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    28 December 2019, Volume 53 Issue Sup.1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Corrosion Protection Design of Safety-Related DCS Cabinet
    YANG Rui,LIU Mingxing,WU Xiao,WANG Dongwei,CHEN Wei
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  1-6.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.001
    Abstract ( 1073 )   PDF (813KB) ( 177 )   Save
    In order to control the corrosion occurred in steel materials which are often used in the safety-related DCS cabinets operating in the severe atmospheric corrosion environment, the key technologies of corrosion protection design to meet the life requirement are explored in this paper. Firstly, the design progress of anti-corrosive coating system for cabinet with steel structure as main material is analyzed. The coatings with their characteristics and the coating systems, which are often used under the corrosivity category C4 and high durability, are listed. Besides, the attention of avoiding common problems such as galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion and stress corrosion during structure design, process and material selection is summarized, aiming at the specific structure prone to corrosion and the position where coating protection cannot be taken according to design requirement. Through the summary of key anti-corrosion design principles such as coating system and design consideration, the reference for the anti-corrosion design of DCS cabinet is provided.
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    Noise Analysis and Suppression for Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System
    HE Yupeng,JIANG Jing,SUN Yong,XU Shihao,ZHENG Guomin,MOU Yewei
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  7-11.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.002
    Abstract ( 709 )   PDF (2423KB) ( 174 )   Save
    The excore nuclear instrumentation system (NIS) is an important means of reactor power monitoring. However, during the commission and operation phases, it is deeply troubled by noise interference problems due to the weak signal and long-distance transmission. For the NIS noises, there are various reasons but few related studies, which brings great difficulties for troubleshooting and solving work. During the commissioning process of the AP1000 excore NIS, the noise problem is more prominent, and the means of investigation and disposal are typical. Based on the experience in engineering and commissioning, the common noise sources of NIS are concluded, and the general fault location and suppression methods are summarized. Finally, the maintenance recommendations for the excore NIS of subsequent units are proposed.
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    Consideration on the Setting of Signal Quality Bit in the DCS of Nuclear Power Plant
    XIAO Peng,LIU Hongchun,JIAN Yifan,ZHAO Yang,LI Wei,TANG Tao
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  12-16.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.003
    Abstract ( 1283 )   PDF (699KB) ( 334 )   Save
    The setting of parameters of signal quality bit will cause the failure on demand or spurious failure of digital control system(DCS) in nuclear power plant. To solve this problem, limitations of general scheme based on the current design status are analyzed. A new design method is proposed. The function of DCS is confirmed by the status of nuclear power plant. It not only solves the problems caused by quality bit setting, but also simplifies the operator’s operation to a certain extent. It improves the safety and availability of the nuclear power plant and promotes intelligence and unmanned developments in the nuclear power plant. Thermal physical parameters in the steady state and manual operation in the process of state transition are used to identify the state of the nuclear power plant. It helps DCS to perform expected functions. And it can avoid the occurrence of unexpected events.
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    Modification of Human Body Size in Human Factor Analysis of Main Control Room of Nuclear Power Plant
    ZHOU Mao,LIU Mingming,LIU Quandong,LIU Guanrong,LI Yutong,YANG Wei
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  17-23.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.004
    Abstract ( 1125 )   PDF (899KB) ( 226 )   Save
    Human factor engineering analysis is a key link in the design process of the main control room of a nuclear power plant. It takes the size data of various parts of human body as the basis for control room layout and equipment design. The comfort and the work efficiency of the operator in the main control room are enhanced. According to the correction method in GB/T 12985-1991 “General rules of using percentiles of the body dimensions for products design” and the requirement of human factor analysis in NUREG-0700 “Human-system interface design review guidelines”, some human body sizes in GB 10000-1988 “Human dimensions of Chinese adults” and GB/T 13547-1992 “Human dimensions in workspaces” have been properly modified in this paper. The upper and lower limits of operator’s body size applicable to engineering design and the body size correction scheme working of the operator who works in the main control room are determined.
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    Discussion on Localization of DCS Components in Nuclear Power Plant
    WANG Shun,LIU Mingxing,LIU Bin,WANG Song,HUANG Qi
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  24-28.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.005
    Abstract ( 1455 )   PDF (672KB) ( 267 )   Save
    The localization of digital control system (DCS) in nuclear power plant is an important part of nuclear power independence strategy. In order to further improve its localization level, the localization substitution of components in the development process of DCS equipment is preliminarily studied. And the current situation of domestic components is analyzed. The difficulties faced in the localization of DCS components in nuclear power plants are summarized, such as the lack of component categories, high cost of quality control and lack of information. Based on the experience of components localization in the field of weapon equipment and aerospace, the general methods of component replacements are summarized. Then according to the NB/T 2001 standard, the automotive-grade components are proposed to use as an alternative solution. By implementing the strategy of grading screening, the balance between quality and cost can be realized. At last, it is proposed to strengthen the cooperation between research and application, which can provide a feasible scheme for the localization of components in DCS of nuclear power plant.
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    Application and Exploration of Virtual Reality Technology in Main Control Room Design of Nuclear Power Plant
    LIU Mingming,GAO Nan,LIU Quandong,JIN Xinglian,ZHANG Xu,CHEN Zhao
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  29-32.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.006
    Abstract ( 1409 )   PDF (2668KB) ( 345 )   Save
    The main control room(MCR)is the monitoring and control center of nuclear power plant (NPP). MCR panel is one of the core components in MCR. Multiple operators monitoring sites are set up, including operator workstation, back-up panel, emergency control panel, etc. Under normal and accident conditions, operators need to monitor the operating conditions of NPP and control the operation of nuclear reactor through MCR panel. Virtual reality (VR) technology is introduced into the design of the MCR of NPP. The virtual MCR is built to demonstrate the initial effect and verify the human factors. Through using the advantages of VR technology, the design route of virtual MCR model is analyzed. Meanwhile, the application of VR technology in the MCR of NPP, as well as the fusion design of VR technology and digital twin technology in the MCR are proposed, which has a pivotal role late for the construction of the virtual MCR.
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    Analysis and Treatment of Fault for Rod Position System
    CHEN Jianwen,GONG Chengjun
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  33-44.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.007
    Abstract ( 804 )   PDF (7076KB) ( 147 )   Save
    The rod position system is used to monitor and display the position of the control rod in the reactor in real time. The rod position measurement is an important guarantee for the safe operation of the reactor. The rod position system is not used to generate protection or control signals. If the rod position is abnormal in more than 25% of the measured rod positions, the reactor will cause the reactor to withdraw from the power operation state to the hot shutdown state, which will affect the economic benefits of the unit. Aiming at the problems of measuring rod position display caused by the debugging and operation of domestic rod position system of unit 3 and 4 of Fuqing nuclear power plant, combining with the working principle of the card, Multisim software is used to simulate and analyze the causes of the problems, and corresponding improvement measures are formulated. Through the test and verification, the abnormal situations of measuring rod position display are effectively solved, the reliability of the card work is improved, and the stable operation of the reactor is guaranteed.
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    Relay Board Jump of Reactor Protection System in One Nuclear Power Plant
    LIU Yan,LEI Chuan,GUO Meng
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  45-50.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.008
    Abstract ( 736 )   PDF (904KB) ( 131 )   Save
    Relay board is taken as the output driving part of the reactor protection system in one nuclear power plant. The third periodic test of the reactor protection system is done during factory test, and the phenomenon is discovered that the relay board issues trigger signals last about 20ms when the bypass of the safety trigger cabinet switches from bypass position to normal position. The influence of the transient trigger signal on the normal operation of the nuclear power unit is analyzed. The third periodic test principle of protection system is analyzed combined with the internal structure of relay board,and the relay jumping as the reason of false triggering is concluded. The problem is solved by adding the solid state timer without changing the original structure of relay board. It provides a reference for the similar design of the following reactor protection system.
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    Scheme of Digital Reactor Protection System out of Service and in Service
    XU Shihao,JIANG Jing,XIE Weibo,CHEN Zhao,LIU Mingming
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  51-54.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.009
    Abstract ( 770 )   PDF (1080KB) ( 135 )   Save
    Digital reactor protection systems are currently widely used in nuclear power plants (NPP). The reactor protection systems, which perform important safety functions of nuclear power plants, have strict requirements and restrictions on their availability during normal operation of nuclear power plants. During the commissioning or overhaul of NPP, the reactor protection system is always out of service and in service. Due to the large number of equipment and interlock signals controlled by the reactor protection system, in order to ensure that equipment malfunction and personnel injury do not occur, it is necessary to formulate the out-of-service and in-service schemes. In the early reactor protection system using a large amount of analog circuit module and relays, the commissioning and maintenance personnel required a large number of disconnection and wiring work when performing reactor protection system out of service and in service. After using the digital reactor protection system,the workload of field maintenance personnel is reduced, there are still potential human error risks and potential risks in system design. This paper analyzes the current exit out-of-service and in-service schemes for reactor protection systems in domestic nuclear power plants and improves the automation level of maintenance systems by optimizing the design of reactor protection systems and equipment. The research reduces the workload and improves the work efficiency in order to reduce the risk of damage to the nuclear power plant equipment or personal injury caused by the reactor protection system out-of-service and in-service work.
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    Optimization Design for Reactor Power Control System of HPR1000
    ZHANG Ying,CHEN Zhi,LI Yiliang,JIN Yuan
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  55-60.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.010
    Abstract ( 1269 )   PDF (997KB) ( 314 )   Save
    Reactor power control system is an important instrument and control system. It plays an significant role in the normal operation of the nuclear power plant (NPP). In order to guarantee the good control performance of control system during normal operation of NPP and to decrease the on-site commissioning time, it is necessary to optimize the control parameters through simulation study on the control system in the design stage.Based on the analysis of the reactor power control system function of the third generation nuclear power Hua-long Pressurized Reactor (HPR) 1000, the control system structure is proposed and the interrelated factors of the control channel are explained. Through the process of system modeling and simulation, sensitivity analysis of control parameters is carried out using the nuclear power plant digital simulation tools.According to the static and dynamic response characteristics of the system with different parameters, a set of optimal control parameters are finally determined. The obtained control parameters are now used in the design of reactor power control system for the first reactor of HPR1000 in China, which can guide the on-site commissioning and operation of the nuclear power plant.
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    Application of PDCA in Improving the Impact Resistance of Circuit Breaker System for Instrumentation Control Equipment
    LI Huaqiao,WU Xiao,DAI Junan,MU Lanfen,XU Xinzhe
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  61-67.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.011
    Abstract ( 804 )   PDF (3723KB) ( 145 )   Save
    In order to solve the trip problem of breaker system of the instrument control equipments in the case of impact situation, PDCA cycle which based on the OEC (overall every control and clear) was conducted to identify the main reason of the problem, and the appropriate disposal programs were screened out. Results show that the trip phenomenon is caused by the lower ability of breaker system in resisting impact behaviors which consequently results in the stronger vibration intensity. Therefore, a mounting bracket which contains vibration isolator was designed, finite element analysis was carried out to simulate the impact behavior of the breaker system and proved the reliability of the program. In addition, experimental test was performed to verify the effectiveness of the disposal program, which experimentally indicated the ability of breaker system in resisting impact was improved significantly. This results prove that the PDCA cycle plays a significant role in designing and improving the instrument control equipments as well.
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    Information Security Analysis of Digital Control System Based on Attack Tree Model
    SUN Zhuo,LIU Dong,XIAO Anhong,MING Pingzhou,GUO Wen,ZHOU Junyi,CHEN Junjie
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  68-73.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.012
    Abstract ( 770 )   PDF (741KB) ( 131 )   Save
    The nuclear reactor digital control system(DCS)has introduced more threat factors while improving the convenience of the control system. The engineering station has the vulnerability of the traditional IT system in information security because of using a wide range of interface and Windows system, leaving hidden dangers to the security of the digital control system. An information security analysis method based on attack tree model for digital control system is proposed. The attack tree model with combining the hardware and software characteristics of DCS and its location in the system is established. The DCS information security asset assessment quantitative method is proposed. The common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS) to calculate the probability of attack tree nodes and attack paths is used. Through the quantitative evaluation of the engineering station,the attack path that the attacker is most likely to take is obtained,providing technical reference for the developer and the verification and validation (V&V) activities.
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    Design of Electrometer Module for γ Dose-Rate Monitor System Local Processing Box
    LI Liang, FAN Jin, ZHANG Mi, HUANG Weijie, MAO Congji
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  74-77.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.013
    Abstract ( 664 )   PDF (1185KB) ( 121 )   Save
    The γ dose-rate monitor system is mainly used to monitor the absorbed dose rate of γ radiation in the loss of coolant accident or coolant leakage accident of nuclear power plant. Because of the particularity and complexity of the application situation, and the difficulty of developing technology, domestic nuclear power plants rely on imports at present. How to break the technology monopoly of foreign countries and realize the localization of the equipment is a problem worthy of study. The local processing box provides working voltage and signal processing for the detector of γ dose-rate monitor system, and the electrometer module is the core component of the local processing box. The combination of current-frequency (I-F) and voltage-frequency (V-F), and the combination of current-voltage (I-V) and V-F are put forward. By comparing the two kinds of electrometer module design schemes, and combining with the experience of design and test verification for many times, the advantages, disadvantages and key technology design methods are given, which have a certain guiding significance for product research and development and selection of electronic components.
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    Efficient Cleaning Technology for Printed Circuit Board Assemblies of Nuclear Safety Electronic Products
    MA Yue,LIU Qing,WANG Tingbing
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  78-83.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.014
    Abstract ( 706 )   PDF (780KB) ( 141 )   Save
    Nuclear safety level system is the nerve center of whole nuclear power plant for safe operation control. The core component of circuit is printed circuit board assembly that directly affecting about its operation stability. This article aims at the surface cleanliness of the printed circuit board assemblies, and analyzes the necessity and importance of cleaning process in the production process of printed circuit board assembly, so as to ensure that there will not be reliability problems such as the decrease of surface insulation resistance and electrochemical migration caused by ion residue during using due to cleaning problems. Through the investigation comparison and experimental analysis of several cleaning solvents, the most suitable solvent materials for cleaning nuclear level printed circuit board assembly are determined.
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    Cross-Clock Domain Verification Practice of NASPIC Communication Module Based on FPGA
    XIAO Anhong,ZENG Hui,QIN Youyong,JIN Jin,ZHOU Junyi,GUO Wen,CHEN Junjie
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  84-87.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.015
    Abstract ( 810 )   PDF (721KB) ( 264 )   Save
    Different clock domain signals often appear due to the diversification of field programmable gate array (FPGA) functions. Signals from different clock domains interact with each other. Data loss, timing errors and other problems often occur without synchronous processing. Therefore, cross-clock domain checking is especially important for FPGA function realization. This paper mainly describes the testing process and method of cross-clock domain checking in the verification and validation of FPGA software for nuclear advanced safety platform of I&C (NASPIC) communication module.It classifies the cross-clock domain exceptions, analyzes the exceptions of FPGA software for communication module and presents solutions, and provides a test idea for FPGA test engineers.
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    Design of Temperature Conditioning Module of Thermal Resistance Based on PWM Isolation
    ZHAO Zihong,LIU Mingxing,YAN Hao,WANG Song,DING Jie
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  88-92.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.016
    Abstract ( 770 )   PDF (586KB) ( 154 )   Save
    Isolated thermal resistance temperature conditioning module is suitable for complex industrial environment. The traditional isolation module is based on common digital isolation technology, and it needs to use integrated digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) chip, which is complex in principle and requires logic control by program. The module designed by this architecture has high cost, large volume and so on. An isolated thermal resistance temperature conditioning module based on pulse width modulation (PWM) technology was designed and adjusted the collected temperature into 4—20mA output current. The power supply, input channel and output channel of the module were isolated from each other. This module has the characteristics of configurable range, high precision and low cost, and can reduce the volume of the module by 40%. It is suitable for the temperature acquisition and adjustment of nuclear power digital control system (DCS).
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    A New Type of Analog Signal Isolation Technology Applied to Nuclear Reactor Safety Level DCS
    WANG Song,LIU Mingxing,ZHAO Zihong,WANG Shun
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  93-97.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.017
    Abstract ( 721 )   PDF (559KB) ( 129 )   Save
    To ensure the safety and reliability of the safety level distributed control system (DCS) for live analog signal acquisition, it is necessary to place an isolation distribution device on the front end of the analog acquisition of the DCS. Capacitor charge-discharge was used for analog isolation, and timer and logic gate circuit were used to generate switching control timing signal. The function of isolating the analog signal by using the photoelectric switch, adjusting the charge-discharge time of the capacitor and controlling the timing of the sampling and holding. The isolated voltage signal was converted into a current signal output through the circuit. Through the selection and matching of the parameters of the timing control device, the device has good electrical characteristics and a wide range of application scenarios. Under the condition of uncalibration, the accuracy can reach 0.05%, the temperature drift is less than 2×10-5/℃, and the electrical isolation reaches 1500Vp@1min<5mA (Vp is the peak voltage).
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    Study on Derating Design in Reliability Analysis on Nuclear Power Plant Safety DCS
    WU Liyin,XU Biao,ZHANG Qing,WEN Binshuang
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  98-103.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.018
    Abstract ( 837 )   PDF (868KB) ( 191 )   Save
    Derating design, as a technology in the research and development process of modern automated industry, plays a great role in the improvement of product design and reliability. Nuclear power plant safety digital control system (DCS) has strict requirements on reliability. In order to meet the corresponding reliability index, it is necessary to carry out derating design in research and development of safety DCS products. Based on the derating design method, the reliability calculation and analysis on some components used in nuclear power plant safety DCS were carried out. The reliability variation of components under different derating grades was studied, and the importance of derating design on reliability improvement of nuclear power plant safety DCS was shown. This research provides some conferences about derating design in the reliability study on the nuclear power.
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    Applicability of Updated International I&C Standards and Norms for Nuclear Power Plant
    HUANG Weijie,ZHANG Mi,CUI Cong,LI Liang
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  104-108.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.019
    Abstract ( 824 )   PDF (727KB) ( 156 )   Save
    International atomic energy agency (IAEA) safety guideline, international electrotechnical commission (IEC) standard and institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE) standard are the common international norms and technical basis of the design and review for digital instrumentation and control (I&C) system used in nuclear power plant, and some of those have been updated in recent years with technical requirements for the new issues for I&C. To update China’s standards for digital I&C and solve the problems in review, the applicability of updated international standards should be studied. Through systematic analysis, the update of these three norms above were introduced, and their technical requirements of human factors engineering, cyber security, commercial grade dedication were also introduced. In addition, the applicability of updated international standards and norms for the design and review for I&C system in China’s nuclear power plant was evaluated. The study has certain significance for the follow-up nuclear safety design and review as well as updating of relevant standards and norms.
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    Transient Impact Dynamics of Electronic Cabinet
    WANG Dongwei,LIU Mingxing,WU Xiao,YANG Rui,DAI Jun’an
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  109-117.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.020
    Abstract ( 933 )   PDF (8085KB) ( 223 )   Save
    A finite element model of a shipboard electric cabinet was established, and the vibration signals in different areas under the impact state were simulated by using the transient dynamic analysis method in Abaqus. The effect of the thickness of box bracket and stand columns on the impact response of cabinet was analyzed as well. The results show that the column, box, bracket and cover of the cabinet are sensitive areas of cabinet, and tend to generate high amplitude vibration. Since different areas of cabinet floor exhibit different responses to impact behavior, the vibration signals transmit to different parts of cabinet are different. As the height increases, the normal displacement and vibration intensity of box decrease gradually. The asymmetry of front and rear of cabinet system is the main reason for difference of vibration intensity between the different areas of cabinet top and front and rear columns. In addition, the thicknesses of bracket and column also have strong influence on the impact response of cabinet. The results can provide the theoretical basis for the reasonable design of impact resistance of cabinet structure.
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    Design and Verification of Virtualization Transplantation Method for Distributed Control System
    PENG Hao,ZHANG Xu,DENG Zhiguang,JIANG Wei,LIU Mingming,ZHANG Yu,LIU Guohai
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  118-122.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.021
    Abstract ( 694 )   PDF (753KB) ( 151 )   Save
    Virtualization transplantation technologies of distributed control system (DCS) include simulation, emulation and stimulation. Based on emulation, a set of technology solution for virtualization transplantation of DCS architecture and field control station was proposed. Similarities and differences between the actual control system and virtual DCS based on virtualization system architecture were also analyzed. Therefore, the communication mechanism of the virtualization system was optimized to improve the emulation performance. Moreover, a nuclear reactor power regulation system was taken as an example. By comparing actual control system and emulation system under related application functions, the trend of curve of related parameters is basically the same, and the results proved that the method of virtualization transplantation can be applied to practical projects.
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    Nuclear Power Plant Accident Evaluation and Prediction Method Based on Online Simulation Technology
    JIANG Jing,HE Yupeng,ZHANG Zipeng,YANG Zonghao,XU Shihao,WANG Kai
    2019, 53 (Sup.1):  123-126.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2019.S1.022
    Abstract ( 882 )   PDF (1954KB) ( 181 )   Save
    Nuclear emergency auxiliary decision-making system is important, and the evaluation about equipment damage situation within the unit, expansion trend of accident, feasibility of emergency intervention plays important roles in post-accident decision-making. In terms of accident evaluation, traditional simulator and real-time information system have their own limitations, which can not fully assist emergency decision-making after the accident. By combining advantages of the two and studying technical solutions for accident evaluation and prediction based on online simulation systems, this research provides accurate 3D display, evolutionary trend prediction and simulation deduction of intervention measures to support making scientific and effective emergency decision.
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