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    27 October 2023, Volume 57 Issue S1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Dynamic Characteristics Analysis and Mooring System Optimization of Wreck Salvage in Off-Bottom Stage Based on Seabed Resistance Force Time History
    XIN Shangzhe, WANG Lei, FAN Jinyu, ZHOU Dongrong, CHEN Shihai, ZHU Xiaodong
    2023, 57 (S1):  1-12.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.16
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    In this paper, a method for analyzing the dynamic characteristics of the sunken ship salvage system based on the accurate time history of the seabed resistance force is proposed. The simulation of a typical case preliminarily clarifies the complex interaction mode between the mother ship (a barge), the mooring line, and the lifting line in the lifting stage. It is found that the motion of the mother ship, especially the surge motion, has significantly increased in this stage. In order to better control the motion of the mother ship in the salvage process, the mooring arrangement of the salvage system is also optimized in this paper, and the mooring line arrangement configuration with better motion control effect is obtained.

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    A Three-Parameter Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment Method for Off-Bottom Stage in Wreck Salvage
    XIN Shangzhe, WANG Lei, PAN Jie, ZHOU Dongrong, CHEN Shihai, ZHU Xiaodong
    2023, 57 (S1):  13-19.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.17
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    Based on the time domain simulation of the dynamic response of the wreck salvage system in the off-bottom stage, this paper proposes a semi-quantitative safety assessment method for this process, aiming to summarize all motion modes of the salvaging mother ship and provide overall safety assessment scores of the wreck salvage system under different sea conditions. Based on the “Changjiang Kou 2” project, the sensitivity analysis of the system dynamic response under different wave direction angles is conducted. It is concluded that the two wave direction intervals (150°, 210°) and (330°, 30°) are relatively ideal salvage operation windows.

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    Application of UAV Realistic 3D Modeling in Integral Relocation and Protection of “Yangtze River Estuary II” Ancient Ship
    ZHOU Dongrong, CHEN Shihai, JIANG Zhe, YAN Sainan, YAN Ruihai, GAO Yu
    2023, 57 (S1):  20-24.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.15
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    Realistic 3D modeling is the digital base for the construction of digital economy and digital engineering. This paper introduces the key technologies and control of the overall relocation and protection of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient ship during the process of image acquisition and realistic 3D modeling using the oblique photography technology of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), analyzes the accuracy of aerial triangulation in realistic 3D modeling, and finally discusses the visual display and application of the real-time 3D model through the Web 3D GIS platform.

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    Risk and Preventive Measures of Pile Placement in Chengdao Oilfield
    AN Tao, LIN Zengyong, ZHANG Da
    2023, 57 (S1):  25-29.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.09
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    Chengdao Oilfield is located in the modern Yellow River underwater delta, where the seabed strata are complex, and the sediment silt and silty clay have great interbedding changes. In recent years, an increasing number of jack-ups are installed and removed in the same wellhead or similar wellhead. There are risks of sliding pile, punch-through, and liquefaction and subsidence in the area where piles are repeatedly inserted and pulled out on offshore moving platform. Aimed at the risks, preventive measures are analyzed to reduce the risk of pile driving on jack-up platforms.

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    Drawdown Pressure Model of Low Porosity and Permeability Matrix Sandstone Gas Reservoir Test with Multi-Factor Restrictions
    QIU Kang
    2023, 57 (S1):  30-36.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.24
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    When selecting the drawdown pressure during drill stem test (DST), it is generally necessary to consider various factors such as downhole safety, pipe string safety, construction efficiency, etc. For low porosity and permeability matrix sandstone formation, it is also necessary to consider removing near-well pollution as much as possible, reducing stress sensitivity and reservoir damage, etc. in order to obtain more accurate productivity data. Considering the requirements above, and based on the study of the sensitivity of matrix sandstone reservoir, in this paper, changes of the permeability field and stress field are analyzed around the well after considering the stress sensitivity, and a multi-factor drawdown pressure model of low porosity and permeability matrix sandstone gas reservoir test is established from three aspects, including wellbore stability, invasion backflow, and productivity restriction. The field application results show that this model can guide the selection of drawdown pressure of low porosity and permeability matrix sandstone gas reservoir, and provide a theoretical basis for the design of DST drawdown pressure.

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    Ultra-Short-Term Platform Motion Prediction Method of Large Floating Wind Turbines Based on LSTM Network
    WEI Hui, CHEN Peng, ZHANG Ruihan, CHENG Zhengshun
    2023, 57 (S1):  37-45.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.27
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    The motion prediction of large floating wind turbine platforms is the key technology to realize the control of active ballast systems and intelligent operation and maintenance monitoring. However, the complex environment of floating wind turbines makes ultra-short-term predictions that only rely on physical models and numerical simulation methods very challenging. Therefore, this paper proposes an innovative ultra-short-term prediction method for floating wind turbine platform motion based on the long-short-term memory (LSTM) neural network. Measured data have been used to verify the feasibility and uncertainty of this method in terms of surge motion. The results show that the ultra-short-term prediction method proposed in this paper can obtain a better accuracy. For example, the maximum mean square error of surge motion prediction in the 60 s under working condition is only about 1%. The ultra-short-term motion prediction of large floating wind turbines proposed in this paper provides solid technical support for future intelligent operation and maintenance of floating wind farms.

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    Risk Assessment Method for Marine Engineering Project Bidding Based on Back Propagation Neural Network
    XIA Yu, WANG Lei
    2023, 57 (S1):  46-53.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.26
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    The marine engineering industry is an internationalized sector, whose internationalization determines the intensity of competition. In the bidding process, it is crucial for company decision-makers to conduct accurate risk assessments, as this plays a vital role in the long-term development of the company. A high accuracy project risk assessment model is established after analyzing and identifying relevant risk factors in such projects based on quantifying qualitative problems using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and utilizing the high fault-tolerance and generalization capabilities of the back propagation (BP) neural network. Thus, the model provides an effective and efficient risk analysis tool for supporting enterprises in the marine engineering industry in the bidding decision-making process.

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    Deformation of Longitudinal Beam of End Plate for Integral Salvage of Ancient Ships
    ZHOU Dongrong, ZHU Xiaodong, WEI Liangmeng, JIANG Zhe, ZHUANG Qianwei, YUAN Yixiang, ZHANG Chi, YUAN Weihao
    2023, 57 (S1):  54-59.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.05
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    For the integral salvage project of ancient sunken ships, the distributed optical fiber sensing technology is used instead of conventional deformation monitoring methods to monitor the deformation of the longitudinal beam and end plate during the overall lowering process of the “end plate longitudinal beam” frame. The monitoring results show that during the entire process of lowering the “end plate longitudinal beam”, the deformation of the end plate is controlled within 1.5 mm, and the deformation amount can be ignored. Due to the friction between the positioning pile and the “end plate longitudinal beam”, the maximum deformation of the longitudinal beam is 50 mm. Grinding and cutting the positioning pile can effectively reduce the deformation of the longitudinal beam, and the final deformation of the longitudinal beam is about 35 mm.

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    CEL Numerical Analysis of Disturbance of Constructing Curved Beam Based on “Yangtze River Estuary II” Ancient Wreck
    ZHOU Dongrong, ZHANG Jiaming, ZHUANG Qianwei, HUANG Xin, ZHAI Yixin, ZHU Xiaodong, ZHANG Chi, ZHANG Zixin
    2023, 57 (S1):  60-68.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.01
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    Based on the salvage project of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient wreck, a coupled Eluer-Lagrangian (CEL) numerical analysis was conducted for the wreck salvage project adopting the curved beam based method using rectangular curved pipe jacking with an extremely small radius of vertical curvature. The dynamic evolutions of the driving force and the vertical displacement of the wreck were obtained and compared with the results of model test. The results show that the simulation results of the established numerical model agree well with the experimental data, which could predict the variation laws of movement and the driving force of the wreck. Pipe jacking of the last beam is the most dangerous, which requires a strengthened construction control. In comparison with sequential jacking from one side to the other, the left-to-right symmetric jacking can effectively reduce the disturbance to the wreck and its surrounding ground.

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    Pipe-Ground Interaction During Curved Pipe Jacking Process with a Small Radius of Vertical Curvature
    LI Deng, ZHUANG Qianwei, HUANG Xin, ZHOU Dongrong, ZHU Xiaodong, ZHANG Chi, WEI Liangmeng
    2023, 57 (S1):  69-79.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.02
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    The salvage of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient wreck adopted the world’s first curved pipe based method. The mechanical design of the pipe jacking machine and the structure design of curved pipe relied on the understanding of the pipe-ground interaction mechanism and establishment of a reasonable model for calculating the driving force. Based on the understanding of the major factors contributing to the pipe-ground interaction, a theoretical model for calculating the driving force of curved pipe jacking machine with a small radius of vertical curvature was derived through equilibrium analysis. The dynamic jacking process of a single pipe was simulated using the coupled Eulerian Lagrangian (CEL) method, from which the evolution processes of ground stress and ground surface settlement during the curved pipe jacking process with a small radius of vertical curvature were obtained. The simulation results were compared with model test data, on-site monitoring data, and theoretical calculation results, whereby the characteristics of driven force evolution and its controlling factors were obtained. The research outcome can provide theoretical basis and technical support for future wreck salvage project similar to “Yangtze River Estuary II”.

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    Influence of Block Structure on Dock Floor and Foundation Under Moonpool of Docks
    CHE Yue, LI Yun, ZHOU Bing, JIN Guolong, ZHU Xiaodong, ZHOU Dongrong
    2023, 57 (S1):  80-86.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.10
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    In order to study the influence of the whole dock block on dock floor and foundation, the force condition of dock floor and foundation is calculated and compared under working conditions of independent block. From different thicknesses, the structure of whole block is analyzed and optimized, and the force condition of dock floor and foundation is calculated under working conditions of the whole block. The influence of pile-soil co-reaction on pile foundation is analyzed. The results show that the force condition of dock floor and foundation cannot meet the requirements when using independent block. The whole block can make the load more uniform, improve the force condition, and make force and cracks meet the requirements. When pile-soil co-reaction is considered, the pile force will be reduced. When the longitudinal line load is greater than that designed for the original dock, priority should be given to the whole block. The results can provide reference for similar projects in the future.

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    Analysis of Corrosion Damage Stress of Composite Steel Sheet Pile for Dock Wall
    TIAN Yinxue, JIN Guolong, WANG Yong, LI Huamei, ZHOU Dongrong, DAI Qing, ZHU Xiaodong, TANG Jiwei
    2023, 57 (S1):  87-93.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.11
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    Dry Dock No. 1 of Shanghai Shipyard has been in disrepair after the relocation of the shipyard. The composite-steel-sheet-pile dock walls have been corroded to a certain extent, and the under-drained system behind the wall failed. In order to explore the bearing performance of the corroded composite steel sheet pile dock wall during the recent docking of ancient ships and the subsequent construction of the museum, numerical models of the dock and steel sheet pile dock wall were established, and their displacements, internal forces, and local stresses in the corroded area were obtained. It is concluded that the composite steel sheet pile is temporarily in the strength safety state, and can withstand the load generated by the ancient ship docking in the short term. When the depth of rust pits reaches 4.6 mm, it will be difficult for steel sheet piles to meet the bearing capacity requirements. It is suggested that steel sheet piles should be reinforced and repaired within 7 years after rust detection, and the rust prevention system should be re-established to ensure the safety of the dock structure during subsequent engineering construction.

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    Safety Analysis of Wreck Salvage Process Based on Skempton Function
    PAN Jie, WANG Lei, WANG Yiting, ZHOU Dongrong, ZHU Xiaodong
    2023, 57 (S1):  94-107.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.18
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    In order to evaluate the safety of salvage operation, a numerical model of the coupling dynamic response characteristics of the “Yangtze River Estuary II” salvage system is established based on the three-dimensional potential flow theory and the Skempton formula. The model has been verified by actual measurement and is used in the safety analysis of the whole salvage process. The research results show that special attention needs to be paid to the motion response of the salvage system and the tension changes of the lifting and mooring lines in the two stages of bottom-off and partial water-out in the overall salvage process. With the increase of wave height and spectral peak period, the motion response of the salvage system and the extreme value of cable tension increase. The influence of wave direction on the six-degree-of-freedom movement of the system is more complicated, and the extreme value of the tension of the lifting cable increases significantly under the action of oblique waves. According to the calculation of the safety factor of the cable, when formulating a salvage plan, an appropriate lifting speed should be selected, and at the same time, salvage operations should be avoided in waves of 20°—70°.

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    Calculation of Towing Resistance of Jack-up Offshore Platform
    AN Tao, LIN Zengyong, BAI Jian
    2023, 57 (S1):  108-113.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.03
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    In the course of towing of offshore platform, it is of great significance to calculate the towing resistance ahead of time and select the main tugboat with proper power for towing safety. In this paper, the calculation formulas or recommended methods for towing resistance of mainstream classification societies were investigated, and a CFD/AQWA finite element numerical simulation was conducted for the typical jack-up offshore platform in Shengli Petroleum Engineering Company.Based on the comparative analysis of the results, a suitable model for the calculation of towing resistance of platforms in domestic waters was optimized, and a suitable towing factor of safety was proposed.

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    USV and AUV Cooperative Control Strategy Based on Nonlinear Disturbance Observer
    YU Te, LIU Jiapeng, WU Chao, ZHOU Chang, ZHOU Shengzeng, WANG Lei
    2023, 57 (S1):  114-123.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.25
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    Facing the three-dimensional, diverse, and complex underwater detection task, this paper proposed an unmanned surface vehicle-autonomous underwater vehicle (USV-AUV) cross-domain heterogeneous cooperative control strategy based on the leader-follower method. First, the control strategy takes into account the dynamic modeling error caused by factors such as unknown environmental disturbances, and designs a non-linear disturbance observer to estimate the influence. Then, the dynamic adaptive look-ahead distance is used to improve the LOS method, which can solve the formation control problem of underactuated vehicles. The USV-AUV formation control problem is rebuilt based on the cascaded system. The AUV following controller is designed through feedback linearization. Finally, the whole system is improved uniformly, globally, and asymptoticly stable by the Lyapunov theory. The USV-AUV lake test verifies the effectiveness of the formation control strategy.

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    Design and Application of Curved Pipe Jacking Launchers
    YUAN Weihao, LI Yanlong, ZHANG Chi, ZHOU Dongrong, HU Jian, WANG Yu
    2023, 57 (S1):  124-130.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.06
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    As an important part of the integral salvage “Yangtze River Estuary II”, several curved beam sections had to be jacked through the soil around the wreck to form a bottom bracket to wrap the wreck. The curved beam sections are different in structure, construction method, and guidance from the traditional linear bottom brackets in integral salvage. Therefore, special construction equipment had to be developed and used. The curved pipe jacking launcher, as a special device for jacking through curved beam pipe joints, has successfully completed the salvage of “Yangtze River Estuary II” after preliminary scaled-down model demonstration, design and manufacture, isometric test and re-optimisation design and manufacture. The design and the application of the method can be applied to offshore salvage and in-situ protection of the foundation of the ancient relics.

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    Equal Scale Test of Curve-Shaped Pipe Roofing Method with Rectangular Jacking Machine
    ZHANG Chi, YUAN Yixiang, LI Yanlong, ZHOU Dongrong, HU Jian, WANG Jian, ZHU Xiaodong, WANG Yu
    2023, 57 (S1):  131-137.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.07
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    An equal scale test was conducted for the bottom curtain construction method of curved pipe jacking of “Yangtze River Estuary II”, which included lowering the end plate and advancing the pipe joint. The test results show that the curved pipe jacking bottom curtain method is suitable for the integral salvage of sunken ships. The method of using a stirring pump to remove iron plate sand on the end plate is inefficient, which should be replaced with a more efficient method in the future. The maximum thrust for propulsion in the three pipe joints is 2.2 MN, and the maximum torque is 28 kN·m.

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    Key Technology for Mechanical and Structural Design of Rectangular Curve Bottom Curtain Method for Salvage of “Yangtze River Estuary II”
    ZHUANG Qianwei, YUAN Weihao, ZHANG Chi, YUAN Yixiang, LI Yanlong, ZHOU Dongrong
    2023, 57 (S1):  138-144.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.08
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    The salvage of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient wreck adopted the world’s first curved pipe basing method. There existed various challenges in the mechanical and structural design. To satisfy the demands of non-contacting and subtle disturbance, this paper elucidates the configuration of the outer frame, the mechanical design of the pipe-jacking machine with a cutterhead of tribble planetary-gear cutters, and the structure design of the closely-assembled curved beam with high water-tightness. The practical application demonstrates that the developed pipe-jacking machine has subtle disturbance to the ancient wreck, and the water-tightness between the closely-assembled planetary-gear cutters is good, both of which effectively guarantee the originality and integrity of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient wreck and the cultural relics it carried on.

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    Efficient Application of Super Moon Pool Special Engineering Barge in Integral Salvage and Relocation Project of Ancient Ship
    JIANG Zhe, ZHOU Dongrong, WU Mingzhe, ZHU Xiaodong, HU Jian, DAI Qing, TANG Jiwei, WANG Lei
    2023, 57 (S1):  145-150.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.19
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    This paper introduces the design concept of the innovative barge “Endeavor” for the super-large moon pool project and its high-efficiency application in the integral salvage and migration project of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient ship. It also introduces the calculation of the lifting force of the ancient ship compared with the actual lifting weight. The successful application of barge “Endeavor” in the integral salvage and relocation project of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient ship provides technical reference for future salvage of ancient ships.

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    Application of Computer Controlled Hydraulic Synchronous Lifting Technology in Integral Salvage and Relocation Project of “Yangtze River Estuary II” Ancient Ship
    ZHOU Dongrong, JIANG Zhe, DAI Qing, ZHU Xiaodong, LIU Yu, ZHOU Yihe, WANG Lei
    2023, 57 (S1):  151-158.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.20
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    The synchronous lifting process is a key technology for non-destructive salvage and smooth transfer of ancient ships and their internal cultural relics to the predetermined dock. This paper, starting with the principle of computer controlled hydraulic synchronous lifting technology, and taking the actual underwater synchronous lifting project of Sewol in South Korea as an example, demonstrates the feasibility of the technology transfer to the underwater cultural relic salvage project. In addition, it elaborates on the planning of the elevator arrangement, control actions, and system requirements for the integral salvage and relocation project of the ancient ship. Moreover, it introduces the construction implementation details of synchronous lifting equipment. The hydraulic lift follows vertical layout, and the hardware assembly involves the installation of steel strands, bottom anchors and brackets, hydraulic cylinders, control systems, and underwater pins. The success of the integral salvage of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient ship has demonstrated the efficiency of the large-scale oil cylinder computer control system in improving the safety and integrity of the salvaged object in marine sunken ships, opening up a new implementation path for the integral salvage and relocation of related ancient ships in the future.

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    Application of a Non-Contact Integrated Salvage Technology in Integral Salvage of Ancient Vessels
    ZHOU Dongrong, CHEN Shihai, ZHU Xiaodong, HU Jian, WANG Jian, LIU Yu, JIANG Zhe, DAI Qing
    2023, 57 (S1):  159-169.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.21
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    In response to the operational requirement of salvage of wreck and cargo without damage during the salvage process, a new non-contact large tonnage integral salvage technology and equipment, i.e., the curved beam system, has been designed and developed, which uses the hydraulic drive technology to achieve automatic installation of beam under the wreck without contact with the wreck during the installation procession, greatly improves the wreck removal efficiency, the operational safety, and the protection of the wreck itself. This technology is suitable for non-contact integral salvage of large tonnage objects of different scales and shapes underwater, including wrecks, aircraft, cargo, etc. It has been successfully applied to the integral salvage of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient ship, a major underwater archaeological project in China, providing a technical support for breakthroughs in the underwater salvage technology at home and abroad.

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    Lifting and Lowering of Salvage Frame for Integral Salvage of Large Tonnage Wreck
    WEI Liangmeng, ZHU Xiaodong, YI Qian, CUI Jin, ZHOU Dongrong
    2023, 57 (S1):  170-177.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.22
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    A wreck salvage scheme is designed for the integral salvage of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient ship, using the curved beam system to implement salvage. Before formally threading the curved beam, the end plate longitudinal beam assembly (salvage frame) should be hoisted and lowered to the sea bottom along the positioning pile. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the beam threading process, the hoisting scheme should be considered in the design of the hoisting scheme to control the deformation of the fishing frame during the hoisting process, and a set of multi-point hoisting scheme is designed. In addition, the ring sling with certain elasticity is used as the connecting rigging to connect the hanger and the fishing frame, which can effectively control the overall deformation of the fishing frame and have a certain buffering effect on the overall force of the fishing frame. This study verifies the feasibility of this lifting and lowering scheme, which can improve the technical support for lifting and lowering of the salvage frame for the overall salvage of large-tonnage shipwrecks in the future, providing a certain reference for the subsequent offshore lifting and lowering of similar large-scale steel structures with high deformation requirements.

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    Numerical and Testing Analysis of Fin Stabilizers of A Medium Sized Cruise Ship with Overset Grids
    YAO Rulin, FAN Qidong, YU Long, WANG Xuefeng
    2023, 57 (S1):  178-184.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.04
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    Fin stabilizers represent an effective solution to address the roll motion of ships and improve the comfort of passengers on cruise ships. These devices typically comprise of one or two pairs of retractable fins, symmetrically mounted on either side of the ship, which utilize hydrodynamic lift to dampen motion through a control algorithm. However, coupling analysis of fin stabilizers and ships at various speeds and angles of attack remains limited, particularly with regard to the impact of the hull flow field on fin resistance. This paper investigates the drag performance and towing motion of a cruise ship using model tests and numerical analysis methods, and compares the results of the numerical and model tests. It also examines the drag resulting from fin stabilizers and the coupling motion of the ship, offering insight for the design and selection of fin stabilizers, cruise ship design, and performance prediction.

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    Docking Process of Special Ships in Complex Conditions
    ZHOU Dongrong, ZHU Xiaodong, CHEN Shihai, JIANG Zhe, WEI Liangmeng, JIANG Zhitong, JU Huihong, TANG Yong, GUO Dianyu
    2023, 57 (S1):  185-189.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.14
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    In order to protect the organic relics and fragile relics inside “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient ship, the ancient ship will be salvaged and transferred to a dry dock. The condition of the salvaged ancient ships is poor, and the requirements for the protection of cultural relics inside the ship are high. The dry dock used is the former abandoned dock which is not in good condition. Based on the analysis of the current situation of the abandoned dock, hydrological data, the timing of docking and comprehensive analysis of ancient ship handling scheme, the process flow of docking under complex conditions is summarized, which also provides a new process idea for subsequent similar projects.

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    Evaluation and Analysis of Reuse of A Decompression Drainage Dock
    LI Hongqiao, YUAN Jian, LI Ke, PAN Yingwang, ZHOU Dongrong, WEI Liangmeng, DAI Qing, CAI Li
    2023, 57 (S1):  190-197.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.12
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    Based on the overall relocation and protection project of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient ship in 2022, aimed at the failure of the decompression drainage behind the dock wall of No. 1 Shipyard, the short-term working conditions of the salvage ship in and out of the dock and the permanent working conditions in the later period are simulated. The displacement and stress of the dock wall and pile foundation are analyzed and calculated. It is found that when Dock No. 1 is re-used, the load increment mainly comes from the groundwater pressure behind the dock wall that cannot be drained. The calculation shows that the original pile foundation structure of the dock wall has a reasonable design force, and the installation of a decompression drainage system can greatly reduce the water pressure behind the dock wall. In the short-term working conditions of the salvage ship entering and leaving the dock, the water pressure behind the newly added wall is small, and the displacement and bearing capacity of the pile foundation are not exceeded. In the long-term working condition, if the decompression drainage system completely fails and the new water pressure behind the wall is large, the uplift bearing capacity of the inclined pile may exceed the limit. Therefore, in order to ensure the long-term safety and durability of the dock and reduce the impact on the surrounding environment, reasonable measures should be taken to ensure that the drainage channel behind the dock wall is smooth and the groundwater level is maintained below the bottom of the lower beam in combination with the situation of dock reuse in the future.

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    Detection and Repair of Failure Dock Gate in Relocation and Protection of “Yangtze River Estuary II” Ancient Ship
    ZHU Xiaodong, TANG Jiwei, CAI Li, ZHOU Dongrong, WANG Jiajun, JIANG Mengyan
    2023, 57 (S1):  198-202.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.13
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    In order to use the dock for archaeological work in “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient shipwreck salvage, the function of the old and disabled dock gate that has been abandoned for many years are restored. In order to resume service, the failure dock gate is tested, and the relevant removal, maintenance, and reinforcement of the dock gate are conducted based on the test results. After repair, the failed dock gate is lifted and opened successfully. After the ancient ship entered the shipyard, the gate closes smoothly, providing a good working environment for archaeological work. The recovery work of the failure dock gate is the first of its kind in the domestic shipbuilding industry. The full life cycle of special equipment such as dock gate is further understood.

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    Numerical Simulation of Coupled Dynamic Response of Integral Salvage of Large Tonnage Wreck
    ZHU Xiaodong, ZHOU Dongrong, GAO Dingquan
    2023, 57 (S1):  203-212.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2023.S1.23
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    A wreck salvage scheme is designed for the integral salvage of “Yangtze River Estuary II” ancient ship, and the dynamic response of the critical state of salvage is investigated via numerical simulation. Comprehensive studies including the motion response characteristics of the multi-body coupling system and the tension of the cable under different sea conditions are conducted. The results show that the instability of the salvage system increases under the transverse sea condition, and the operation risk is obviously higher than other waves of the same wave level conditions. In addition, the tension responses of lifting cables and mooring cables are higher in the off-bottom stage than that of the submerged part of the wreck. The numerical results demonstrate the feasibility of the salvage scheme, providing reference for decision-making on sea conditions to avoid the risk of salvage operation.

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