J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci ›› 2024, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 689-701.doi: 10.1007/s12204-024-2728-x
• Special Issue on Multi-Agent Collaborative Perception and Control • Previous Articles
WU Xiaojing∗(武晓晶), CAO Tongyao (曹童瑶), ZHEN Ran (甄然), LI Zhijie (李志杰)
CLC Number:
WU Xiaojing∗(武晓晶), CAO Tongyao (曹童瑶), ZHEN Ran (甄然), LI Zhijie (李志杰). AlgoTime-Varying Formation-Containment Tracking Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm Systems with Switching Topologies and a Non-Cooperative Target[J]. J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci, 2024, 29(4): 689-701.
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