王琦, 李绿洲, 董旭, 袁宁一, 丁建宁

Development of a Small Jellyfish Robot with Controllable Trajectory
WANG Qi, LI Lüzhou, DONG Xu, YUAN Ningyi, DING Jianning
表1 机器人JRT水平定向游泳的速度和轨迹误差
Tab.1 Speed and trajectory errors of horizontal directional swimming of JRT
Ti/s Pi/cm uHi/(cm·s-1) di/cm
0.0 0.0
8.0 4.1 0.51 2.0
11.0 6.1 0.67 2.6
15.0 8.0 0.98 3.0
17.0 10.2 1.10 3.4
25.0 19.8 1.20 2.0