Numerical Analysis of the Soil Compaction Degree Under Multi-Location Tamping
WANG Wei1,2 (王威), DOU Jinzhong2 (窦锦钟), CHEN Jinjian2 (陈锦剑), WANG Jianhua2* (王建华)
2017 (4):
doi: 10.1007/s12204-017-1856-y
461 )
Abstract: Dynamic compaction (DC) is an efficient soil improvement technique. The previous numerical studies
mainly focus on the soil response of single location tamping, but ignore the soil compaction degree under multilocation
tamping. In this study, a numerical investigation of multi-location tamping in granular soils is carried out
using three-dimensional (3D) finite element model (FEM). The behaviors of the granular soils are described by
means of the viscoplastic cap model. The constitutive relationship of the soils is implemented into LS-DYNA and
is integrated with 3D FEM for numerical investigation. Then utilizing the field data from the previous studies,
we investigate the soil compaction degree at different stages by a case of two basic patterns, and discuss the cause
of soil response. Lastly, we evaluate the effect of construction parameters on soil compaction. The simulation
results show that the previous tamping affects the soil compaction degree beneath the adjacent tamping location,
and the effect is greater near the side of previous location. Meanwhile, the soil compaction degree around the
existing tamping crater weakens due to the adjacent tamping. Moreover, the rational selection of DC construction
parameters can improve the soil compaction degree, and some hints on the effect of soil compaction are given.
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