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  1. 1. 广东工业大学自动化学院;2. 伊利诺伊理工学院电气与计算机工程系
  • 基金资助:

Research on Design Methods for Power Secondary System Simulation under New Power Systems

  1. (1. School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong Province, China;2. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, 60616, USA)

摘要: 为了与新型电力系统的建模和仿真技术相匹配,新形势下急需对信息高度共享并实施实时决策的电力二次系统进行建模和仿真。本文首次提出关联电力一次系统运行状态实现电力二次系统仿真的设计方法。以功能描述复杂的智能变电站二次系统为研究对象,首先提出电力一次系统和二次系统仿真的关联方法,阐明其仿真实现框架、数据交互方法以及数据同步管理,从而将一次系统实际电气量数据传导至二次侧,解决二次系统仿真数据源问题;进一步提出电力二次系统的仿真设计方法,面向对象基于统一建模语言提出其系统级交互设计、元件级类设计和模块级状态设计的方法,从而解析电气量数据在二次系统的传输交互处理转换全流程;最后以220/110/10kV主变间隔110kV侧出口处短路故障场景为算例,结合主变差动保护方案,仿真验证所提方法的有效性。

关键词: 新型电力系统, 电力信息物理系统, 电力二次系统, 数据同步管理, 统一建模语言

Abstract: Under the new situation, there is an urgent need to model and simulate the power secondary system that highly shares information and implements real-time decision-making, in line with the modeling and simulation requirements for new power systems. In this paper, design methods are proposed to achieve simulation of power secondary systems by correlating the operating status of the power primary system. The smart substation secondary system with complex functional descriptions is taken as the research object. Firstly, an interrelated simulation method for power primary and secondary systems is proposed, and its simulation implementation framework, data interaction method, and data synchronization management are explained. This enables the actual electrical quantity data of the primary system to be transmitted to the secondary side, solving the problem of data source for the secondary system simulation; Secondly, a simulation design method for the power secondary system is presented in which the system-level interaction design, component-level class design, and module-level state design are proposed based on the object-oriented unified modeling language. Thus, the entire process of transmission, interaction, processing, and conversion of electrical quantity data in the secondary system can be analyzed; Finally, taking a short-circuit fault scenario at the 110kV side outlet of the 220/110/10kV main transformer bay as an example, and combining with the differential protection scheme, the effectiveness of the proposed simulation method is verified.

Key words: new power system, cyber-physical power system(CPPS), power secondary system, data synchronization management, unified modeling language
