Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University(Science) ›› 2015, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6): 649-653.doi: 10.1007/s12204-015-1672-1

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朱柄全*, 颜国正, 刘刚, 徐文铭   

  • 收稿日期:2014-01-16 出版日期:2015-12-20 发布日期:2020-10-09
  • 通讯作者: 朱柄全

A Wireless Video Capsule Endoscopy System: Design and Realization

Bing-quan ZHU*(), Guo-zheng YAN, Gang LIU, Wen-ming XU   

  1. Institute of Precise Engineering and Intelligent Microsystems, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
  • Received:2014-01-16 Online:2015-12-20 Published:2020-10-09
  • Contact: Bing-quan ZHU
  • Supported by:
    The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.31170968);The Shanghai Science Committee Foundation (No.09DZ1907400)

关键词: compliant assembly, residual stress, assembly deformation, finite element analysis (FEA)


Wireless capsule endoscopy (CE), an image inspection technique, has been an important advancement in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal (GI) tract diseases. A video capsule endoscopy (VCE) system is analyzed in this study. A complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) analog image sensor is adopted, and other illumination, communication and energy modules are designed for functional realization. Measuring only ?11 mm×25 mm, the VCE has a total power consumption of 52.5 mW, which enables it to work continuously for 8 h. The in vivo experiment on a living pig indicates that a clear video with high frame rate of 30 f/s can be obtained.

Key words: laterally loaded piles, m-method, hydraulic head, land deformation, pumping-recovery, circular excavation, back analysis, horizontal displacement, outage performance, heterogeneous circumstance, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), sparse representation, non-convex, generalized thresholding, amplify-and-forward (AF), beamforming, channel state information (CSI), power control, cognitive radio, monotone optimization, price, Stackelberg game, fairness, supply chain coordination, dictionary updating, alternating direction method, two-level Bregman method with dictionary updating (TBMDU), admission control scheme, heterogeneity, substitution, service parts, last stock, handover service, high-speed train communication, S-clay1 model, undrained compression test, functionally graded materials, cylindrical sandwich panel, low-velocity water entry, cylinder structure, rectangular sandwich plate, simply supported, free vibration, resting-state brain function network, supercavitating, ventilated, dynamic mesh, pitching, wall effect, model network, connection distance minimization, topological property, anatomical distance, common neighbor, underwater glider, nonlinear control, adaptive backstepping, Lyapunov function, cylinder radius, initial velocity, entry angle, soft soil, strain-dependent modulus, video capsule endoscopy (VCE), frame rate, working hours, in vivo experiment