volution Assessment of China’s Three Mega-City Regions Based on Entire-Array-Polygon Method
LIU Shi-lin* (刘士林), SHENG Rong (盛 蓉), ZHANG Yi-wei (张懿玮), LIU Xin-jing (刘新静), WA
volution Assessment of China’s Three Mega-City Regions Based on Entire-Array-Polygon Method
LIU Shi-lin* (刘士林), SHENG Rong (盛 蓉), ZHANG Yi-wei (张懿玮), LIU Xin-jing (刘新静), WANG Xiao-jing (王晓静), KONG Duo (孔 铎)
上海交通大学学报(英文版) . 2013, (6): 756 -762 .  DOI: 10.1007/s12204-013-1462-6