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  1. 1.上海电力大学电气工程学院;2.上海交通大学电力传输与功率变换控制教育部重点实验室;3.国网上海市电力公司电力科学研究院;4.国网上海市电力公司长兴供电公司
  • 基金资助:

 Review of Optimal Allocation and Operation of Energy Storage System for Peak Shaving and Frequency Regulation in New Type Power Systems

  1. (1. School of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power,Shanghai 200090, China;2. Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion of the Ministry of Education,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240, China;3. State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Research Institute,Shanghai 200437, China;4. State Grid Shanghai Changxing Electric Power Supply Company,Shanghai 202150, China)

摘要: 为达成我国“双碳”目标,电网中接入大规模可再生能源已成为不可逆转的趋势。在新能源比例持续增大的背景下,风电、光伏并网给电网稳定运行带来诸多挑战。储能系统具备良好的有功和无功动态响应特性,可平抑新能源固有的随机性、间歇性对电网造成的波动,有利于促进大规模新能源接入,实现负荷平稳调节,提升电网互动友好性。首先,从储能发展出发,介绍了国内外储能参与电力调峰调频辅助服务市场研究现状;其次,综合考察计及调峰调频需求的储能系统优化配置问题,从单一式储能到混合式储能两个视角进行分析,并对包含储能系统优化配置的求解算法进行了总结;再次,从协同运行角度研究基于电网友好型储能参与的新型电力系统,阐述了多时间尺度和多区域两方面的协同调度方法和控制策略;最后,对储能未来研究方向从共享云储能、数智化聚合建模、智能化和自适应控制技术、完善多区域合作与标准化政策机制四个方面进行了展望。

关键词: 储能系统, 调峰调频, 优化配置, 协同运行, 控制策略, 新型电力系统

Abstract: In order to achieve Chinese goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, it is a trend to introduce renewable energy into large-scale power grids. Owing to the increasing penetration of renewable energy, the wind and solar power integration brings critical challenge to the stable operation of power grids, so it is necessary to allocate active and reactive compensation devices.With the perfect dynamic response of active and reactive power, energy storage system can smooth power fluctuations caused by intermittent and uncertain renewable energy, which is helpful for peak load shifting. Firstly,this paper starts from the energy storage technology development, and introduces the domestic and foreign research status of energy storage participating in the auxiliary service market of power peak regulation and frequency modulation. Secondly, a comprehensive review is conducted on the optimization configuration of energy storage systems that take into account peak shaving and frequency regulation requirements.From a single type of energy storage to a hybrid type of energy storage, two different perspectives are analyzed and summarized, and the solving algorithms including optimal configuration of energy storage systems are summarized. Then,from the perspective of collaborative operation,this paper presents a grid-friendly new power system based on energy storage participation, elaborates on collaborative scheduling methods and control strategies in multiple time scales and multiple regions. Finally, the future research direction of energy storage is prospected from four aspects: shared cloud energy storage, numerical intelligent aggregation modeling,intelligent and adaptive control technology, and improving multi-regional cooperation and standardization policy mechanism.

Key words: energy storage system, peak shaving and frequency regulation, optimal allocation, collaborative operation, control strategy, new type power system
