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    15 April 2016, Volume 21 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Prediction of Hydrodynamic Forces on a Moored Ship Induced by a Passing Ship in Shallow Water Using a High-Order Panel Method
    XU Huafua (徐华福), ZOU Zaojiana,b* (邹早建)
    2016, 21 (2):  129-135.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1703-6
    Abstract ( 677 )  
    A three-dimensional high-order panel method based on non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) is developed for predicting the hydrodynamic interaction forces on a moored ship induced by a passing ship in shallow water. An NURBS surface is used to precisely represent the hull geometry. Velocity potential on the hull surface is described by B-spline after the source density distribution on the boundary surface is determined. A collocation approach is applied to the boundary integral equation discretization. Under the assumption of low passing speed, the effect of free surface elevation is neglected in the numerical calculation, and infinite image method is used to deal with the finite water depth effect. The time stepping method is used to solve the velocity potential at each time step. Detailed convergence study with respect to time step, panel size and Green function is undertaken. The present results of hydrodynamic forces are compared with those obtained by slender-body theory to show the validity of the proposed numerical method. Calculations are conducted for different water depths and lateral distances between ships, and the detail results are presented to demonstrate the effects of these factors.
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    The Numerical Simulation of a Towing Cylinder Based on Immersed Body Boundary Method
    QIAN Peng* (钱鹏), YI Hong (易宏), LI Yinghui (李英辉)
    2016, 21 (2):  136-142.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1704-5
    Abstract ( 570 )  
    An immersed body boundary method is adopted to track the motions of a towing cylinder, and a homogenous multiphase Eulerian-Eulerian fluid approach is used to capture the free surface. The Reynolds average Navier-Stockes (RANS) solver is applied to all gird nodes to deal with different velocities of the nodes that are in the body boundary, near the boundary and out of the boundary and their effect on the fluid. The towing cylinder resistance at different submerged depths in the tank is presented. The simulation results are compared with the experimental data, and the method is verified and validated. Finally, the hydrodynamic characters of the cylinder are discussed further. The numerical and experimental results show that at high speeds, the deeper the cylinder submerges, the lower resistance it suffers. The resistance coefficient trough is obtained at Froude number in the range of 0.3 < Fr < 0.4. These phenomena can provide some suggestions on the small waterplane area twin hull (SWATH) design.
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    Numerical Simulation of Viscous Flow over a Grooved Surface by the Lattice Boltzmann Method
    HUANG Qiaogao (黄桥高), PAN Guang*(潘 光)
    2016, 21 (2):  143-150.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1705-4
    Abstract ( 579 )  
    The motivation of this work is to investigate a grooved surface’s drag reduction. The viscous flow through a two-dimensional microchannel with the grooved surface is analyzed by the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The effects of the grooved surface on the streamline patterns, the velocity distributions near wall region and the fluid shear stress distributions on the walls at different Reynolds numbers are studied. In addition, the influences of the groove’s geometrical parameters on the grooved surface’s drag reduction are discussed. The numerical results confirm the grooved surface’s drag reduction and present the drag reduction law of the grooved surface.
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    Applications of Generalized Rough Set Theory in Evaluation Index System of Radar Anti-Jamming Performance
    QI Zongfeng1 (戚宗峰), HAN Shan2 (韩山), LI Jianxun3* (李建勋)
    2016, 21 (2):  151-158.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1706-3
    Abstract ( 517 )  
    Radar anti-jamming performance evaluation is a necessary link in the process of radar development, introduction and equipment. The applications of generalized rough set theory are proposed and discussed in this paper to address the problems of big data, incomplete data and redundant data in the construction of evaluation index system. Firstly, a mass of real-valued data is converted to some interval-valued data to avoid an unacceptable number of equivalence classes and classification rules, and the interval similarity relation is employed to make classifications of this interval-valued data. Meanwhile, incomplete data can be solved by a new definition of the connection degree tolerance relation for both interval-valued data and single-valued data, which makes a better description of rough set than the traditional limited tolerance relation. Then, E-condition entropy-based heuristic algorithm is applied to making attribute reduction to optimize the evaluation index system, and final decision rules can be extracted for system evaluation. Finally, the feasibility and advantage of the proposed methods are testified by a real example of radar anti-jamming performance evaluation.
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    Recursive Least Squares Algorithm for a Nonlinear Additive System with Time Delay
    CHEN Jing1,2* (陈晶), WANG Xiuping2 (王秀平)
    2016, 21 (2):  159-163.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1707-2
    Abstract ( 671 )  
    This paper proposes a recursive least squares algorithm for a nonlinear additive system with time delay. By the Weierstrass approximation theorem and the key term separation principle, the model can be simplified as an identification model. Based on the identification model, a recursive least squares identification algorithm is used to estimate all the unknown parameters of the time-delayed additive system. An example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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    A Bayesian Based Process Monitoring and Fixture Fault Diagnosis Approach in the Auto Body Assembly Process
    LIU Yinhua1* (刘银华), YE Xialiang1 (叶夏亮), JIN Sun2 (金隼)
    2016, 21 (2):  164-172.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1708-1
    Abstract ( 586 )  
    The auto body process monitoring and the root cause diagnosis based on data-driven approaches are vital ways to improve the dimension quality of sheet metal assemblies. However, during the launch time of the process mass production with an off-line measurement strategy, the traditional statistical methods are difficult to perform process control effectively. Based on the powerful abilities in information fusion, a systematic Bayesian based quality control approach is presented to solve the quality problems in condition of incomplete dataset. For the process monitoring, a Bayesian estimation method is used to give out-of-control signals in the process. With the abnormal evidence, the Bayesian network (BN) approach is employed to identify the fixture root causes. A novel BN structure and the conditional probability training methods based on process knowledge representation are proposed to obtain the diagnostic model. Furthermore, based on the diagnostic performance analysis, a case study is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Results show that the Bayesian based method has a better diagnostic performance for multi-fault cases.
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    Hardware Architecture Design of Block-Matching and 3D-Filtering Denoising Algorithm
    ZHANG Hao*(张昊), LIU Wenjiang (刘文江), WANG Ruolin (王若琳),LIU Tao (刘涛), RONG Mengtian (戎蒙恬)
    2016, 21 (2):  173-183.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1709-0
    Abstract ( 726 )  

    Block-matching and 3D-filtering (BM3D) is a state of the art denoising algorithm for image/video, which takes full advantages of the spatial correlation and the temporal correlation of the video. The algorithm performance comes at the price of more similar blocks finding and filtering which bring high computation and memory access. Area, memory bandwidth and computation are the major bottlenecks to design a feasible architecture because of large frame size and search range. In this paper, we introduce a novel structure to increase data reuse rate and reduce the internal static-random-access-memory (SRAM) memory. Our target is to design a phase alternating line (PAL) or real-time processing chip of BM3D. We propose an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) architecture of BM3D for a 720×576 BT656 PAL format. The feature of the chip is with 100 MHz system frequency and a 166-MHz 32-bit double data rate (DDR). When noise is σ = 25, we successfully realize real-time denoising and achieve about 10 dB peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) advance just by one iteration of the BM3D algorithm.

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    Consistent Depth Maps Estimation from Binocular Stereo Video Sequence
    DUAN Fengfeng (段峰峰)
    2016, 21 (2):  184-191.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1710-7
    Abstract ( 739 )  
    In the paper, an approach is proposed for the problem of consistency in depth maps estimation from binocular stereo video sequence. The consistent method includes temporal consistency and spatial consistency to eliminate the flickering artifacts and smooth inaccuracy in depth recovery. So the improved global stereo matching based on graph cut and energy optimization is implemented. In temporal domain, the penalty function with coherence factor is introduced for temporal consistency, and the factor is determined by Lucas-Kanade optical flow weighted histogram similarity constraint (LKWHSC). In spatial domain, the joint bilateral truncated absolute difference (JBTAD) is proposed for segmentation smoothing. The method can smooth naturally and uniformly in low-gradient region and avoid over-smoothing as well as keep edge sharpness in high-gradient discontinuities to realize spatial consistency. The experimental results show that the algorithm can obtain better spatial and temporal consistent depth maps compared with the existing algorithms.
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    Property Protection, Financial Constraints and Economic Growth
    YANG Yi1* (杨熠), LIN Renwen2 (林仁文)
    2016, 21 (2):  192-198.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1711-6
    Abstract ( 450 )  
    The relationship between financial system, law framework or economic growth has attracted considerable attention for years. However, there are some questions still remaining unanswered: between tangible assets protection and intellectual property protection, which is more important? Between external financing and property rights protection, which does play a greater role for the economic development? According to the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with non-free market factors, we study the effectiveness of property protection and external financing, and try to answer these questions. The model fits the data well, and we find:  protection of intellectual property plays a more important role than that of tangible asset, in the promotion of economy;  relaxation of financial constraints on corporate is more effective in the short run, while the protection of intellectual property is more effectual in the long term.
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    China and Emerging Economies in Global Financial Governance:Legitimacy, Accountability and Democracy
    LI Yamin1* (李亚敏), WANG Hao2,3 (王浩)
    2016, 21 (2):  199-203.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1712-5
    Abstract ( 425 )  
    Global financial governance refers to the way in which global financial affairs are managed. As there is no global government, global financial governance typically involves a range of actors including states, as well as regional and international organizations aimed at negotiating responses to problems that affect more than one state or region, far from only providing the public good of financial stability through global economy integration and global financial legislation. In geopolitical context of the 21st century, emerging economies still have maintained a low profile in global financial governance, despite their growing economic power and the rhetoric of being a responsible great power, and there is little evidence that they will seek international leadership. Moreover, compared to the other emerging powers in the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group, China has under-participated in global governance in terms of contributing personnel, finance and ideas to major multilateral institutions and programs. It is really an interesting question in international economics and politics area. Firstly, this paper examines comparative data on the emerging economies countries’ participation in global financial governance and explains the reason why China has relatively low involvement in global financial governance. Secondly, this paper analyzes norms and legitimacy in global financial governance, and thus outlines the emerging economies constraints on public policy of global financial market integration in the light of the foregoing analysis of legitimacy, accountability and democracy. Finally, some global financial governance development strategy and possible policy solutions are discussed as well.
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    Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Financial Innovation Ability of the National-Level New Areas Based on Grey Correlation
    LI Xiangdong1,2* (李向东), ZHOU Dequn1 (周德群)
    2016, 21 (2):  204-209.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1713-4
    Abstract ( 398 )  
    On the basis of setting up an evaluation index system of financial innovation ability and using the grey systems theory and the coefficient variation method, the article has proposed a synthetic evaluation method with grey correlation. Through evaluating the ability of financial innovation of the national-level new areas comprehensively, the article has offered reliable suggestions to adjust regional economic structure and make financial policy.
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    Analytics: The Real-World Use of Big Data in Financial Services Studying with Judge System Events
    CHEN Si’en1 (陈思恩), YANG Lvqing2* (杨律青), XU Shouhui3 (徐守辉)
    2016, 21 (2):  210-214.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1714-3
    Abstract ( 927 )  
    “Big data” which admittedly means many things to many people is no longer confined to the realm of technology. Today it is a business imperative and is providing solutions to long-standing business challenges for banking and financial markets companies around the world. Financial services firms are leveraging big data to transform their processes, their organizations and the entire industry. Since 2012, the term “big data” has frequently been mentioned and used to describe and define the huge amount of data in the information explosive era and to name related technological development and innovation. As to the police work, the coming of big data era is not only a challenge but also an opportunity. Police agencies should go with the tide of development to start with such aspects as work thinking, top design, public information sharing and application and talent provision so as to promote the new development and progress of police work. This paper expounds the practical effect and significance of police big data application by cases happened in some areas.
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    Space Enterprise Strategy Guiding-Based Study on Project Portfolio Management and Flow Optimization
    WANG Xubo1,2* (王续伯), BAI Sijun1 (白思俊), LI Suike1 (李随科)
    2016, 21 (2):  215-219.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1715-2
    Abstract ( 522 )  
    Project portfolio management (PPM) is the centralized management method, process and technology in multiple projects. When multiple projects in the space industry are implemented, it provides an effective methodology to resolve the problems at the same time such as conflicts among models, decrease in design efficiency, and increase in target deviation. Hence, a PPM dedicated to multiple projects management in space enterprise is presented in this paper. Firstly, an analysis of features and contents in space enterprise portfolio management mode is performed by using PPM based on its specific strategic characteristics. Then, the principle and selection methods of PPM are provided as a reference for the future development of an enterprise. Finally, a multiple-level organization architecture including decision making layers, function management layers and project execution layers is proposed so as to adapt to possible changes in the multiple projects and correspond to the strategic development. As a consequence, a perfect matching mechanism to fit the changes in PPM modes is reached. In addition, the flow chart of PPM is designed and optimized by analyzing the implementation procedure of strategic target and project portfolio life-cycle, which is expected to realize the purpose of improving space enterprise management efficiency, project management capacity, innovation development and economic benefits.
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    China Pilot Free Trade Zones Call Reform of Arbitrator Liability
    LI Xiaofu (李晓郛)
    2016, 21 (2):  220-224.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1716-1
    Abstract ( 533 )  
    Arbitration is vital for China Pilot Free Trade Zones (PFTZs). Though both of the Criminal Law and the Arbitration Law have clauses on liability of arbitrator, the ambiguity is risky for foreign arbitrators. There are three main theories on immunity of arbitrator in the world while China does not choose any one or set up a new one. For PFTZs’ development, it is time to establish details on liability of arbitrator and arbitrator immunity.
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    Research on Risks of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Online Confirming Storage Based on Evolutionary Game Theory and Subjective Bayesian Method
    ZHANG Cheng (张 诚)
    2016, 21 (2):  225-233.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1717-0
    Abstract ( 493 )  
    Online confirming storage of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a financial innovative product designed specially by China’s commercial banks to deal with the “Macmillan gap”. Targeting at this new product, and based on the analysis of its application process and mode, this paper first establishes the multi-game evolution model, works out the equilibrium, as well as tests the stability of the equilibrium point. Combined with the characteristics of the confirming storage, it puts forward a subjective Bayesian method, which is an information iteration one mostly adopted under the non-symmetric information circumstances. Finally, a system simulation case study is utilized to test the validity and practicability of the method.
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    The Construction of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Interest Rate Liberalization in China
    LUO Sumei1 (罗素梅), ZHOU Guangyou2* (周光友)
    2016, 21 (2):  234-246.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1718-z
    Abstract ( 536 )  
    It is of practical significance to study how to fully play the promoting effect of Shanghai Free Trade Zone (SFTZ) on China’s marketization of interest rate after setting up SFTZ. In terms of interest parity theory, this article tries to divide the process of China’s marketization of interest rate into different stages and conduct in-depth study of the formation mechanism of interest rate of each stage from the perspective of capital flow. The results show that marketization of interest rate is a system project. It can be divided into three stages: official interest rate supplemented market, two-track system and integration, according to the progress of marketization of interest rate, and the formation mechanism of interest rate of each stage varies. Free trade zone is a domestic and international hub for capital flow. The condition of capital flow influences capital supply, thus affecting the formation mechanism of interest rate domestically in free trade zone and promoting the progress of China’s marketization of interest rate. Marketization of interest rate, capital account liberalization, internationalization of RMB, and construction of international financial center are the supplementary, inseparable and transitional process. Therefore, the promoting effect of SFTZ on the marketization of interest rate, the capital account liberalization, the internationalization of RMB and the construction of international financial center should be made full use of. Finally, on the basis of it, this study explores hardships that China’s marketization of interest rate faces after the foundation of SFTZ and puts forward corresponding policy suggestion.
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    Performance of Price Limits: Evidence from Cross-Listed Stocks in China
    LU Liangliang (卢亮亮)
    2016, 21 (2):  247-256.  doi: 10.1007/s12204-016-1719-y
    Abstract ( 487 )  
    Previous literature on price limit offers mixed empirical evidence on the effectiveness of price limits. This study complements the literature by providing a quasi-natural experiment to study the performance of price limit. We examine the effectiveness of price limit rule using cross-listed stocks in the Chinese stock markets and Hong Kong stock market. We find that the influence of price limit becomes weaker as limit-hitting stocks are traded more actively. Among stocks with high trading activity, the delay of efficient price discovery, the volatility spillover and the trading interference become statistically insignificant. This challenges the views of price limit critics. Additionally, we find that the effect of price limits on the trading is asymmetric for A-shares in the upward and downward price movements.
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