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    31 December 2010, Volume 44 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Management Science
    Construction of a Theoretical Model on Short Message Service Communication in Sudden Crisis Events
    XUE Ke1,HU Huiting2,YU Mingyang3
    2010, 44 (12):  1625-1630. 
    Abstract ( 3327 )   Save
    Based on the analysis of studies at home and abroad, this paper combines relative theories and qualitative research methods such as focus group method to analyze the factors affecting the short message service (SMS) communication in crisis from the aspects of communicative frequency, communicative character and the type of information flow. It also puts forward the theoretical model of SMS communication in sudden crisis events, and verifies and modifies the model through empirical tests and case studies.
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    Analysis of Securities Market Multi Period
    Equilibrium under Rat Trade Condition
    ZHOU Rencai1,2
    2010, 44 (12):  1631-1634. 
    Abstract ( 3157 )   Save
    A multi period trade model including the rat, the institutional investor and the other individual investors was constructed. The rat trade not only changes the institutional investor’s utility, but also deepens the information asymmetry among investors. The model is resolved by using rational expectation equilibrium methods. Through the quantitative research, this paper shows that the market strike coefficient about rat trade decreases and the volume of rat trade increases with the trade time. But in the course of multi period rat trade, the other investors can not learn more information about asset value.
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    The Evolvement of Board Structure with Firm Lifecycle:An Empirical Research of Chinese A Share Listed Firms
    LI Yunhe1,HU Wenwei2,LI Zhan1
    2010, 44 (12):  1635-1640. 
    Abstract ( 3553 )   Save
    This paper explored the evolution principle and impact factors of A share firms’ board structure with firm’s life cycle by constructing the firm’s life cycle index according to industry method. The results show that the board size of Chinese A share listed firms is decreasing with firm’s life cycle, and the board leadership is separating with firm’s life cycle, but the board independence is almost static. The advising hypothesis of board structure that the adjustment of board structure of Chinese A share listed firms is most based on resources afforded by the new added board members is evidenced by the findings, while the monitor hypothesis is not well validated.
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    Large Shareholders’ Behavior of Assets Injection Under the Postperiod of Split Share Structure Reform
    TANG Zongming1,PAN Chenxiang1,LIU Hailong1,JIANG Keping2
    2010, 44 (12):  1641-1646. 
    Abstract ( 3396 )   Save
    This paper uses the economic optimal method and discount cash flow approach to explore the internal incentives of large shareholders’ assets injection. Then, assuming the large shareholders would tunnel the injected company, the paper analyzes the related factors of their net income of tunneling in order to disclose their motivation of assets injection. The modeling analysis shows that ① The profit of assets injection to large shareholders positively relates to the shareholders’ ownership, injection size, and priceearnings ratio of the listed company’s stock. ② The higher the operating efficiency of injected companies and the better synergistic effect of the injected assets, then the stronger incentives to asset injection from large shareholders. ③ Taking into account the market value of the share holdings, the tunneling incentives weaken. ④ Large shareholders’ tunneling proceeds are inversely proportional to injection size. So, the bigger injection size, the less prone to tunneling. Therefore, the assets injection itself induces the change of large shareholders’ behavior from tunneling to propping which will lead to a better firm performance.
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    Research on Bank Efficiency and Ownership Structure Based on Stochastic Frontier Approach
    LIU Shangxin1,2,GU Haiying2
    2010, 44 (12):  1647-1652. 
    Abstract ( 3540 )   Save
    Based on the stochastic frontier approach, this paper investigated the efficiency difference for different ownership type banks in the period of 1996 to 2008, and analyzed the relationship between the efficiency and ownership structure. The results show that both the stateowned shares ratio and ownership concentration have a significant inverted Ushape relationship with the bank efficiency, that is, for the banks of stateowned shares ranging of 15%-50% and banks of the top three shareholders equity ratio ranging of 20%-50%, the efficiency performance is the best. In addition, the more foreign equity shares in domestic banks, the higher efficiency reveals, moreover, the combination effect of private banks and foreign equity is superior to the stateowned banks with foreign shares. Therefore, in order to optimize operational efficiency of banks, the ownership reforms for Chinese banks should focus on reducing the ownership concentration through the introduction of different shares of stateowned or nonstateowned enterprises.
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    Evolution Analysis on Improving Academic Creativity with Small World Organizational Structure in University
    Lv Wei1,PAN Changchun2,YANG Genke2
    2010, 44 (12):  1653-1660. 
    Abstract ( 3289 )   Save
    This paper studied the dynamic evolution of academic creativity in university based on small world model. The academic creativity system comprises the researchers and the patterns in which they are organized. The interaction among those people yields the socalled academic creativity power. The design for a scientific and rational organization can enhance the academic creativity. The influence matrix theory based on NK model is adopted to describe the small world structure of the academic creativity system in university where N is the number of components in the system and K refers to the degree of interaction between components. The extremal dynamics in selforganized theory is used as the evolution mechanism. Finally, simulated evolution is conducted which demonstrate that the result of extreme dynamics evolution of the system is independent on the organizational topology structure if both N and K are fixed, while it is strongly dependent on K if only N is fixed.
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    Evolutionary Game Analysis on Innovation Modes Selection: Absorptive Capacity Perspective
    ZHANG Chunhui,CHEN Jixiang
    2010, 44 (12):  1657-1660. 
    Abstract ( 3162 )   Save
    Based on evolutionary game theory, the innovation modes selection of enterprises were analyzed, then the impacts of absorptive capacity on innovation modes selection were discussed. The results show that, with growth of absorptive capacity, the expected return of enterprises increases no matter whether enterprises select radical innovation mode or incremental innovation mode, but the expected return increases more remarkably when enterprises select radical innovation mode; the growth of absorptive capacity can lead enterprises to select radical innovation mode in higher probability and select incremental innovation mode in lower probability.
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    On Classification and Strength of Selfnetwork Externality
    in B2B Monopoly Platform Based on Twosided Market
    CAO Junhao1,CHEN Hongmin1,SHI Bide2
    2010, 44 (12):  1661-1664. 
    Abstract ( 3823 )   Save
    Based on category description for selfnetwork externalities of B2B platform, this paper builds a twosided market theoretical mode, and focuses on whether a B2B monopoly platform has selfnetwork externality or not, which selfnetwork externalities of bilateral users is more strong, and reveals the internal mechanism of selfnetwork externalities for B2B monopoly platform. The studies show that in B2B monopoly platform, the selfnetwork externalities from platform bilateral user’s has always been brought about a negative effect. Both the competition selfnetwork externality and the demonstration selfnetwork externality of the seller are stronger than that of the buyer. Combined with theoretical analysis, it puts forward some competitive strategies for B2B platform, such as improving service level, expanding demonstration selfnetwork externality, and pricing obliquely.
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    Economic Batching Scheduling Problem under Order and Delivery Integration
    YU Liang1,CHEN Feng1,QI Xiangtong2
    2010, 44 (12):  1665-1671. 
    Abstract ( 3467 )   Save
    This paper studied economic batching scheduling problem under order and delivery integration. Firstly, the problem is described mathematically, and a mixed integer linear programming is built. Secondly, the problem is shown to be NPhard, and some polynomially solvable special cases are presented. Thirdly, three heuristics and branch and bound algorithm are proposed. Finally, computational experiments are given to show the efficiency of heuristics as well as branch and bound algorithm.
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    Quantity Discount Strategy for Coordinating a Three Level Supply Chain with Fuzzy Random Demand
    WANG Chuanxua,JIANG Liangkuib
    2010, 44 (12):  1672-1677. 
    Abstract ( 3359 )   Save
    To analyze the coordination strategy for three level supply chain with fuzzy random demand, the quantity discount coordinating model for a three level supply chain consisting of a supplier, a manufacturer and a retailer was developed, in which the order quantity and reorder point are decision variables. The cost functions of individual members and supply chain were obtained and the corresponding algorithm was developed to find the optimal solution to the model. At last, a numerical example was given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. The numerical analysis shows that incorporating quantity discounts can reduce three level supply chain cost , and incorporating quantity discounts into both upstream and downstream of the manufacturer can significantly decrease supply chain costs compared to concentrating only on the downstream. The cost of three level supply chain with fuzzy random demand is greater than that of three level supply chain with random demand.
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    Sequence Game Considering the Coalition of Carrier and Shippers
    SONG Peng,CHEN Feng
    2010, 44 (12):  1682-1686. 
    Abstract ( 3182 )   Save
    This paper studied the sequence game considering the coalition of carrier and shippers. The time cost of shippers and the transportation cost of carrier were analyzed. Then, the cooperative game model of shippers and carrier was built. Moreover, a division rule of cost savings was raised. Finally, an example was given to show the method.
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    The Analysis of Reputation and Network Externalities of Price Dispersion in OnLine Market
    WANG Qiang,CHEN Hongmin,GUO Bing
    2010, 44 (12):  1687-1692. 
    Abstract ( 3363 )   Save
    According to the searching theory, this paper explored the effects of searching cost on equilibrium price and price dispersion following the variability of sellers’ reputation and network externalities. The results show that higher searching cost can make sellers with different reputation coexist in the online markets; in order to compete with the higher reputation sellers, sellers with lower reputation have to reduce the products price and thus leads to price dispersion; The increasing of network externalities can lead to more price dispersion. Furthermore, the advertisement by higherreputation sellers can improve buyers’ searching efficiency and reduce buyers’ searching activities. In order to compete with higherreputation firms, the lowerreputation sellers have to reduce the price and thus the price dispersion becomes more serious.
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    Welfare Effect of Competition in Medical Market under Regulated Price
    LIU Jun1,HE Mengqiao2
    2010, 44 (12):  1693-1696. 
    Abstract ( 3262 )   Save
    In order to analyze the effect of competition on the healthcare quality and social welfare, this paper constructed the patients’ and hospitals’ behavior model and social welfare model. By means of analysis and comparision between the equilibrium models under different condition, the precondition that nonprice competition improves quality is that the proportion of highrisk patient’s segment is lower than a certain point. Also it got the conclusion that the effect of competition on the social welfare lies in the reimbursement rate and the ratio of highrisk patient. When the reimbursement rate is high and the ratio of highrisk patients is high, the competition can improve social welfare; also when the reimbursement rate is low and the ratio of highrisk patients is low, the competition can improve social welfare. To the problem in health care system in China, the advice was given on how to got the equilibrium.
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    Auto Parts Logistics Network Designing Studies Based on Improved AHP Method
    MA Wenjuan,WANG Dong,GAO Yi
    2010, 44 (12):  1697-1703. 
    Abstract ( 3584 )   Save
    By designing the logistics network model based on the characteristics for auto parts business, this paper used market environment, transport and service delivery capacity as the three major factors to build a site selection evaluation system. Considering the uncertainty of the evaluation, the paper built the confirmed matrix to improve AHP method. The case of Fengshen was used to confirm the effectiveness of planning and the improvement of the methods.
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    Quantitative Research on the Spatial and Temporal Effects of Shanghai Metro Line 8 on Urban Housing Price
    SU Hailong1,2,XU Fang2
    2010, 44 (12):  1704-1710. 
    Abstract ( 3616 )   Save
    By collecting the record of secondhand housing price around Shanghai Metro Line 8, this paper applies a gridbased accessibility analysis model to compute the impacted areas. In addition, the characteristic variables are defined in oder to analyze the spatial and temporal effects of the Line 8 on housing price around it by applying the hedonic price model. The result shows that the Line 8 has positive effect on housing price. If the location of the house is close to the Metro station, the price will be higher than other houses; and the impact gradually gets weaker when housing is farther and farther away from the Metro station. Furthermore, Shanghai Metro Line 8 has an obvious temporal effect, Metro station in different location has different rising rate. The accessibility analysis and temporal effects of new line involved in this paper are seldom used.
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    Mechanical Engineering
    Robust Parameter Control Approach with Cautious Control Strategy for Attributes Quality Characteristics Based on Logistic Regression Model
    PAN Ershun,JIN Yao,YE Liang
    2010, 44 (12):  1711-1715. 
    Abstract ( 3475 )   Save
    Considering attributes quality characteristics existed in manufacturing processes, this article proposed the research on the modeling and optimization problem utilizing regression modelbased robust parameter control (RMRPC) approach. The idea of cautious control strategy was introduced for increasing the robust of RMRPC approach applied in uncertainty conditions. A logistic regression method combined with RMRPC approach was brought to model the problem. A case study of surface mounted technology (SMT) was presented to illustrate the application of this technique. The results show that this method is an effective approach to improve the quality and robust of the manufacturing process.
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    Reliability Analysis of the Output Displacement for a SliderCrank Mechanism
    TONG Changhong1,2,HUANG Jianlong1
    2010, 44 (12):  1716-1720. 
    Abstract ( 3757 )   Save
    A model for calculating wearing capacity was established based on the exited wear theory and the research conclusions. The contact pressure and the relative velocity between shaft pin and paired hole in joints were calculated by analyzing a mechanism from its kinematics and dynamics. The reliability model of the output displacement for a slidercrank mechanism was set based on the two assumptions that the elements in a joints tally with the continual contacting model and all of the random factors to affect the motion accuracy tally with the normal distribution. An application case of the established model was calculated by using the designed MATLAB program. The results show that the wear influence on reliability of the output displacement of the mechanism is more clearly with the time longer and longer. The reliability can be calculated and also the operating life under the given demand for a mechanism can be estimated by using the established model in reverse.
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    Effect of Face Wear on Sealing Performance of U grooved Mechanical Seals
    PENG Xudonga,b,YU Mingbina,MENG Xiangkaia,BAI Shaoxiana,SHENG Songena,b
    2010, 44 (12):  1721-1726. 
    Abstract ( 3846 )   Save
    The effect of face abrasive wear by debris in sealed fluid on sealing performance was studied for Ugrooved mechanical seals typically used in a nuclear primary coolant pump. The results show that the fluid film stiffness and leakage rate would increase at initial stage of face wear, and the leakage rate increases with the number of worn Ugrooves. When sealing dam is penetrated by debris, fluid film stiffness will drop abruptly and leakage will increase sharply. Often, there are some worn cracks onto seal faces at the same time in practice, therefore such a seal will break down with great quantity of leakage due to only a depth penetrated scratch or a flaw.
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    Active Balancer Based on Planar Linkages
    ZHANG Ying,YAO Yanan,CHA Jianzhong
    2010, 44 (12):  1727-1734. 
    Abstract ( 3212 )   Save
    A concept of independent active balancer for dynamic balancing of planar mechanisms was proposed, the main idea of which is to balance the mechanisms actively by introducing a control system with little changes to their original structures and motions. The proposed balancer was composed of a two DOF linkage and a controllable motor. One of the two input shafts of the linkage acts as the output shaft synchronously, which is connected to the input shaft or the output shaft of the mechanism to be balanced and rotates at the same speed. The other input is driven by the control motor. Because of the special configuration, the balancer can be considered as an intelligent balancing box with one extended shaft outside which can be attached to a machine easily and meet different balancing requirement by adjusting its structural and control parameters. The conceptual design of the balancer was discussed and several feasible schemes based on the planar linkages were obtained. Taking one scheme as an example, the design procedure of the active balancer was described. Finally, numerical examples were given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed balancer. The balancing effects of different schemes of the active balancer and the existing dyad method were compared. The results show that the introduced control system provides the active balancer with more flexibility and better balancing effect than the adding dyad method. For different balancing object, one or more dynamic effects can be reduced by selecting suitable structural parameters of the linkage and speed trajectory of the control motor. Moreover, the deterioration of dynamic performance caused by alterative working conditions can be compensated effectively by the redesign of the control input.
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    The Ideal Geometry Parameters of Arch Cylindrical Gear and Its Process Method
    SONG Aiping,WU Weiwei,GAO Shang,GAO Wenjie
    2010, 44 (12):  1735-1740. 
    Abstract ( 3705 )   Save
    This paper put forward ideal geometry parameters of arch cylindrical gear based on analyzing the geometry parameters and process methods of similar arch cylindrical gears. It analyzed the mesh characteristics of two tooth surfaces of gear pair. By graphical representation of the toothsurface equation and the mesh line expression,it demonstrated the mesh state of two teeth surfaces with graph, which can verify the feasibility of the gear’s geometry parameters. It can be concluded that the radius of concave surface and convex surface of the tooth must be equal in the gear, the tooth thickness is equal to the slot width on the different radial section of the gear teeth and the pressure angle at the reference circle must be equal. Based on it, the processing method of the involute arch cylindrical gear and the parallel rod gear processing device, were put forward.
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    Research on Low Speed Performance of ElectroHydraulic Servomotor
    Based on Improved Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithm
    YUAN Lipenga,b,CUI Shumeia,LU Hongyingb,LI Shangyib
    2010, 44 (12):  1741-1746. 
    Abstract ( 3947 )   Save
    This paper analyzed the flux and pressure continuous characteristic of electrohydraulic servomotor airtight cavity. And an improved genetic algorithm involving the mechanism of simulated annealing was introduced to carry out the structure optimization for improving low speed performance. The formula of pretransitional curve of the stator and its angle range was derived, and the optimum dimension of triangle cushioning groove of the valve plate was also obtained. This optimization method perfectly combines the global optimal characteristic of genetic algorithm and the local optimal specialty of simulated annealing algorithm. The algorithm not only avoids premature convergence, but also makes the neighborfunction structure more reasonable. Applying this method to design the servomotor, the continuous rotary electrohydraulic servomotor can track the low speed ramp signal of 0.001 °/s and the tracking precision can reach the boundary of 0.001 °.
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    Online Fault Feature Extraction and Abnormality Detection of ElectroHydraulic Servo Valve’s Condition
    HAO Shengqiao,XU Liming,SHEN Wei,WANG Jianlou
    2010, 44 (12):  1747-1752. 
    Abstract ( 3479 )   Save
    An online methodology of abnormality detection of electrohydraulic servo valve’s working condition was studied. A new feature extraction method based on the valve’s dynamic characteristics was proposed. One class support vector machine (SVM) was adopted to identify the working condition of the valve and the SVM parameters were optimized by crossvalidity estimation learning means. The results indicate that the proposed feature extraction method can effectively extract the fault features of the valve and its abnormal condition can be more effectively identified by taking advantage of oneclass support vector machine’s generalization ability than by the neural network, which lays the foundation for online faults diagnosis of electrohydraulic servo valve.
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    Optimal Sensor Distribution in Multistation Manufacturing Systems for Variance Detection
    LI Sike,MIAO Rui,ZHAO Yanzheng,JIANG Zhibin
    2010, 44 (12):  1753-1757. 
    Abstract ( 3411 )   Save
    In order to achieve sufficient as well as effective measuring sensing data, an optimal sensor distribution system should be carried out so that maximal error source detection capability is enabled. The spatial relationship between three types of error sources and measuring sensing data in multistation manufacturing system was established based on the state space model, and a variancedetecting sensitivity index was proposed for characterizing the detection ability of process variance components. Then a dataminingguided evolutionary method was devised to solve the optimization problem for sensor distribution. An illustrative example was performed to validate the importance and effectiveness of the proposed analytical procedure.
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    Multivariate Statistical Process Diagnosis Based on Path Diagram
    CHEN Wenduo ,MIAO Rui ,ZHAO Yanzheng,JIANG Zhibin
    2010, 44 (12):  1758-1762. 
    Abstract ( 3440 )   Save
    In view of the diagnosis of outofcontrol signals in multivariate statistical process control charts, a method of multivariate process diagnosis based on path diagram was proposed. Utilizing the quantitative causation among variables given by the path diagram, a simultaneous equation model could be obtained by establishing the linear regression equations for all variables independently. Then, the simultaneous equation model was applied to derive a uniform decomposition for T2 statistic. And the control limits for all decomposition terms were given as the standards of judging the root causes contributing to the outofcontrol signals. Simulation studies for a system consisting of three variables were carried out to demonstrate that the proposed method is reasonable.
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    Research on the Relation Between Ultrasonic Grinding Frequencies and Surface Quality for Al2O3-ZrO2 Nano-Composite Ceramics
    MA Hui1,ZHAO Bo2,XIE Ping2
    2010, 44 (12):  1763-1766. 
    Abstract ( 3695 )   Save
    The relationship between the ultrasonic grinding surface quality of Al2O3-ZrO2 nano-composite ceramics and the ultrasonic grinding frequencies was researched. Based on the ultrasonic singlepoint scratching test, the change of material removing style illustrates the improvement of surface quality with ultrasonic grinding. The reduced equivalent rigidity of the surface under ultrasonic vibration leads to a removal mode transition from brittle to ductile. And this phenomenon becomes more evident as frequency increases. The research shows that, the surface quality with ultrasonic vibration is superior to that without ultrasonic vibration, and the increasing frequency can contribute to the improvement of the surface quality.
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    Multidisciplinary Optimization of a Hydraulic Slide Valve Based on CFD
    WANG Anlin,WU Xiaofeng,ZHOU Chenglin,MA Bo
    2010, 44 (12):  1767-1772. 
    Abstract ( 3791 )   Save
    Hydraulic slide valve is a typical flow control device and its stability and reliability are the criterion when judging the performance of a slide valve.A new integration process was put forward to meet such desired need in slide valve that is characterized by the complex configuration. First, the objective was identified according to the performance improvement. Second, the initial model of model was made, and then the initial CFD analysis was carried out to predict the performance of the valve. Third, the response surface fuction of transient hydrodynamic force was acquired based on parametric modeling, CFD analysis, design of experimental and approximation model technology. Finally, the new structure size of flow channel was obtained by optimization which was made based on response surface model.
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    Disturbance Torque Produced by Vanes of Cam Rotor Motor on Non-magnetic Motion Simulator
    LIU Peng,WANG Xuyong,TAO Jianfeng,YANG Feihong,LI Fujun
    2010, 44 (12):  1773-1777. 
    Abstract ( 3590 )   Save
    A new kind of continuous revolving electrohydraulic servo cam rotor motor on the nonmagnetic simulation turntable was introduced with its operating principle and features. The mechanism of the motor’s torque fluctuation was found based on the systematical force analysis of motor’s vanes. The simulation of disturbing torque produced by the vane was emulated by using the matlab software when the servomotor is working under the lowspeed. From the comparisons of disturbing torque under different oil pressure on the reducing valve or different vane thickness, the related parameters’ effect on the torque fluctuation of this kind servomotor was revealed. The work in this paper presents some theory basis to resolve the phenomenon of velocity fluctuation with lowspeed of the servomotor.
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    Applied Mathematics
    Construction of Braided Monoidal Category over a Coring
    SHEN Bingliang1,LIU Ling2
    2010, 44 (12):  1778-1782. 
    Abstract ( 3596 )   Save
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the category of the comodules of the coring can be made into a braided monoidal category. Firstly, the conditions making the category into a monoidal category are obtained by using the fact that if C is a coring, then C can be made into a Ccomodule. The conditions are that the algebra and coring in question are bialgebra and biring,with some extra compatibility relations. Then, given a monodial category of comodules of the coring, the braiding is constructed by means of a twisted convolution invertible map and the sufficient and necessary conditions making the category form into a braided monoidal category are obtained. The category of entwined modules is contained in the category of the comodules of the coring. Lastly, the construction can be applied to the category of entwined modules as an example.
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