毕忠勤, 余晓婉, 王宝楠, 黄文焘, 张丹, 董真

Fast Fault Location Technology for Distribution Network Based on Quantum Ant Colony Algorithm
BI Zhongqin, YU Xiaowan, WANG Baonan, HUANG Wentao, ZHANG Dan, DONG Zhen
表7 环网开环运行配电网算例下算法输出结果
Tab.7 Output results of the algorithm in open-loop operating distribution network
FTU上传的节点信息 缺失位置 畸变位置 程序输出故障区段 是否定位正确
[111110000000000000000000] x5
[000000001111011100000000] x12、x16
[0x0000000001011111001111] k2 k12 x24
[000100001110011x11110000] k16 k4 x20、x11