上海交通大学学报(英文版) ›› 2011, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5): 543-550.doi: 10.1007/s12204-011-1185-5
YANG Yu-pu (杨煜普), LI Xiang-bao (李祥宝), JI Rui (季 睿)
GONG Liang 1(宫 亮), SCHINZEL Dietrich 2
YANG Yu-pu 1(杨煜普), LI Xiang-bao 1(李祥宝), JI Rui 1(季 睿)
GONG Liang 1(宫 亮), SCHINZEL Dietrich 2
摘要: Abstract: The cryogenic ground support equipment
(CGSE) is an important part of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02
(AMS-02) experiment which is a particle physics experiment. CGSE is
used to cool down the superconducting magnet of AMS-02 to its
operating temperature of 1.8 K and to fill the magnet helium tank
with superfluid helium. This paper introduces the control system of
CGSE and presents the performance of the system.