上海交通大学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (6): 881-892.doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.379
范宏(1978-),博士,副教授,从事综合能源系统优化及实时仿真的研究; E-mail: suep_fhh@163.com.
FAN Hong(), XING Mengqing, WANG Lankun, TIAN Shuxin
范宏, 邢梦晴, 王兰坤, 田书欣. 考虑氢储的风光氢综合能源系统多时间尺度随机生产模拟[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2024, 58(6): 881-892.
FAN Hong, XING Mengqing, WANG Lankun, TIAN Shuxin. Multi-Time Scale Probabilistic Production Simulation of Wind-Solar Hydrogen Integrated Energy System Considering Hydrogen Storage[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2024, 58(6): 881-892.
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