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    01 June 2004, Volume 38 Issue 06 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Steady Dynamic Response of Saturated Soil under Nonaxisymmetrical Load Considering Velocity of Liquid
    ZHANG Zheng-lin, GAO Shao-wu, WANG Jian-hua
    2004, 38 (06):  947-951.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2004.06.022
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    The steady dynamic response of saturated soil was studied by means of Hankel transform. The liquid's inertia is considered, i. e. there is not any hypothesis. By using Hankel integral transform method, the solution of horizontal harmonic force applied to the interior or the surface of saturated soil is obtained. The general solutions of the Biot dynamic equations in frequency domain are established through the use of Hankel integral transforms technique. Utilizing the above-mentioned general solution, the boundary conditions of the surface of half-space and the continuous conditions at the plane of horizontal force, the solutions of the boundary value problem can be determined. By the numerical inverse Hankel transforms method, the stress and the displacement of harmonic horizontal force are obtainable. In the end, the numerical method of inversion of Hankel transform was given.

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    Disturbed State Concept Model for Studying on Mechanical Characteristics of Saturated Cohesive Soils
    CHEN Jin-jian, WU Gang, WANG Jian-hua, HAO Jia
    2004, 38 (06):  952-955.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2004.06.023
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    Based on the disturbed state concept (DSC) theory, a new constitutive model of saturated soft cohesive soil was presented through defining relative intact state, fully adjusted state and disturbed function for the saturated cohesive soil. Analyzing the mechanical characteristics of the typical saturated cohesive soil of Shanghai by consolidated-undrained triaxial shear tests, the relationship among axial stress, axial train and pore water pressure of the soil was obtained under different confining pressure. The constitutive model of cohesive soil based on the DSC theory was verified by the test results. The research shows that the theoretical analysis is in good agreement with the results of tests.

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    Application of SQP Algorithm in 3D Lower Sequential Quadratic Programming Limit Analysis
    YANG Hong-jie, GE Xiu-run, WANG Jian-hua, FU De-ming
    2004, 38 (06):  992-995.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2004.06.031
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    A statically admissible stress field was constructed by using nonlinear optimization sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm and FEM. Based on the rigid plastic assumption for soil materials, adopting lower bound theorem, the bearing capacity of rectangular surface footing was calculated. The example indicates that the application of SQP algorithm is successful.

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    Mechanical Behavior of the Interface between Reinforcement and Soil in Pull-out Tests on Geotextiles
    ZHANG Peng, WANG Jian-hua, CHEN Jin-jian
    2004, 38 (06):  999-1002.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2004.06.033
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    Based on the results of pull-out test on geotextiles, this paper presented a three-staged model for total shear stress-displacement to consider the strain softening and plastic flow. According to the mechanical characteristics of geotextiles, the non-linear differential equations are expressed in non-dimensional form and solved numerically using a finite difference method. The variation of the displacement, strain, tension and shear stress in pull-out test can be obtained. The relation between pull-out force and deformation was discussed based on the example analysis, and compared with the experimental pull-out test results. Comparison with the results of linear elastic model and hyperbolic model shows that three-staged elastic-plastic model is in good accord with practical situation.

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