sa ›› 2018, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2): 250-255.doi: 10.1007/s12204-017-1901-x
XING Biao (邢彪), SONG Tailiang (宋太亮), CAO Junhai (曹军海),DONG Yuansheng (董原生), LI Kai (李锴)
XING Biao (邢彪)
XING Biao (邢彪), SONG Tailiang (宋太亮), CAO Junhai (曹军海),DONG Yuansheng (董原生), LI Kai (李锴)
XING Biao (邢彪)
摘要: The influencing factors of the equipment support activity process have the characteristics of nonlinearity, high dimension, many constraints, random uncertainty and fuzzy uncertainty. Monte Carlo method can solve the above problems commendably. This paper analyzes the main equipment support activity process and establishes the sampling plan and simulation model of the medium maintenance process based on Monte Carlo method, and the simulation result verifies a fact that the medium maintenance time can be effectively reduced when parallel operation on some procedures is used. It has a practical value and can give good advice to achieve the capability of equipment supportability.
XING Biao (邢彪), SONG Tailiang (宋太亮), CAO Junhai (曹军海),DONG Yuansheng (董原生), LI K. Research on Equipment Support Activity Process Simulation Based on Monte Carlo Method[J]. sa, 2018, 23(2): 250-255.
XING Biao (邢彪), SONG Tailiang (宋太亮), CAO Junhai (曹军海),DONG Yuansheng (董原生), LI Kai (李锴). Research on Equipment Support Activity Process Simulation Based on Monte Carlo Method[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science), 2018, 23(2): 250-255.
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