Effect of Corner Roundedness on Capillary Flow of Liquid Propellants in Microgravity
通讯作者: 杨 光,副教授,博士生导师,电话(Tel. ):021-34206814; E-mail:y_g@sjtu.edu.cn.
责任编辑: 王历历
收稿日期: 2021-12-10 修回日期: 2022-01-19 接受日期: 2022-02-7
基金资助: |
Received: 2021-12-10 Revised: 2022-01-19 Accepted: 2022-02-7
作者简介 About authors
The theory of interior corner flow driven by surface tension provides an important support for design of liquid management devices in space. The flow rate, velocity, and liquid position are important factors to determine liquid management efficiency. In practice, due to machining precision or aiming to enhance the mechanical strength, the interior corner is often imperfect with a certain degree of roundedness. In this paper, the influence of corner roundedness on liquid flow characteristics is quantitatively analyzed by combining theoretical and experimental analysis. The results show that with a fixed corner roundedness, the height of liquid is always proportional to the square root of time. The velocity of capillary flow also decreases with the increase of corner roundedness. The present theoretical model is validated by the microgravity experiments based on magnetic compensation. Furthermore, the model is applied to simulate the capillary flow of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The variations of flow rate under different conditions are obtained, which provides important basic data for the design of liquid management devices for cryogenic propellant.
杨恩博, 金宇鹏, 杨光, 黄永华, 王天祥, 雷刚, 吴静怡.
YANG Enbo, JIN Yupeng, YANG Guang, HUANG Yonghua, WANG Tianxiang, LEI Gang, WU Jingyi.
作为微重力流体力学下的一个重要模型,内角流动是研究在表面张力主导下,液体沿固体二面角爬升的理论.有关内角流动的研究可以追溯到20世纪60年代,Concus等[1]提出微重力条件下内角流动液体前缘稳定性的临界条件,即Concus-Finn条件; Weislogel 等[2]对内角流动的Navier-Stokes方程进行简化,将三维问题简化为一维问题,利用滑移假设进行求解,提出流阻的理论近似解,并推广到复杂几何形状的计算[3-4]; Wang等[5]研究了微重力条件下不同初始液体体积对内角毛细流动的影响; 李京浩等[6]针对不对称内角情形,给出扇形内角情形下的计算公式; 沈逸等[7]利用磁补偿原理在地面实现微重力环境,并分析了重力水平、内角材质等因素对液面位置的影响.
尽管有关内角流动的理论与实验分析已经比较成熟,但现有理论模型大多仅适用于理想情况下的完全尖锐内角.而实际加工制造得到的内角通常不可避免地存在一定钝度; 此外,内角尖端采用圆角过渡也能够增强装置的机械承载能力.理想内角的流动模型无法直接推广到含钝度的毛细流动.有关内角钝度对液体内角流动的影响,Ransohoff等[8-9]对内角流动过程的流阻进行了数值计算,并研究了有关内角圆率对内角自流现象影响的一系列问题; Chen等[10]对内角存在一定钝度的情况进行分析,并研究了极限情况下薄层流动的问题; Zhou等[11]得出薄层流动的计算方法,并将其推广到一般情形; 魏月兴等[12]利用Ransohoff提出的方法对存在钝度的情形进行了理论分析.然而,由于微重力环境实验复杂且成本高,钝度对内角毛细流动的影响机理仍未完全解析并缺少实验验证.
1 钝度内角中的毛细力驱动流动模型
式中:ρ为液体密度; v为流动速度;液体在某x处截面的截面积设为S.
在图1中任意位置x处取y-z平面的横截面,可以得到该处曲率半径r(x, t)和S的关系为
将式 (7) 代入式(4)可得在二维流动假设条件下关于S的控制方程:
2 基于磁补偿原理的微重力地面模拟实验
Microgravity simulation experimental system with magnetic fluid
内角样品材料为光学透明的石英玻璃,肋板直径d = 10.0 mm,D=7.80 mm,2α=45°, 并设置不同的内角钝度值.实验所采用磁流体的物理性质如下: σ=36.2×10-3 N/m,μ= 29.0×10-3 Pa·s,ρ=1 163.33 kg/m3,其在石英玻璃上的接触角测量值为38° (见图3).
初始状态下,内角样品在磁流体中的浸没高度为3 mm.待液面稳定后,开启线圈的电流开关.利用高速照相机记录磁流体的液面高度变化,待磁流体达到最大爬升距离且液面稳定后关闭线圈电流开关,完成一次实验记录.所得图像的位置分辨率为0.2 mm/像素,照相机的采样帧率为870帧/s.因此,实验数据中的液面位置测量误差为 ±0.2 mm,时间误差为1.1 ms.实验过程中,内角样品中液面的升高会导致样品腔中液位下降,根据体积守恒可计算得其对毛细爬升距离测量结果的影响小于4%.每个工况的实验至少独立测试3次,以保证数据结果的可重复性.
3 结果与讨论
3.1 内角流动实验及其与计算结果的对比
图4为在内角钝度τ=0.26恒定的条件下,磁流体在表面张力驱动下沿内角爬升的位置动态变化情况.其中t=0时刻为在磁场开启之前,液体在地面常重力时的状态.当开启磁场后,液面位置随时间逐渐升高.通过改变样品内角钝度的大小, 即可通过实验定量获得钝度对动态内角毛细流动特性的影响.
Movement of magnetic fluid along interior corner at different moments (τ=0.26)
Fluid motion for different roundedness of interior corners
3.2 钝度对内角毛细流动流量的影响
图7为在不同钝度条件下毛细爬升系数的实验值与计算值.从图中可以看出,实验与计算结果均表明毛细爬升速度随钝度的增加而单调减小.当内角钝度从0.13增加到0.33时,实验测得的毛细爬升系数从22.68 mm/s1/2降低至12.69 mm/s1/2,下降约44%,而该条件下通过计算模型获得的毛细爬升系数从18.85 mm/s1/2降低至14.68 mm/s1/2.
Variation of capillary flow rate at different corner roundednesses
3.3 低温推进剂的内角流动特性
表1 液氢与液氧的物性参数(0.1 MPa)
流体 | 温度/K | ρ/(kg·m-3) | μ/(μPa·s) | σ/(mN·m) |
液氢 | 20 | 70.85 | 13.92 | 2.001 |
液氧 | 90 | 1 141 | 195.64 | 13.198 |
图9为在 τ = 0.1,R=6×10-3 m,α=15° 的内角条件下,液氢、液氧以及磁流体的毛细爬升距离随时间的变化曲线.由图可见,液氢与液氧的流动速度均显著高于前文实验中的磁流体,且液氢的运动速度高于液氧.其原因在于尽管低温推进剂的表面张力较小,但由于其黏滞系数同样较小,导致式(13)中因子σ/μ反而增大; 且上述两种流体对不锈钢有很好的润湿效果,最终导致爬升能力的提高.此外,对于上述两种低温推进剂,液氢的表面张力以及黏度均小于液氧,但由于黏度对流动的作用更显著,所以液氢的运动速度始终高于液氧.图10为在与图9相同的工作条件下, 3种不同流体流量动态变化规律的计算结果. 在同一时刻, 液氢的内角流动流量高于液氧约40% 以上, 而两者流量均高出磁流体流量一个数量级.
Movement of different fluids along the corner at microgravity
Flow rates of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen versus roundedness of interior corners
4 结论
(1) 获得微重力条件下流体沿内角爬升距离与流量的计算模型,通过与微重力模拟实验数据对比,验证了该计算模型的可行性,且平均相对误差在20%以内.理论与实验数据均表明,在内角毛细流动中,xf与t1/2始终近似保持线性关系.
(2) 在内角钝度τ∈[0.13,0.33]范围内,流体沿内角爬升的速度、流量均随着内角钝度的增大而单调减小.实验结果表明,当内角钝度从0.13增加到0.33时,磁流体的毛细爬升系数(h/t1/2)下降约44%.在相同条件下,流量随着液面高度的增加而减小.
(3) 液氢、液氧等低温推进剂由于黏度小,其在内角毛细流动流量上高于磁流体一个数量级以上.尽管液氢的表面张力小,但其低黏度的特性在微重力流动中起主导性作用,导致其内角流动速度高于液氧和磁流体.
On the behavior of a capillary surface in a wedge
[J]. ,Estimates above and below are obtained for the height of the equilibrium-free surface of a liquid when the liquid partially fills a cylindrical container whose cross section contains a corner with interior angle 2alpha. The surface is characterized by the condition that its mean curvature be proportional to its height above a reference plane (or, in the case of zero gravity, that the mean curvature be constant), and by the requirement that it meet the container wall with prescribed contact angle gamma. It turns out that the qualitative behavior of such a surface near the vertex changes markedly, according as alpha + gamma < (1/2)pi, or alpha + gamma >/= (1/2)pi. In the former case, the surface is either unbounded or fails to exist, while in the latter case every such surface is bounded. Some experimental comparisons are indicated, and an application to the problem of describing the mechanism of water rise in trees is discussed.The above results describe a limiting case among corresponding properties that hold for surfaces defined over domains with smooth boundaries. This extension is indicated, as well as a formal extension to n-dimensional surfaces; here the interest centers on the fact that it is the mean curvature of an (n-1)-dimensional boundary element that controls the local behavior of the n-dimensional solution surface.
Capillary flow in an interior corner
[J]. ,DOI:10.1017/S0022112098002535 URL [本文引用: 3]
The design of fluids management processes in the low-gravity environment\n of space \nrequires an accurate description of capillarity-controlled flow in containers.\n Here we \nconsider the spontaneous redistribution of fluid along an interior corner\n of a container \ndue to capillary forces. The analytical portion of the work presents an\n asymptotic \nformulation in the limit of a slender fluid column, slight surface curvature\n along the flow \ndirection z, small inertia, and low gravity. The scaling introduced\n explicitly accounts \nfor much of the variation of flow resistance due to geometry and so the\n effects of \ncorner geometry can be distinguished from those of surface curvature. For\n the special \ncases of a constant height boundary condition and a constant flow condition,\n the \nsimilarity solutions yield that the length of the fluid column increases\n as \nt1/2 and t3/5, \nrespectively. In the experimental portion of the work, measurements from\n a 2.2 s drop \ntower are reported. An extensive data set, collected over a previously\n unexplored range \nof flow parameters, includes estimates of repeatability and accuracy, the\n role of inertia \nand column slenderness, and the effects of corner angle, container geometry,\n and fluid \nproperties. At short times, the fluid is governed by inertia \n(t[lsim ]tLc).\n Afterwards, an \nintermediate regime \n(tLc[lsim ]t[lsim ]\ntH) can be shown to be modelled by a constant-flow-like\n similarity \nsolution. For t[ges ]tH it is found\n \nthat there exists a location zH at which \nthe interface height remains constant at a value \nh(zH, t)=H which\n can be shown \nto be well predicted. Comprehensive comparison is made between the analysis\n and \nmeasurements using the constant height boundary condition. As time increases,\n it is \nfound that the constant height similarity solution describes the flow over\n a lengthening \ninterval which extends from the origin to the invariant tip solution. For\n \nt[Gt ]tH, the \nconstant height solution describes the entire flow domain. A formulation\n applicable \nthroughout the container (not just in corners) is presented in the limit\n of long times.
Analysis of tank PMD rewetting following thrust resettling
Gravity effects on capillary flows in sharp corners
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A study of the influence of initial liquid volume on the capillary flow in an interior corner under microgravity
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Study on asymmetric interior corner flow in microgravity condition
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Realization of microgravity environment by magnetic compensation and study on interior corner flow of magnetic fluid in microgravity
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Due to the effect of surface tension, the process of fluid climbing along the inner wall at a certain angle in the microgravity environment is different from that of normal gravity. To study the physical process of capillary flow in microgravity, this paper uses the magnetic compensation method to set up a normal temperature magnetic fluid microgravity compensation experimental platform, which achieves magnetic compensation of less than 5% non-uniformity longitudinally in the target area. Visualized experimental research on the climb process of water-based magnetic fluid along the interior corner of different materials under the condition of different gravity is performed to verify the influence of contact angle and interior corner angle on the fluid transport capacity in the microgravity environment and to reveal the capillary flow law of the magnetic fluid in the microgravity environment. The results show that when the Concus-Finn condition is satisfied, the liquid surface climbing height and the gravity acceleration are approximately inversely proportional. The smaller the contact angle and interior corner angle, the stronger the fluid transport capacity of the material, especially in a good microgravity environment. When the Concus-Finn condition is not satisfied, the liquid surface climbing height and the acceleration of gravity have a linear relationship, and the impact of changes in contact angle and interior corner angle on the fluid transport capacity is not obvious.
Snap-off of gas bubbles in smoothly constricted noncircular capillaries
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Laminar flow of a wetting liquid along the cormers of a predominantly gas-occupied noncircular pore
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Capillary-driven flows along rounded interior corners
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Hydrocarbon drainage along corners of noncircular capillaries
[J]. ,An approximate solution for liquid flow along corners of noncircular capillaries is proposed that relates the flow resistance to the geometry of a capillary and to the contact angle of the interfaces. The theory predicts liquid flow rates for both two-phase (hydrocarbon/air) and three-phase (hydrocarbon/air/water) drainage. This solution is found to be superior to other expressions in the literature. Drainage rates of two different hydrocarbons along corners of square capillaries are measured with both air and water as stationary phases. The new solution was used to predict the measured hydrocarbon drainage rates successfully. Comparison of the measured and predicted drainage rates indicates that a free boundary is appropriate for the air/hydrocarbon interface and a no-flow boundary condition is valid for the water/hydrocarbon interface. The effect of spreading coefficient on drainage rates is also demonstrated by the measurements and is compared with the proposed solution. A brief discussion of three-phase relative permeabilities is offered based on the measured drainage rates and proposed solution.
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Interior corner flow theory and its application to the satellite propellant management device design
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A class of similarity solutions for the nonlinear thermal conduction problem
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Preliminary results from the capillary flow experiment aboard ISS: The moving contact line boundary condition
Review of spontaneous capillary driven flow along interior corners
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Research progress and outlooks of cryogenic propellant space management technologies
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Simulation of a thermodynamic vent system working at room temperature and its preliminary pressurization testing
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Bubble point pressures of binary methanol/water mixtures in fine-mesh screens
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Influential factors for liquid acquisition device screen selection for cryogenic propulsion systems
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