[1] PETRUCCI G, ZUCCARELLO B. Fatigue life predictionunder wide band random loading [J]. Fatigue &Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2004,27(12): 1183-1195.
[2] YOUSEFI F, WITT M, ZENNER H. Fatigue strengthof welded joints under multiaxial loading: Experimentsand calculations [J]. Fatigue & Fracture of EngineeringMaterials & Structures, 2001, 24(5): 339-355.
[3] BERETTA S, FOLETTI S, VALIULLIN K. Fatiguestrength for small shallow defects/cracks in torsion [J].International Journal of Fatigue, 2011, 33(3): 287-299.
[4] SAVRUK M P, KAZBERUK A. Stress concentrationnear sharp and rounded V-notches in orthotropic andquasi-orthotropic bodies [J]. Theoretical and AppliedFracture Mechanics, 2016, 84: 166-176.
[5] FAJDIGA G, SRAML M. Fatigue crack initiation andpropagation under cyclic contact loading [J]. EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 2009, 76(9): 1320-1335.
[6] HIRAKATA H, TAKAHASHI Y, VAN TRUONG D,et al. Role of plasticity on interface crack initiationfrom a free edge and propagation in a nano-component[J]. International Journal of Fracture, 2007, 145(4):261-271.
[7] TAYLOR D. A mechanistic approach to criticaldistancemethods in notch fatigue [J]. Fatigue & Fractureof Engineering Materials & Structures, 2001,24(4): 215-224.
[8] BENEDETTI M, FONTANARI V, SANTUS C, et al.Notch fatigue behaviour of shot peened high-strengthaluminium alloys: Experiments and predictions usinga critical distance method [J]. International Journal ofFatigue, 2010, 32(10): 1600-1611.
[9] SKORUPA M. Load interaction effects during fatiguecrack growth under variable amplitude loading: A literaturereview. Part II: Qualitative interpretation [J].Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures,1999, 22(10): 905-926.
[10] SAMIR A, SIMON A, SCHOLZ A, et al. Servicetypecreep-fatigue experiments with cruciform specimensand modelling of deformation [J]. InternationalJournal of Fatigue, 2006, 28(5/6): 643-651.
[11] BRIGHENTI R, CARPINTERI A. A notchmultiaxial-fatigue approach based on damagemechanics [J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2012,39: 122-133.
[12] MARCINIAK Z, ROZUMEK D, MACHA E. Verificationof fatigue critical plane position according to varianceand damage accumulation methods under multiaxialloading [J]. International Journal of Fatigue,2014, 58: 84-93.
[13] BARBU L G, OLLER S, MARTINEZ X, et al.High cycle fatigue simulation: A new stepwise loadadvancingstrategy [J]. Engineering Structures, 2015,97: 118-129.
[14] EFTIS J, NEMES J A. Evolution equation for the voidvolume growth rate in a viscoplastic-damage constitutivemodel [J]. International Journal of Plasticity,1991, 7(4): 275-293.
[15] ZHOU J P, LU Y C. A damage evolution equationof particle-filled composite materials [J]. EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 1991, 40(3): 499-506.
[16] JUN Z, XING Z. The asymptotic study of fatigue crackgrowth based on damage mechanics [J]. EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 1995, 50(1): 131-141.
[17] CHOW C L, WEI Y. A model of continuum damagemechanics for fatigue failure [J]. International Journalof Fracture, 1991, 50(4): 301-316.
[18] GLINKA G, SHEN G, PLUMTREE A. A multiaxialfatigue strain energy density parameter related to thecritical fracture plane [J]. Fatigue & Fracture of EngineeringMaterials & Structures, 1995, 18(1): 37-46.
[19] KACHANOV L M. Rupture time under creep conditions[J]. International Journal of Fracture, 1999,97(1/2/3/4): 11-18.
[20] QIU J, SETH B B, LIANG S Y, et al. Damage mechanicsapproach for bearing lifetime prognostics [J]. MechanicalSystems and Signal Processing, 2002, 16(5):817-829.
[21] RABOTNOV Y N. On the equations of state for creep[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Conference Proceeding, 1963, 178(1): 117-122.
[22] LEMAITRE J. A continuous damage mechanics modelfor ductile fracture [J]. Journal of Engineering Materials& Technology, 1985, 107(1): 83-89.
[23] LEMAITRE J, DESMORAT R. Engineering damagemechanics [M]. Berlin: Springer, 2005.
[24] LEMAITRE J, PLUMTREE A. Application of damageconcepts to predict creep-fatigue failures [J]. Journalof Engineering Materials and Technology, 1979,101(3): 284-292.
[25] CHABOCHE J L. A review of some plasticity andviscoplasticity constitutive theories [J]. InternationalJournal of Plasticity, 2008, 24(10): 1642-1693.
[26] CHEN J, DING Z, YIN Z, et al. Study on low-cyclefatigue experiments and life prediction of single crystalnickel-based superalloys under asymmetrical cyclicload [J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2007, 28(2):115-120 (in Chinese).
[27] LIU J H, WEI Y B, YAN C F, et al. Method for predictingcrack initiation life of notched specimen basedon damage mechanics [J]. Journal of Shanghai JiaoTong University (Science), 2018, 23(2): 286-290.
[28] YIP M C, JEN Y M. Notch effect on two-level cumulativelow-cycle fatigue life under different biaxialloading mode sequences [J]. Fatigue & Fracture of EngineeringMaterials & Structures, 1995, 18(11): 1323-1332.
[29] HU Y D, HU Z Z, CAO S Z. Theoretical study onManson-Coffin equation for physically short cracks andlifetime prediction [J]. Science China TechnologicalSciences, 2012, 55(1): 34-42.
[30] HUANG X Z. Experimental study on the effectof mean shear stress on torsional fatigue strengthof 30CrMnSiNi2A material [J]. Mechanical Strength,1987(1): 51-56 (in Chinese).
[31] YUAN Y Z, ZHAO M Y, ZHANG C P. Axial fatigueand torsion fatigue behavior on V-notch of 45 steel [J].Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment, 2014,35(10): 103-107 (in Chinese).
[1] PETRUCCI G, ZUCCARELLO B. Fatigue life predictionunder wide band random loading [J]. Fatigue &Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2004,27(12): 1183-1195.
[2] YOUSEFI F, WITT M, ZENNER H. Fatigue strengthof welded joints under multiaxial loading: Experimentsand calculations [J]. Fatigue & Fracture of EngineeringMaterials & Structures, 2001, 24(5): 339-355.
[3] BERETTA S, FOLETTI S, VALIULLIN K. Fatiguestrength for small shallow defects/cracks in torsion [J].International Journal of Fatigue, 2011, 33(3): 287-299.
[4] SAVRUK M P, KAZBERUK A. Stress concentrationnear sharp and rounded V-notches in orthotropic andquasi-orthotropic bodies [J]. Theoretical and AppliedFracture Mechanics, 2016, 84: 166-176.
[5] FAJDIGA G, SRAML M. Fatigue crack initiation andpropagation under cyclic contact loading [J]. EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 2009, 76(9): 1320-1335.
[6] HIRAKATA H, TAKAHASHI Y, VAN TRUONG D,et al. Role of plasticity on interface crack initiationfrom a free edge and propagation in a nano-component[J]. International Journal of Fracture, 2007, 145(4):261-271.
[7] TAYLOR D. A mechanistic approach to criticaldistancemethods in notch fatigue [J]. Fatigue & Fractureof Engineering Materials & Structures, 2001,24(4): 215-224.
[8] BENEDETTI M, FONTANARI V, SANTUS C, et al.Notch fatigue behaviour of shot peened high-strengthaluminium alloys: Experiments and predictions usinga critical distance method [J]. International Journal ofFatigue, 2010, 32(10): 1600-1611.
[9] SKORUPA M. Load interaction effects during fatiguecrack growth under variable amplitude loading: A literaturereview. Part II: Qualitative interpretation [J].Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures,1999, 22(10): 905-926.
[10] SAMIR A, SIMON A, SCHOLZ A, et al. Servicetypecreep-fatigue experiments with cruciform specimensand modelling of deformation [J]. InternationalJournal of Fatigue, 2006, 28(5/6): 643-651.
[11] BRIGHENTI R, CARPINTERI A. A notchmultiaxial-fatigue approach based on damagemechanics [J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2012,39: 122-133.
[12] MARCINIAK Z, ROZUMEK D, MACHA E. Verificationof fatigue critical plane position according to varianceand damage accumulation methods under multiaxialloading [J]. International Journal of Fatigue,2014, 58: 84-93.
[13] BARBU L G, OLLER S, MARTINEZ X, et al.High cycle fatigue simulation: A new stepwise loadadvancingstrategy [J]. Engineering Structures, 2015,97: 118-129.
[14] EFTIS J, NEMES J A. Evolution equation for the voidvolume growth rate in a viscoplastic-damage constitutivemodel [J]. International Journal of Plasticity,1991, 7(4): 275-293.
[15] ZHOU J P, LU Y C. A damage evolution equationof particle-filled composite materials [J]. EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 1991, 40(3): 499-506.
[16] JUN Z, XING Z. The asymptotic study of fatigue crackgrowth based on damage mechanics [J]. EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 1995, 50(1): 131-141.
[17] CHOW C L, WEI Y. A model of continuum damagemechanics for fatigue failure [J]. International Journalof Fracture, 1991, 50(4): 301-316.
[18] GLINKA G, SHEN G, PLUMTREE A. A multiaxialfatigue strain energy density parameter related to thecritical fracture plane [J]. Fatigue & Fracture of EngineeringMaterials & Structures, 1995, 18(1): 37-46.
[19] KACHANOV L M. Rupture time under creep conditions[J]. International Journal of Fracture, 1999,97(1/2/3/4): 11-18.
[20] QIU J, SETH B B, LIANG S Y, et al. Damage mechanicsapproach for bearing lifetime prognostics [J]. MechanicalSystems and Signal Processing, 2002, 16(5):817-829.
[21] RABOTNOV Y N. On the equations of state for creep[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Conference Proceeding, 1963, 178(1): 117-122.
[22] LEMAITRE J. A continuous damage mechanics modelfor ductile fracture [J]. Journal of Engineering Materials& Technology, 1985, 107(1): 83-89.
[23] LEMAITRE J, DESMORAT R. Engineering damagemechanics [M]. Berlin: Springer, 2005.
[24] LEMAITRE J, PLUMTREE A. Application of damageconcepts to predict creep-fatigue failures [J]. Journalof Engineering Materials and Technology, 1979,101(3): 284-292.
[25] CHABOCHE J L. A review of some plasticity andviscoplasticity constitutive theories [J]. InternationalJournal of Plasticity, 2008, 24(10): 1642-1693.
[26] CHEN J, DING Z, YIN Z, et al. Study on low-cyclefatigue experiments and life prediction of single crystalnickel-based superalloys under asymmetrical cyclicload [J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2007, 28(2):115-120 (in Chinese).
[27] LIU J H, WEI Y B, YAN C F, et al. Method for predictingcrack initiation life of notched specimen basedon damage mechanics [J]. Journal of Shanghai JiaoTong University (Science), 2018, 23(2): 286-290.
[28] YIP M C, JEN Y M. Notch effect on two-level cumulativelow-cycle fatigue life under different biaxialloading mode sequences [J]. Fatigue & Fracture of EngineeringMaterials & Structures, 1995, 18(11): 1323-1332.
[29] HU Y D, HU Z Z, CAO S Z. Theoretical study onManson-Coffin equation for physically short cracks andlifetime prediction [J]. Science China TechnologicalSciences, 2012, 55(1): 34-42.
[30] HUANG X Z. Experimental study on the effectof mean shear stress on torsional fatigue strengthof 30CrMnSiNi2A material [J]. Mechanical Strength,1987(1): 51-56 (in Chinese).
[31] YUAN Y Z, ZHAO M Y, ZHANG C P. Axial fatigueand torsion fatigue behavior on V-notch of 45 steel [J].Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment, 2014,35(10): 103-107 (in Chinese). |