Do China Mainland and SARs Constitute an Optimal Currency Area? Evidence from Nonlinearity and Stationarity Behavior Testing on Real Exchange Rates
Do China Mainland and SARs Constitute an Optimal Currency Area? Evidence from Nonlinearity and Stationarity Behavior Testing on Real Exchange Rates
ZHENG Xiaoya1*(郑晓亚), YOU Haibo2 (尤海波)
(1. Post-Doctoral Research Station, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433, China;
2. Post-Doctoral Workstation, Xiamen International Bank, Xiamen 361001, Fujian, China)
(1. Post-Doctoral Research Station, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433, China;
2. Post-Doctoral Workstation, Xiamen International Bank, Xiamen 361001, Fujian, China)
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