J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci ›› 2021, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 116-128.doi: 10.1007/s12204-021-2266-8
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XIANG Yidan (项益丹), ZHANG Pengzhu (张朋柱), WU Shuang (吴双)
ZHANG Pengzhu (张朋柱)
XIANG Yidan (项益丹), ZHANG Pengzhu (张朋柱), WU Shuang (吴双)
ZHANG Pengzhu (张朋柱)
摘要: The growing demand for health management puts forward high requirements for the quality of health knowledge. A content-based method is proposed to address the current demand for high-quality health knowledge, which evaluates the quality including the certainty, accuracy, and operability of different types of knowledge from the perspectives of authority, precision, and information entropy. Herein, the health knowledge of myocardial infarction is used as an example, and knowledge is first classified into different types and then evaluated. This method is applied to knowledge in the existing health management system and it can support knowledge screening and comparison under the cold start condition. Compared with the current evaluation methods based on knowledge use behavior and utility, the new evaluation method provides a reference for evaluation when the knowledge is first used. The screening of high quality knowledge can help the subsequent application of knowledge and improve user’s compliance. Concurrently, the arrangement of myocardial infarction knowledge can also provide a knowledge reference for patients’ daily health management.
XIANG Yidan (项益丹), ZHANG Pengzhu (张朋柱), WU Shuang (吴双). Content-Based Knowledge Quality Assessment and Its Application in Health Management System[J]. J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci, 2021, 26(1): 116-128.
XIANG Yidan (项益丹), ZHANG Pengzhu (张朋柱), WU Shuang (吴双). Content-Based Knowledge Quality Assessment and Its Application in Health Management System[J]. J Shanghai Jiaotong Univ Sci, 2021, 26(1): 116-128.
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