow-out vehicle motion states were modified by the optimal yaw moment which was calculated with linear quadratic regulator. The computer simulation test results show that the active braking control algorithm can improve vehicle stability and safety.
Development of active control strategy for flat tire vehicles
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Trajectory tracking and stability control for vehicle after tire blow-out
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