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    01 April 2001, Volume 35 Issue 04    Next Issue
    Interaction between Superstructure, Raft and Layered Viscoelastic Saturated Soil
    LU Jian-fei, SI Yi, WANG Jian-hua
    2001, 35 (04):  489-492.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2001.04.002
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    By using substructure method, the superstructure can be condensed to the interface of the superstructure and the raft, and the governing equation of the superstructure is obtainable. The governing equations of the raft are obtained based on the thin plate theory and the virtual work principle. By employing the elementary solution of the vertical force applied on the surface of the layered viscoelastic saturated soil and the compatibility conditions between the raft and the layered soil, the governing equation of the interaction between soil and raft is established. Laplace transform is applied to the obtained governing equations and the governing equations in transformed domain are gotten. Solving the governing equations in transformed domain and applying the corresponding inverse transform, the proposed interaction problem can be solved.

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    Mesh Generation Technique of Tracing Crack Propagation
    HUANG Xiang-ping, WANG Jian-hua
    2001, 35 (04):  493-495.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2001.04.003
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    A new technique of mesh generation used in tracing the crack propagation with adaptive FEM was provided. The method will simulate the crack propagation dynamically by modifying the shape and the neighboring connection. This method has the advantages such as narrower modifying area, more realizable, needless of changing the element type, and so on. A numerical example shows the provided method is effective.

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    Basic Solution of Two-layer Elastic Half Space Subjected to Horizontal Concentrated Loading
    HU Chen, WANG Jian-hua
    2001, 35 (04):  618-620.  doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2001.04.033
    Abstract ( 497 )   HTML ( 10 )   PDF (138KB) ( 265 )   Save

    According to the basic solution of semi-infinite elasticity subjected to horizontal loading presented by Muki, boundary conditions and continuous conditions between layers, the basic solution for twolayer elastic half space was derived. The displacement and stress of arbitrary point within the elasticity were also inferred. Thus, exact working property of laterally loaded piles will be obtained by applying these solutions. Several numerical examples were given. The results are well coincident with Mindlin's solution and Davies & Banerjee's computing results.

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