Deformable Registration of Chest Radiographs Using B-spline Based Method with Modified Residual Complexity
XIANG Zhikang (相志康), LI Min* (李敏), XIAO Liang (肖亮), LIAN Zhichao (练智超), WEI Zhih
Deformable Registration of Chest Radiographs Using B-spline Based Method with Modified Residual Complexity
XIANG Zhikang (相志康), LI Min* (李敏), XIAO Liang (肖亮), LIAN Zhichao (练智超), WEI Zhihui (韦志辉)
Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science) . 2019, (2): 226 -232 .  DOI: 10.1007/s12204-019-2056-8