杨恩博, 金宇鹏, 杨光, 黄永华, 王天祥, 雷刚, 吴静怡

Effect of Corner Roundedness on Capillary Flow of Liquid Propellants in Microgravity
YANG Enbo, JIN Yupeng, YANG Guang, HUANG Yonghua, WANG Tianxiang, LEI Gang, WU Jingyi
表1 液氢与液氧的物性参数(0.1 MPa)
Tab.1 Physical properties of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen (0.1 MPa)
流体 温度/K ρ/(kg·m-3) μ/(μPa·s) σ/(mN·m)
液氢 20 70.85 13.92 2.001
液氧 90 1 141 195.64 13.198