钱镭源, 覃方君, 李开龙, 朱天高

Robust Adaptive Algorithm Based on SE(3) and Its Application in SINS/DVL
QIAN Leiyuan, QIN Fangjun, LI Kailong, ZHU Tiangao
表4 失准角为(25°, 25°, 25°)时的RMSE
Tab.4 RMSE at a misalignment angle of (25°, 25°, 25°)
类别 姿态误差/(°) 速度误差/
SO(3)TCKF 13.796 0 0.825 2 267.466 8
LSE-TCKF 4.441 3 0.294 8 124.607 7
RSE-TCKF 8.349 5 0.461 9 83.175 3