田野, 余墨多, 黄文焘, 邰能灵, 牛璐

Degaussing Coil Deployment and Degaussing Current Optimization Strategy for Ship Partition Based on Tilted Correlation Screening
TIAN Ye, YU Moduo, HUANG Wentao, TAI Nengling, NIU Lu
表2 相邻绕组单位绕组磁感应强度关联度表
Tab.2 Correlation of magnetic induction intensity of unit winding of adjacent winding
绕组序号 关联度 绕组序号 关联度
L1-L2 0.769 362 L13-L14 0.962 847
L2-L3 0.591 805 L14-L15 0.781 647
L3-L4 0.910 071 L15-L16 0.536 287
L4-L5 0.613 498 L16-L17 0.419 504
L5-L6 0.872 680 L17-L18 0.873 163
L6-L7 0.640 723 L18-L19 0.918 340
L7-L8 0.749 592 L19-L20 0.714 019
L8-L9 0.829 750 L20-L21 0.953 347
L9-L10 0.696 601 L21-L22 0.826 416
L10-L11 0.797 570 L22-L23 0.530 558
L11-L12 0.943 900 L23-L24 0.945 969
L12-L13 0.701 524