毛雯欣, 周晓军

Opportunistic Maintenance Modeling of Large-Scale Hot Rolling Production Line Based on Maintenance Priority and Dual Variable Time Window
MAO Wenxin, ZHOU Xiaojun
表6 单次预防维护成本及单次小修成本变化时不同策略下的总成本对比
Tab.6 Comparison of total cost of different strategies at different preventive maintenance costs and minimal repair costs
rPM C/元 rMR C/元
策略1 策略2 策略3 策略1 策略2 策略3
0.4 10 842 663 11 058 172 11 076 813 0.4 7 617 885 7 675 420 7 773 159
0.6 11 092 007 11 218 433 11 289 565 0.6 9 362 511 9 483 791 9 532 783
0.8 11 431 720 11 585 273 11 585 273 0.8 10 756 493 10 879 263 10 896 904
1.0 11 737 294 11 900 250 11 951 963 1.0 11 906 720 12 245 530 12 331 983
1.2 11 906 720 12 245 530 12 331 983 1.2 13 240 993 13 287 997 13 501 420
1.4 12 377 192 12 434 377 12 434 377 1.4 14 353 124 14 578 590 14 631 391
1.6 12 711 406 12 832 599 12 892 816 1.6 15 347 480 15 612 128 15 612 128
1.8 12 881 166 13 030 062 13 030 062 1.8 16 355 153 16 522 962 16 634 735
2.0 13 139 298 13 348 537 13 348 537 2.0 17 233 474 17 371 955 17 602 482