上海交通大学学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (3): 326-334.doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2021.317

所属专题: 《上海交通大学学报》2023年“机械与动力工程”专题

• 机械与动力工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


尹智成, 王平(), 姜霖松, 孙颖, 何祖强   

  1. 江苏大学 能源研究院,江苏 镇江 212013
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-20 接受日期:2021-10-08 出版日期:2023-03-28 发布日期:2023-03-30
  • 通讯作者: 王 平,教授,博士生导师;E-mail:pingwang@ujs.edu.cn.
  • 作者简介:尹智成(1997-),硕士生,现主要从事多孔介质燃烧研究.
  • 基金资助:

Experimental Study of Flame Characteristics in Simple Cubic Packed Beds

YIN Zhicheng, WANG Ping(), JIANG Linsong, SUN Ying, HE Zuqiang   

  1. Institute for Energy Research, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2021-08-20 Accepted:2021-10-08 Online:2023-03-28 Published:2023-03-30


多孔介质燃烧具有效率高和稳定性好等特点,提出一种简单立方堆积结构.该结构由氧化铝颗粒堆积床和双层碳化硅泡沫陶瓷组成,用以对其中的过滤燃烧特性开展试验研究.通过改变预混气体当量比和入口速度,研究在不同工况下的火焰可燃界限、火焰传播规律、CO排放规律和燃烧效率.研究发现:火焰的驻定和传播取决于区域温度、当量比和流速;在颗粒直径为40 mm的堆积床中,火焰易于传播且燃烧效率较高,而颗粒直径为20 mm的堆积床更有利于稳定火焰.

关键词: 简单立方堆积, 可燃极限, 火焰传播, CO体积分数


The combustion of porous media is characterized by high efficiency and good stability. A simple cubic packed structure consisting of an alumina particle packed bed and double-layer silicon carbide foam ceramics was proposed to study the filtration combustion characteristics of the structure. By changing the premixed gas equivalent ratio and inlet velocity, the flammability limit of flame, flame propagation law, CO emission law, and combustion efficiency under different working conditions were studied. It is found that the stabilization and propagation of the flame depend on the regional temperature, the equivalent ratio, and the velocity. In the bed with a particle diameter of 40 mm, the flame is easy to spread and the combustion efficiency is high, while in the bed with a particle diameter of 20 mm, the flame is more stable.

Key words: simple cubic packing, flammability limit, flame propagation, carbon monoxide volume fraction
