钱镭源, 覃方君, 李开龙, 朱天高

Robust Adaptive Algorithm Based on SE(3) and Its Application in SINS/DVL
QIAN Leiyuan, QIN Fangjun, LI Kailong, ZHU Tiangao
表6 失准角变化时LSE-TCKF和RSE-TCKF较SO(3)TCKF精度提升比例
Tab.6 Percentage improvement in accuracy of LSE-TCKF and RSE-TCKF compared to SO(3)TCKF at variations in misalignment angle
失准角 算法 姿态精度提升比例/% 速度精度提升比例/% 位置精度提升比例/%
(5°, 5°, 10°) LSE-TCKF 49.55 -3.29 22.34
(5°, 5°, 10°) RSE-TCKF 34.23 0.81 33.11
(25°, 25°, 25°) LSE-TCKF 67.81 64.28 53.41
(25°, 25°, 25°) RSE-TCKF 39.48 44.03 68.91
(30°, 30°, 45°) LSE-TCKF 71.03 87.51 78.91
(30°, 30°, 45°) RSE-TCKF 35.04 32.91 45.19