范宏, 杨忠权, 夏世威

Low Carbon Economic Operation of Hydrogen-Enriched Compressed Natural Gas Integrated Energy System Considering Step Carbon Trading Mechanism
FAN Hong, YANG Zhongquan, XIA Shiwei
表2 场景4、5、6下的优化调度成本及碳排放
Tab.2 Optimized scheduling costs and carbon emissions in Scenarios 4, 5 and 6
场景 煤耗成本/万元 购气成本/万元 弃风成本/万元 碳封存成本/万元 碳交易成本/万元 总成本/万元 CO2排放总量/t
4 352.52 551.29 0 58.75 -56.07 906.49 17696.54
5 292.29 573.07 6.15 53.11 28.28 952.90 18925.11
6 284.31 578.72 6.15 51.86 0 921.04 20104.41