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    03 April 2017, Volume 51 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Modeling and Analyzing for Stream of Variations in#br#  Multistage Manufacturing Processes of Cylinder Block
    LI Guilong,DU Shichang
    2017, 51 (4):  385. 
    Abstract ( 844 )   Save

    Abstract: Four types of coordinate systemsare defined for the multistage manufacturing process (MMP) of cylinder blocks. The coupling relationships between datum error, fixture error and tool error areanalyzed.Through the finite element analysis of the cylinder block manufacturing process, the cutting forceinduced deformation displacements of the processed surface are simulated with tool error. The specific characteristic dimension is described by using differential motion vectors (DMV) of multiple featurepoints. The state space model of the stream of variations (SoV) based on the DMV of a single point is extended based on the DMV description by considering the cutting forceinduced deformation displacements. The effectiveness and feasibility of the model are validated by a case study of the B12 cylinder block.

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    Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation on Circular Diameters Based on#br#  Error Ellipse Theory and Monte Carlo Method
    ZHU Mengrui,WU Zhaoyong,WU Jian,DU Zhengchun,YANG Jianguo
    2017, 51 (4):  393. 
    Abstract ( 829 )   Save

    Abstract: The measuring circle function of coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is studied and a new uncertainty evaluation model is established in the paper based on error ellipse theory and Monte Carlo method. The uncertainty of the sample points is expressed in the error ellipse. The paper uses the Monte Carlo method to get the uncertainty of diameter in circle fitted by the least square method. The method is more quickly as the less sample data involved.Comparison the experimental measure with the results by method proposed in the paper, it can draw a conclusion that the method can evaluate the diameter uncertainty accurately.

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    Road Recognition Method of WheelTracked Robot Based on#br#  Multisensor Information Fusion
    GONG Pengwei1,FEI Yanqiong1, 3, SONG Libo2
    2017, 51 (4):  398. 
    Abstract ( 964 )   Save

    Abstract: In view of the wheeltracked robot’s road status recognition under the unknown circumstance, a new identification method was proposed based on multi information fusion, and the method compounded with support vector machine (SVM) theory and DempsterShafer (DS) evidence theory. First, a data acquisition system composed of ultrasonic sensors and infrared sensors was designed in order to get the features of the road condition. Then on the basis of Platt posteriori probability, the multiclass posteriori probability model and BPA function were constructed. Finally, experiments with SVM+DS fusion and identification method were carried out to identify the three typical road conditions. The results showed that flat road, slope and step conditions could be identified effectively, hence the method could satisfy the performance requirement of the wheeltracked robot.

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    Adaptive Position and Attitude Control for Deep Sea WorkClass#br#  Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle Based on Fuzzy Compensation
    HUO Xingxing,GE Tong,WANG Xuyang
    2017, 51 (4):  403. 
    Abstract ( 731 )   Save

    Abstract: To overcome the impact of parameter variations, current and other unknown disturbance on the position and attitude control of deep sea workclass remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), an adaptive position and attitude controller for the ROV was designed based on fuzzy compensation. The disturbance force and moment generated by parameter variations,current and other unknown disturbance were isolated from mathematical model of ROV in the fixed coordinate system, and a fuzzy logic system (FLS) was used to approximate the force and moment. An adaptive position and attitude controller for the ROV based on fuzzy compensation of the force and moment was designed. In order to decrease the effect of approximation error we also applied the robust adaptive control law. The results of numerical simulation indicated that the disturbance force and moment acting on ROV can be approximated with high precision by using FLS, and the designed controller achieves strong antidisturbance ability, tracking performance and robustness.

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    Sensitivity Study of Wave Slamming with Respect to#br#  Water Depth for Floating Platform
    HUO Fali1,ZHANG Jian1,YANG Deqing2
    2017, 51 (4):  410. 
    Abstract ( 713 )   Save

    According to a typical example of semisubmersible platform, the air gap of platform has been studied through the numerical model tuned and validated by the tank and wind tunnel test results with ANSYSAQWA. The wind, wave and current loads are simulated simultaneously. Meanwhile, the effect of the full scale mooring system has been simulated. In the 300, 400 and 500m water depth, the sensitivity of wave slamming with respect to water depth has been studied based on the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) specification in 45°, 90° and 180° load directions through 9 cases and their 90 subcases. The 90% Gumble distributions for the 10 subcases of each case are chosen as the final results of the air gap. It is found that the results are obviously sensitive for the air gap and wave slamming through the same environment condition, mooring line type and pretension. Therefore, the water depth should be considered for the analysis of air gap and wave slamming in the design progress for engineering project.

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    Effects of Beam Focus Position on the Duplex Stainless Steel#br#  Fiber Laser Welded Joint Shape and Microstructure
    LAI Rui,CAI Yan,WU Yue,HUA Xueming
    2017, 51 (4):  418. 
    Abstract ( 667 )   Save

    Effects of beam focus position was studied on the 2205 duplex stainless steel fiber laser welded joint shape and microstructure. By welding heat simulation and joint miscorstucture analysis. It was showed that the temperature field of the joint varied as the changes of laser beam foucs position changed. Besides, when laser beam focus position was moved downward, the width of weld and the number of pore in weld were decreased, but heat affect zone was the invariant. In addition, the microstructure of 2205 duplex stainless steel was effected by laser beam foucs position. When laser beam focus position was positive, the Austenite content was the highest than other conditions. When laser beam was focused on surface, the Austenitic distribution in the weld became even.

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    Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Processing Parameters on#br#  Temperature on the Contact Interface During#br#  High Strength Steel Cold Stamping
    GU Xinjian,YU Zhongqi,SONG Yang
    2017, 51 (4):  426. 
    Abstract ( 828 )   Save

    In order to study temperature field on the interface between die and blank at die radius zone during cold sheet forming, the temperature field during DP590 sheet Ushaped bending was calculated by using a thermomechanical coupled static implicit finite element model, and then the influences of the four key processing parameters (relative radius of die, blankholder force, forming velocity, and friction coefficient)  on the maximum value of the temperature field were analyzed. The investigation shows that the maximum temperature on the interface increases with the decrease of the relative radius of die, the increase of the forming velocity and the increase of the friction coefficient, respectively. Blankholder force has obviously different influence in different forming phase: in the initial transient phase, the blankholder force has almost no influence on the maximum temperature, while in the steady phase, the maximum temperature increases with the increase of the blankholder force in a certain range, but once the force comes above this range, the max value does not increase with the blankholder force.

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    Plastic Deformation Behavior of HotDipped Advanced Galvanized Steel#br#  Under the Condition of Friction Coupling
    ZHENG Xiankun,WANG Wurong,WEI Xicheng
    2017, 51 (4):  432. 
    Abstract ( 700 )   Save

    Different plastic deformation under the condition of friction coupling on a selfdeveloped friction tester was obtained by setting the reduction of punch and load. The friction tester can simulate the relative sliding under the forming force in the process of practical stamping. The surface roughness, friction coefficient and dynamic evolution were studied and analyzed to determine galling initiation. The results show that the galling initiation would go through three stages of film cracking, transfer and agglomerate, and the galling initiated earlier as the plastic deformation was larger. The surface damage was resulted from the effect of adhesive wear and plowing.

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    Effect of Induction Tempering on Mechanical Properties of#br#  ColdFormed High Strength Steel Square Tube
    PENG Xuefeng1,HAN Jingtao1,LIU Jing1,YAN Peijie2
    2017, 51 (4):  438. 
    Abstract ( 728 )   Save

     For the problems caused in the coldformed process at corners of high strength steel square tube, i.e. poor mechanical properties, severe hardening and residual stress concentration, a local induction tempering process online was proposed. This process could effectively solve the problems of corner defects of coldformed high strength steel square tube. The study found that the different tempering temperatures had a great impact on the mechanical properties of the bending angle. The results showed that the strength and elongation of the tempering square tube were almost the same as those of the vigor material at tempering temperature of 650℃. There was no crack when the displacement distance was larger than 1/2 of diagonal length at flattening test. The magnitude and distribution of the residual stresses had also been improved to some extent. As the tempering temperature was 700℃, the strength of the high strength steel square tube decreased, the heat affected zone became larger, and the distribution of the residual stresses got abnormal.

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    TimeDependent Chloride Transport in Existing Concrete Docks
    WU Lingjie,KOU Xinjian,ZHOU Yongjun,JIANG Meng
    2017, 51 (4):  444. 
    Abstract ( 576 )   Save

    A field investigation was carried out in Beibu gulf and the free chloride concentration in the concrete samples was determined. The results showed that at given depths, the chloride concentration reached the highest in the splash zones and was the second in the tidal zones and lowest in the atmospheric zones. Similarly characters were observed by the fitted surface chloride concentration and the chloride diffusion coefficient. It can be concluded that splash zones affect concrete structures more harshly than tidal zones and atmospheric zones. Chloride diffusion coefficient decreases with time passing by, and age factor obeys the normal distribution. In atmospheric, tidal and splash zones, the mean values of the age factor are 0.19, 0.36 and 0.43, respectively. The investigation shows that the timedependent property of chloride diffusion coefficient has to take into account in durability assessment.

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    The Control of Resilient Modulus of Soft Rock as Filling Material for#br#  Subgrade Based on Dynamic Deformation Control Method
    ZHAN Yongxiang1,LONG Xiaobo2,YAO Hailin1,ZHANG Jingbo3,CHEN Yu4
    2017, 51 (4):  450. 
    Abstract ( 697 )   Save

    Based on deformation compatibility principle of subgrade and pavement, combined with the pavement deflection control standard of current highway related code, the tolerance value of dynamic deformation of soft rock subgrade top is obtained. The theoretical solutions of elastic multilayered road structures under dynamic doublecircular loads are derived by using the transmissionreflection matrix method and the superposition principle. The dynamic deformation of soft rock subgrade top is deduced with inverse Hankel transformation. The critical value of resilient modulus of soft rock filled in area is determined based on the dynamic deformation control method. According to the thickness of the subgrade structure provided by the existing highway code,  control requirements of the resilient modulus of the soft rock filler satisfying the condition of dynamic deformation is put forward, and the soft rock filler is classified according to the resilient modulus. The results of this research can provide guidance for the optimization of the soft rock filler.

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    A New FullFlow Penetrometer for Strength Test of#br#  Submarine Mud Flow
    FAN Ning1,ZHAO Wei1,NIAN Tingkai1,2,3,WU Hao1,LU Shuang1
    2017, 51 (4):  456. 
    Abstract ( 840 )   Save

    A new fullflow penetrometer is proposed based on the fullflow testing mechanism, since there is a lack of proper strength test devices of submarine mud flow with low strength and high moisture content. The instrument structures and load measuring elements are significantly improved to effectively measure the undrained shear strength, residual strength with different disturbing degrees. Verifications are also carried out by comparisons of the strength values obtained from the new fullflow penetrometer and the routine one under the condition of 100g centrifuge model tests and 1g conventional gravity experiments, respectively. The results show that the working performance of new penetrometer is reliable and stable. Also, the new device is successfully used to measure the cycling strength of seafloor mud flow formed by fine grained simulationsoil submarine slide.

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    A Noniterative Approach for Simulating Multivariate NonGaussian#br#  Fluctuating Wind Pressure
    LI Jinhua1,LI Chunxiang2,JIANG Lei2,DENG Ying2
    2017, 51 (4):  462. 
    Abstract ( 649 )   Save

    Based on the correlativity of multivariate nonGaussian random processes, the proposed noniterative algorithm used for the univariate nonGaussian stochastic processes is expanded to simulate the multivariate nonGaussian processes. The coherency functions of underlying multivariate nonGaussian processes are dealt with by resorting to the correlativity of multivariate Gaussian processes, a noniteration based algorithm is developed for simulating the multivariate nonGaussian processes. The numerical simulations of the multivariate nonGaussian fluctuating wind pressure indicate that the noniteration based algorithms can effectively simulate the multivariate nonGaussian processes with low, middle, and high skewnesses, respectively.

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    TwoPhase Flow Resistance and Interfacial Drag in Packed Beds
    ZOU Xumao, LI Liangxing, KONG Liubo, WANG Huasheng
    2017, 51 (4):  470. 
    Abstract ( 833 )   Save

     In order to investigate the characteristics of twophase flow resistance in packed porous media, the experiments of airwater twophase flow in packed beds with spherical particles of different sizes are performed by the test facility of DEBECO (Debris Bed Coolability). Based on the experimental data, the calculative results by different predictive models are compared and verified, and the influence of interfacial drag on pressure drop for twophase flow is analyzed emphatically. The results show that the effects of the interfacial drag on twophase flow pressure drop are negligible for packed beds with smallsize (e.g. d=1.5mm) particles, and the twophase flow pressure drop curves show an increasing tendency with the increase of air flowrates. The interfacial drag has significant influence on twophase flow pressure drop for packed beds with largesize (e.g. d=6.0mm) particles at low liquid velocities , and has a descentascent tendency in the pressure drop curve.

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    Analysis of VortexInduced Vibration of Marine Riser Under#br#  the Consideration of Prestress Force Distribution
    CHEN Luyun1,LI Leixin1, 2,YANG Nian1
    2017, 51 (4):  476. 
    Abstract ( 633 )   Save

    In present research, the problem of vortexinduced vibration (VIV) of marine riser structure with complex prestress force distribution is considered. Based on the EulerBernoulli beam theory, according to the stressstrain formula, differential equations of the influence with complex prestress force distribution on riser structure are established. At the end, a toptensioned riser (TTR) which is under shear flow loading is taken as an example, the influence of natural frequency, mode shape, and VIV response characteristic by complex prestress force distribution are investigated. The result shows that the distribution of complex prestress force has a significant influence on the riser structural dynamic characteristics, especially on the natural frequency. It is shown that the method proposed in this research provides a new approach to analyze the VIV problem of riser structure with complex loading.

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    Influence of Vortex Induced Vibration on the#br#  LiquidSolid TwoPhase Flow in Pipeline
    LIU Yong1,CHEN Luyun2
    2017, 51 (4):  485. 
    Abstract ( 807 )   Save

    In order to study the influence of vortexinduced vibration(VIV) on mineral particles hydraulic transportation in the deepsea mining, EulerEuler twofluid flow model based on particle dynamics and CFD are employed to simulate the liquidsolid twophase flow field in pipe under VIV. Through the analysis of liquidsolid twophase flow field under several VIV conditions, it is found that VIV changes the axial velocity and concentration distribution of particle. The fluctuation phenomenon of the particle axial velocity occurs, the particle concentration distribution varies cyclical and local concentration increase significantly.

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    Research on Dynamic Artificial Thermocouple Method
    DONG Huiyue1,XIE Junyao1,ZHANG Ming1,MENG Tao2,SU Wenlong3,FAN Xintian3
    2017, 51 (4):  490. 
    Abstract ( 898 )   Save

    Combining the characteristics of semiartificial thermocouple method and artificial thermocouple method, a new method of measuring cutting temperature is presented and named dynamic artificial thermocouple method. This method has the advantages of artificial thermocouple method without secondary calibration and cutting temperature of insulator can be measured, and it has the advantaget of semiartificial thermocouple method that cutting temperature in cutting zone can be measured directly. By comparing temperatures in cutting zone during the process of milling aluminum panels measured by the new method and semiartificial thermocouple method separately under same machining conditions, the measure accuracy of the new method is verified. The experiment demonstrates that the temperature measurements by using dynamic artificial thermocouple method are closed to those results by using semiartificial thermocouple method. For thermocouple potential, the mean absolute percentage error is less than 2.5% and the standard deviation is less than 0.9mV. For temperature values, the mean absolute percentage error is less than 3% and the standard deviation is less than 14℃. Furthermore, temperature variation in the cutting zone of epoxy resin is measured by using dynamic artificial thermocouple method and it is proved that this method can be used to measure cutting temperature in the cutting zone of insulator effectively.

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    Numerical Calculation of VortexInduced Vibration of Composite Riser
    CHEN Dongyang1,ABBAS L K1,WANG Guoping1,RUI Xiaoting1,LU Weijie2
    2017, 51 (4):  495. 
    Abstract ( 685 )   Save

    Numerical calculation of vortexinduced vibration (VIV) of reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) based on scale adaptive simulation (SAS) and computational structure dynamics (CSD) is addressed. The VIV response of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) riser and the modal of composite plate are numerical calculated and compared with experiment data which verified the accuracy of twoway fluidsolid coupling simulation and composite modeling method. Moreover, the VIV response of RTP and the same size steel riser in different conditions are calculated. The results show that the ‘lock in’ phenomenon occurrs when the free stream velocity equals 0.1m/s. The vibration response in incoming flow direction of RTP is as important as cross flow direction. The motion of the middle section of the RTP are in disorder due to the 3dimensional effect of flow and the vibration of incoming flow direction. When the velocity is 0.2 m/s, the incoming flow and cross flow direction amplitudes of the steel riser are smaller than those of the RTP riser, and the steel riser mainly showed low order vibration. The amplitude of the RTP riser under hingehinge constraint is slightly larger than that under the fixedfixed constraint, and it mainly showed switching motion of the second or third mode.

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    Effect of Splitter Plate Length on Hydrodynamic#br#  Performance Around Cylinder at High Reynolds Numbers
    GAO Yun1,2,WANG Menghao1,ZONG Zhi3,ZOU Li3,PENG Geng1
    2017, 51 (4):  504. 
    Abstract ( 652 )   Save

    Influence of splitter plate length on characteristics of flow past a circular cylinder at high Reynolds numbers is investigated using large eddy simulation (LES). Lift coefficients, drag coefficients, Strouhal numbers and vortex shedding patterns of different splitter plate lengths are compared and analyzed. The results of analysis show: based on the time histories of lift coefficients and drag coefficients, the splitter plate lengths could be divided into three regimes, which are the stable regime I (when the splitter plate length L=0D, D is the diameter of the circular cylinder), the unstable regime II (L=0.5D-1.0D), and the stable again regime III (L=1.5D-8.0D). When splitter plate length changes from regime I to regime II, there is a sudden drop of Strouhal number. When splitter plate length changes from regime II to regime III, there is a sudden increase of Strouhal number. With the increase of splitter plate length, the vortex shedding pattern of flow field changes from 2S to 2P.

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