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    25 April 2021, Volume 37 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Influence of Interaction of Complex Multicracks on Stress Intensity Factors
    ZHOU Xiao-ping, ZHANG Yong-xing, WANG Jian-hua, HA Qiu-ling
    2003, 37 (12):  1905-1909.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2003.12.022
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    An extremly accurate and efficient numerical method for solving the problem was presented, which is mainly by means of the crack isolating analysis technique, stress superposition principle, the Legendre polynomial expansion of the pseudo-traction as well as the segmental average collocation technique. The singular equations of the Cauchy type and Fredholm integral equations of the first type were deduced. In the process of dealing with the superposition of infinite number of kinked cracks, the crack boundary conditions are satisfied. Many complex computing examples were given, and for some typical examples, numerical results were compared with the analytic solutions and the numerical solutions obtained by a boundary element method. The numerical results show that the stress intensity factors depend on the crack configuration, and on the geometrical and physical parameters.

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    Softening Materials Analysis by Combining Adaptive Mesh Generation Algotithm with Arc-Length Method
    CHEN Xiao-feng, WANG Jian-hua, CUI Hai-yong
    2003, 37 (12):  1916-1918.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2003.12.024
    Abstract ( 338 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF (135KB) ( 284 )   Save

    The paper presented a new method to implement the elastoplastic FEM analysis of softening materials by combining the algorithm of adaptive mesh generation with the algorithm of arc-length control procedures. The integration of elastoplasticity, arc-length control procedures and the algorithm of adaptive mesh generation were focused on. The flow chart of combining the algorithm of adaptive mesh generation with the algorithm of arc-length control procedures was offered. The numerical results confirm the efficiency of the present analysis method.

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    3D Upper Bound Limit Analysis for c-φ Materials
    YANG Hong-jie, SHEN Zhu-jiang, WANG Jian-hua, ZHANG Zhou-yun
    2003, 37 (12):  1923-1926.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2003.12.026
    Abstract ( 310 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF (183KB) ( 162 )   Save

    This article described a method for upper bound analysis. The whole process is based on nonlinear programming and linear finite elements. By solving a non-linear optimization problem, i. e., searching the minimum value of power dissipated by external forces, the upper bound loads can be obtained. The numerical examples suggest that this method is correct and practicable. It can obtain the upper bound limit load directly without considering the complicated stress strain relationship of c-O materials in traditional finite element method.

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