上海交通大学学报, 2024, 58(5): 647-658 doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.350



孙毅,1, 谷家训1, 郑顺林1, 李熊2, 陆春光2, 刘炜2

1.华北电力大学 电气与电子工程学院,北京 102206

2.国网浙江省电力有限公司营销服务中心,杭州 311121

Low-Carbon Optimal Operation Strategy of Integrated Energy System Considering Generalized Energy Storage and LCA Carbon Emission

SUN Yi,1, GU Jiaxun1, ZHENG Shunlin1, LI Xiong2, LU Chunguang2, LIU Wei2

1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China

2. Marketing Service Center, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 311121, China

责任编辑: 王历历

收稿日期: 2022-09-8   修回日期: 2022-12-15   接受日期: 2022-12-30  

基金资助: 国家电网公司总部科技项目“电力系统碳核查计量支撑基础网络构建与关键技术研究”(5400-202255274A-2-0-XG)

Received: 2022-09-8   Revised: 2022-12-15   Accepted: 2022-12-30  

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 广义储能; 碳排放; 综合能源系统; 优化运行; 生命周期评估法


Integrated energy system (IES) is the key to achieve the “dual carbon goals” in face of the current energy industry transformation and low-carbon development. In order to improve the carbon emission reduction capacity of the IES, it is necessary to make full use of the load resources on the demand side and the generalized energy storage resources such as traditional energy storage equipment to participate in the optimization of the IES. First, an IES optimization operation model considering renewable energy, energy conversion equipment, generalized energy storage equipment, and energy market transaction is established. Then, the life cycle assessment (LCA) method is used to calculate the carbon emission of the whole process of energy cycle and equipment cycle in the IES, and the carbon emission cost is included in the total cost of the system. The results of simulation experiments show that the proposed model is not only conducive to reducing the total scheduling cost of the IES, but also able to reduce the carbon emissions of the system and effectively promote the low-carbon development of the IES.

Keywords: generalized energy storage; carbon emissions; integrated energy system (IES); optimized operation; life cycle assessment (LCA)

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孙毅, 谷家训, 郑顺林, 李熊, 陆春光, 刘炜. 考虑广义储能和LCA碳排放的综合能源系统低碳优化运行策略[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2024, 58(5): 647-658 doi:10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.350

SUN Yi, GU Jiaxun, ZHENG Shunlin, LI Xiong, LU Chunguang, LIU Wei. Low-Carbon Optimal Operation Strategy of Integrated Energy System Considering Generalized Energy Storage and LCA Carbon Emission[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2024, 58(5): 647-658 doi:10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.350

在当前世界化石燃料枯竭和环境污染加剧的背景下,我国正着力推进实现“双碳”目标,严格实施能源“双控”制度.作为《巴黎协定》的积极践行者,中国向全世界承诺:到2030年,中国单位国内生产总值CO2排放将比2005年下降65%以上[1].为进一步贯彻落实国家能源安全新战略,大力发展使用清洁和可持续能源的综合能源系统(Integrated Energy System, IES)已成为全方位支撑“双碳”目标落地的重要手段,也是实现能源转型和能源结构调整的重要举措.

作为新一代高效、低碳的能源供应系统[2-4],IES能满足需求侧对电力、供热、供冷和燃气等多种形式能源的综合需求[5-7].在IES中,储能装置(Energy Storage, ES)凭借对能量强大的时段转移能力而成为IES的重要组成部分.文献[8]中使用储能系统和需求响应提高了风力发电商在短期电力市场中的利润;文献[9]中研究了储能系统对提高IES灵活性的影响.除了传统储能设备,空调[10]、电动汽车[11]等具备一定储能特性的可控负荷也可以通过某些措施来改变能量时空分布,转化为一类成本较低,调控特性较好的广义储能[12].在IES中,考虑广义储能设备不仅可以节约建设常规储能设备所需的高额成本[13-14],还可以减少传统储能设备在生产、运行和退役等环节产生的碳排放.文献[15]中利用广义储能,充分发挥电-热-气资源的灵活耦合与多能互补特性,提高了系统的经济性与灵活性.文献[16]中针对灾时容灾阶段提出可改善电网弹性的广义储能调度方法,该方法能改善电网灾后性能并提高其运行弹性的有效性.

随着“双碳”背景下IES优化调度相关研究的深入[17-20],对IES进行碳排放定量计算是实现IES低碳运行的先决条件[21-22].文献[23]中针对现有电力系统碳排放流理论存在的若干问题提出一种碳排放量计算的改进方法.文献[24]中将碳排放流理论和需求响应引入IES优化调度,有效提高能源利用率,降低系统的碳排放和运行成本.以上研究基于碳排放流理论分析IES运营中各负荷的碳排放量,但没有考虑系统设备的多样性和环境因素的复杂性.为了分析从能源生产源头到退役设备处理全过程的碳排放,全生命周期评估法(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)成为精确分析系统碳排放的有效手段[25].文献[26]中对3种大规模储能应用系统进行全生命周期分析,得出它们的度电成本.文献[27]中利用LCA计算和研究了海、陆风电系统的碳排情况,结果表明海上风电系统经济效益更高,对环境更友好.以上研究为使用LCA分析IES的碳排放提供了探索性的成果,但所评估的对象均局限于某一具体设备或能源,未能综合考虑IES中所有的设备循环与能源循环.


1 IES的结构和广义储能设备模型

1.1 考虑广义储能的IES结构

建立的IES包括电能、气能和热能,系统结构如图1所示.IES内的能源供应不仅包括外部电网、气网和热网的供能,还包括来自风力发电和光伏发电等可再生能源的供能.能源聚合商间还有一些能源转换设备,主要包括燃煤热电联产机组(Combined Heat and Power, CHP)、燃气轮机(Gas Turbines, GT)、电转气(Power to Gas, P2G)、电锅炉(Electric Boilers, EB),能源转换设备可以实现不同能源间的协调利用和灵活转化.需求侧的能源用户在能源聚合商处进行能源消费,主要包含电能、气能和热能.广义储能设备包括实际储能和虚拟储能,储能设备可以在时间尺度上进行能源的互补利用.


图1   考虑广义储能的IES结构

Fig.1   Structure of IES considering generalized energy storage

1.2 广义储能设备模型


1.2.1 实际储能模型




1.2.2 可转移负荷模型




1.2.3 可削减负荷模型

可削减负荷(Reducible Load, RL)通过在一定范围内削减功率来等效虚拟储能的放能过程,其模型如下:



2 面向IES碳排放的生命周期评估

2.1 基于生命周期评估的碳排放分析方法



图2   IES的LCA过程

Fig.2   LCA process of IES


2.2 IES的碳排放生命周期评估

2.2.1 设备循环





2.2.2 能源循环





根据IES中各设备产电、热的比例及对应的碳排放系数可得IES中电能和热能的碳排放系数 δeδh.

2.2.3 考虑设备循环和能源循环的LCA碳排放











EMar= t=1TePMar,thHMar,tgGMar,t)





3 考虑广义储能和LCA碳排放的IES优化运行模型

3.1 目标函数


min CIES= t=1T(CDEV,t+CMAR,t+CCAR,t)


3.1.1 设备运行成本




CRE,t=kWTPWT,t+kPVPPV,t+ kWTp(PWT,tfor-PWT,t)+ kPVp(PPV,tfor-PPV,t)
CES,t= kESePES,te+ kEShPES,th+ kESgPES,tg+kTL(PTL,tin+ PTL,tout)+kRLPtRL


3.1.2 市场购能成本


CMAR,t=(kMar,tePMar,t+ kMar,thHMar,t+ kMar,tgGMar,t)ΔT


3.1.3 系统碳排放成本




3.2 约束条件

3.2.1 设备运行约束















3.2.2 市场购能约束




3.2.3 功率平衡约束


PMar,t+PWT,t+PPV,t+PCHP,t+ PGT,t-PP2G,t-PEB,t-PES,t= P0,t+(PTL,tin-PTL,tout)+PRL,tHMar,t+HCHP,t+HGT,t+ HEB,t-HES,t=H0,tGMar,t+GP2G,t-GGT,t-GES,t=G0,t

式中:P0,tH0,tG0,t分别为t时段需求侧的电、热、气基线负荷;HEB,tGES,t 分别为t时段实际储热、储气设备运行功率.

3.3 模型求解分析


4 算例分析



图3   IES日前购能

Fig.3   Day-ahead energy purchase of IES


图4   能源市场中的能源交易价格

Fig.4   Energy transaction price in energy market

4.1 基础运行仿真结果分析


表1   碳排放计量参数来源

Tab.1  Measuring parameters of carbon emission sources


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图5   各时段IES中各设备的电能出力

Fig.5   Electric output of each equipment in the IES in each period



图6   各时段IES中各设备的热能出力

Fig.6   Thermal output of each equipment in the IES in each period



图7   各时段IES中各设备的气能出力

Fig.7   Gas output of each equipment in the IES in each period


4.2 引入广义储能/LCA碳排放的有效性分析



图8   不同场景下IES的分时段碳排放量

Fig.8   Carbon emissions of IES by time period in different scenarios


图9   不同场景下IES的分时段成本

Fig.9   Cost of IES by time period in different scenarios

表2   不同场景下IES的运行成本、碳排放成本和总成本

Tab.2  Operation cost, carbon emission cost, and total cost of integrated energy system in different scenarios 元


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5 结语




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随着电力市场和碳市场的发展,将需求响应和碳交易机制引入综合能源系统运行调度中,有助于引导用户和系统运营商优化用电和调度计划。通过分时电价和需求响应激励补贴等综合型激励措施引导用户参与需求响应,并基于IGDT(information gap decision theory)理论构建了考虑阶梯式碳交易机制以及需求响应的综合能源系统双层随机优化调度模型,并通过KKT条件和大M法将双层模型转化为单层模型进行求解。结果表明,引入需求响应和阶梯式碳交易机制之后能够实现综合能源系统的低碳环保运行。

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With the development of the electricity market and carbon market,the introduction of demand response and carbon trading mechanisms into the operation and dispatch of integrated energy systems will help guide users and system operators to optimize electricity consumption and dispatch plans.The comprehensive incentive measures such as time-of-use electricity prices and demand response incentive subsidies are used to guide users to participate in demand response.A two-layer stochastic optimal scheduling model for a comprehensive energy system considering the ladder-type carbon trading mechanism and demand response is constructed based on IGDT (information gap decision theory) theory.The two-layer model is converted into a single-layer model by KKT condition and big M method for solving.The results show that the introduction of the demand response and carbon trading mechanisms can achieve low-carbon and environmentally friendly operation of the integrated energy system.


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储能设备可以实现负荷的跨时段平移,在综合能源系统的经济稳定运行中能够起到重要作用。但当下储能投建费用较高,难以大规模应用。而通过优化用户侧可控负荷,可达到类似储能设备平移负荷的效果。从电能、热能2个角度出发,提出了利用用户侧虚拟储能的区域综合能源系统(regional integrated energy system,RIES)优化调度策略。首先基于电动汽车充电管理方法和楼宇蓄热特性,对电、热虚拟储能(virtual energy storage,VES)系统进行建模;进而将虚拟储能系统集成到考虑天气不确定性的区域综合能源系统调度模型中,该模型以降低能源系统日运行费用为优化目标,合理安排电动汽车充电并在温度舒适度范围内对建筑物室温进行调节,实现虚拟储能系统的充放能管理;最后以夏季系统用能场景为例,对优化模型进行仿真实证。仿真结果表明,虚拟储能设备可以起到负荷平移效果,削减储能配置容量。应用虚拟储能系统的区域综合能源系统优化调度模型可以在满足能源需求和温度舒适度的前提下降低系统日运行成本,提升系统运行稳定性。

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Transferring loads across time periods, energy storage device plays an important role in the economic and stable operation of multi-energy system. But construction cost of energy storage device is high, which makes it difficult to apply energy storage device on a large scale. From the perspective of electric energy and heat energy, this paper proposes an optimal scheduling strategy for regional integrated energy system (RIES) considering virtual energy storage (VES) system, which can also transfer energy loads across time periods. According to the electric vehicle charging management method and building heat storage characteristics, virtual electric energy and thermal energy storage model is developed. The virtual energy storage system is integrated into the RIES optimal dispatching model. By arranging the charging of electric vehicles and adjusting indoor temperature within the temperature comfort range rationally, charging/discharging power management of virtual energy storage system can be realized. Finally, different energy supply modes under the summer refrigeration scenario are simulated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal dispatching method. Simulation results show that the proposed strategy can improve the economy and stability of the multi-energy system while guarantee the customer temperature comfort and meet regional energy demands.

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With the development of demand response technology, demand-side resources with flexible regulation characteristics such as temperature-controlled loads and electric vehicles can be used as generalized energy storage to participate in the control of power fluctuations in island distribution networks. This paper is oriented to two types of generalized energy storage, air conditioners and electric vehicles, and proposes a collaborative control strategy for distribution network that considers the participation of generalized energy storage clusters. Firstly, the load aggregator is used as the control center to build a multi-dimensional generalized energy storage cluster control architecture. Secondly, the generalized energy storage control model for the air-conditioning cluster and the electric vehicle cluster is established separately, and the number of controlled times of each air-conditioning is considered in the air-conditioning group. In the electric vehicle group, a power distribution strategy based on the state of charge is proposed. Then, according to the power response characteristics of the air-conditioning cluster and the electric vehicle cluster, a low-pass filtering-based multiple generalized energy storage coordinated control strategy is given. Finally, the simulation results based on Matlab/Simulink verify the effectiveness of this control strategy.

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SUN Weiqing, ZHANG Jie, YE Lei, et al.

Operation resilience optimization of power system considering generalized energy storage

[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2021, 33(4): 962-972.

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Based on the definition and principle of power system resilience, combining the traditional energy storage equipment with the demand response, <em>an optimization method of power system operation resilience considering generalized energy storage is proposed</em>. Five attack schemes based on topology are evaluated according to four indexes, and the most disadvantageous attack strategy is selected to simulate the damage of power system. Taking the minimum operating cost of the system as the objective, a combined scheduling model involving wind power station and energy storage unit is carried out. A<em> generalized energy storage scheduling method</em> is proposed to improve the resilience of power grid in operation period in recovery stage, and an optimal model of disaster recovery is established to maximize the system resilience. The optimal recovery strategy is calculated by genetic algorithm. The IEEE 30-bus system is taken as an example to verify the effectiveness of the generalized energy storage in improving the system performance and the resilience of power grid operation.

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Low-carbon economic dispatch of multi-energy park considering high proportion of renewable energy

[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2021, 55(12): 1586-1597.

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祝荣, 任永峰, 孟庆天, .


[J]. 太阳能学报, 2022, 43(4): 20-29.

DOI:10.19912/j.0254-0096.tynxb.2022-0112      [本文引用: 2]


ZHU Rong, REN Yongfeng, MENG Qingtian, et al.

Electricity-heat-gas cooperative optimal operation strategy of integrated energy system based on cooperative game

[J]. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2022, 43(4): 20-29.

DOI:10.19912/j.0254-0096.tynxb.2022-0112      [本文引用: 2]

Under the background of " peak carbon dioxide emissions" and " carbon neutrality ", in order to effectively improve the energy efficiency of integrated energy system(IES), reduce carbon emissions and improve the flexibility of system operation, an optimal operation model of IES based on cooperative game is proposed. The first step is to build an IES framework and a model for the devices of P2G, carbon capture, gas turbine and thermal energy storage. Then, divide the operation subjects in the system into three parts and construct a cooperative alliance within them considering the possibility of their coordination, and illustrate how to increase the overall interests through energy complementarity. Finally, set up an IES cooperative optimal operation model, and use Shapley value to distribute the cooperative surplus according to their contributions. By the simulation analysis of an IES in Inner Mongolia region, this paper verified that the proposed strategy can evidently reduce the operating cost of the cooperative subjects and the overall cost of the cooperative alliance. It prompts the cooperation within the subjects in the alliance, improves the wind power accommodation capacity of the system, and reduces the carbon emission, prorides theoretical support for the operation of the low-carbon economy of the power systems.

江婷, 邓晖, 陆承宇, .


[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2021, 55(12): 1650-1662.

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JIANG Ting, DENG Hui, LU Chengyu, et al.

Low-carbon optimal operation of an integrated electricity-heat energy system in electric energy and spinning reserve market

[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2021, 55(12): 1650-1662.

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[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(2): 573-588.

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Study on optimal operation strategy of comprehensive energy system in park considering coupling response characteristics of cooling, heating and power demand

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HUANG Jingguang, XIONG Huajian, LI Zhenxing, et al.

Low-carbon economic dispatch of integrated energy system based on life cycle method and carbon trading

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WANG Chaoqun, CHEN Yi, WEN Fushuan, et al.

Improvement and perfection of carbon emission flow theory in power systems

[J]. Power System Technology, 2022, 46(5): 1683-1693.

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[J]. 高电压技术, 2023, 49(1): 169-178.

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LIU Zheyuan, XING Haijun, CHENG Haozhong, et al.

Bi-Level optimal scheduling of integrated energy system considering carbon emission flow and demand response

[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2023, 49(1): 169-178.

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[J]. 储能科学与技术, 2022, 11(9): 2971-2979.

DOI:10.19799/j.cnki.2095-4239.2022.0129      [本文引用: 1]

先进压缩空气储能系统是一种具有广泛应用前景的储能技术,对其展开全生命周期能耗及二氧化碳排放研究,对促进储能技术发展和政策制定有指导意义。本工作以10 MW先进压缩空气储能系统为研究对象,建立了压缩空气储能系统的全生命周期模型,基于实际机组、国家标准及相关文献等对生命周期各阶段进行清单分析,获得了压缩空气储能系统的全生命周期能耗、能效及二氧化碳排放,并进行了敏感性分析。研究结果表明,系统全生命周期度电能耗和度电二氧化碳排放量分别为5.653 MJ和36.73 g,净能量效率为63.68%;运行阶段的能耗和二氧化碳排放占比最大,分别为99.16%和90.49%;系统运行效率、系统寿命及发电时间都是全生命周期二氧化碳排放的重要影响因素,而全生命周期能耗对系统运行效率的敏感性较大。

GENG Xiaoqian, XU Yujie, HUANG Jingjian, et al.

Life cycle energy consumption and carbon emissions of advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage

[J]. Energy Storage Science & Technology, 2022, 11(9): 2971-2979.

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[J]. 热力发电, 2021, 50(8): 24-29.

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Life cycle cost analysis for energy storage technology

[J]. Thermal Power Generation, 2021, 50(8): 24-29.

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向宁, 王礼茂, 屈秋实, .


[J]. 资源科学, 2021, 43(4): 745-755.

DOI:10.18402/resci.2021.04.09      [本文引用: 1]

为了应对气候变化、资源短缺与环境污染问题,各国都在积极开发清洁能源,风能作为可再生的清洁能源,得到了世界各国的高度重视。在实现2030年碳排放达峰的目标约束下,近年来,中国风电规模也处于快速增长的阶段。风力发电过程虽然不会排放温室气体和污染物,但从产业的生命周期角度分析,在设备制造、运输、安装、运行、废弃等环节也会带来一定量的温室气体和污染物的排放,因此风力发电并不是零排放的能源。本文利用全生命周期评价方法对比研究了100 MW海上和陆上风电系统的全生命周期的排放情况,重点分析了不同功率风机的风电场的全生命周期温室气体排放情况,并分析了一般污染物对于环境的影响。研究结果表明:①海上风电场全生命周期温室气体排放量平均为1.49 g CO<sub>2</sub>/kWh,陆上风电场平均排放量3.62 g CO<sub>2</sub>/kWh,均远远小于传统火力发电,比较而言,在减少温室气体排放方面,海上风电系统更具优势;②在全生命周期污染物排放方面,海上风电场全生命周期污染物的排放量要小于陆上风电场,且具有更短的能源回报时间,经济效益更高,对环境更友好;③在全生命周期中,风机的生产过程所产生的温室气体排放占到总温室气体排放的40%以上,同时风机生产所排放的污染物对于环境的负面影响最大,约占整个生命周期影响的50%以上;④配备更大功率的风机将有助于减少温室气体和污染物的排放。研究结果可为减少环境污染、实现碳排放达峰目标提供参考依据。

XIANG Ning, WANG Limao, QU Qiushi, et al.

Comparison of emissions from offshore and onshore wind power systems based on life cycle assessment

[J]. Resources Science, 2021, 43(4): 745-755.

DOI:10.18402/resci.2021.04.09      [本文引用: 1]

In order to cope with climate change, resource shortage, and environmental pollution, all countries are actively developing clean energy. Wind energy is one of the renewable clean energy sources, which has been vigorously developed by many countries in the world. In recent years, in order to meet the requirement of carbon emission peak in 2030, wind power in China is also rapidly developing. Although the process of wind power generation will not emit greenhouse gases and pollutants, from the perspective of the life cycle of the industry, it still produces a certain amount of greenhouse gases and pollutants in equipment manufacturing, transportation, installation, operation, waste disposal, and other links, so wind power is not zero emission energy. In this study, the life cycle assessment method was used to compare the life cycle emissions of 100 MW offshore and onshore wind power systems. The key point is to analyze the greenhouse gas emissions of wind farms equipped with different power wind turbines in the whole life cycle and the impact of emissions on the environment. The results show that: the average life cycle carbon emission of offshore wind farms is 1.49 g CO2/kWh, and that of onshore wind farms is 3.62 g CO2/kWh. The average life cycle carbon emission of both wind farms are far less than that of traditional thermal power generation. In terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the offshore wind power system has more advantages; The emission of offshore wind farms in the whole life cycle is less than that of onshore wind farms, and the offshore system has shorter energy return time and is more environmentally friendly; In the whole life cycle, the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the production of wind turbines account for more than 40% of the total greenhouse gases emissions. At the same time, the pollutants from the production of wind turbines have the greatest negative impact on the environment, accounting for more than 50% of the entire life cycle impact; By comparing the life cycle emissions of offshore and onshore wind power systems with different power wind turbines, more powerful wind turbines will help reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions. This study compares the life cycle emissions of offshore and onshore wind farm construction, and provides a reference for China to reduce environmental pollution and achieve the goal of carbon emissions to peak.

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Low-carbon economic operation and energy efficiency analysis of comprehensive energy system considering LCA energy chain and carbon trading mechanism

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基于生命周期评价理论,建立风力发电、光伏发电及燃煤发电的生命周期评价体系,研究生命周期各阶段的环境负荷并进行对比分析.结果表明:在电厂建设阶段,燃煤发电碳足迹最低,为1.94 g/(kW&#183;h),风力发电碳足迹最高,为9.42 g/(kW&#183;h).在发电运营阶段,光伏发电碳足迹几乎为零,风力发电碳足迹为0.2 g/(kW&#183;h),燃煤发电机组碳足迹最高,为83.3 g/(kW&#183;h).风力发电和光伏发电在电厂建设阶段碳足迹占比较高,分别为99.4%和99.78%;燃煤发电在发电运营阶段碳足迹占比最高,为96.13%.在整个生命周期中对全球变暖影响最大的是燃煤发电,为3.63&#215;10<sup>-5</sup>标准当量,影响最小的是风力发电,为7.9&#215;10<sup>-7</sup>标准当量;对环境酸化影响最大的是光伏发电,为6.7&#215;10<sup>-6</sup>标准当量,影响最小的是风力发电,为1.6&#215;10<sup>-7</sup>标准当量;风力发电和光伏发电的固体废弃物排放几乎为零.

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[本文引用: 2]

Life cycle assessment systems of wind, PV and coal-fired power generation were established based on life cycle assessment theory, so as to compare and analyze their environmental load produced at different stages. Results show that in the construction state of a power plant, the carbon footprint of coal-fired power generation is 1.94 g/(kW&#183;h), which is the lowest in the three power generation ways, and the carbon footprint of wind power generation is 9.42 g/(kW&#183;h), which is the highest. Whereas in the operation stage of a power plant, the carbon footprint of PV power generation is almost zero, and that of wind and coal-fired power generation is respectively 0.2 g/(kW&#183;h) and 83.3 g/(kW&#183;h), indicating that coal-fired power generation produces the highest carbon footprint. The ratios of carbon footprint in construction stage for wind and PV power generation are relatively high, which are 99.4% and 99.78%, respectively; while the ratio of carbon footprint in operation stage for coal-fired power generation has the highest value of 96.13%. Results also indicate that coal-fired power generation has the greatest influence on global warming in a whole life cycle with a standard equivalent of 3.63&#215;10<sup>-5</sup>, while wind power generation has the least influence with a standard equivalent of 7.9&#215;10<sup>-7</sup>; whereas PV power generation has the biggest impact on environmental acidification with a standard equivalent of 6.7&#215;10<sup>-6</sup>, and wind power generation has the smallest impact with a standard equivalent of 1.6&#215;10<sup>-7</sup>. The emission of solid waste is almost zero in both wind and PV power generation.

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