冯忠居, 王伟, 张聪, 朱继新, 王逸然, 孟莹莹

Dynamic Response Difference of Single Pile and Pile Group with Variable Section in Variation of Seismic Subsidence Soil Layer
FENG Zhongju, WANG Wei, ZHANG Cong, ZHU Jixin, WANG Yiran, MENG Yingying
表3 模型土物理力学指标
Tab.3 Physical and mechanical indexes of the model soil
土类 天然含水量,w/% 液限,wL/% ρ/(g·cm-3) 黏聚力,c/kPa 内摩擦角,φ/(°) 孔隙比
淤泥 45.6 41.3 1.77 8 10 2.15
强风化花岗岩 11.2 2.56 22.5 43