李登, 庄欠伟, 黄昕, 周东荣, 朱小东, 张弛, 魏良孟

Pipe-Ground Interaction During Curved Pipe Jacking Process with a Small Radius of Vertical Curvature
LI Deng, ZHUANG Qianwei, HUANG Xin, ZHOU Dongrong, ZHU Xiaodong, ZHANG Chi, WEI Liangmeng
表1 地层主要物理力学参数
Tab.1 Major physical and mechanical properties of stratum
地层 γ/(kN·m-3) c/kPa φ/(°) 泊松比 E/GPa
铁板砂 18.4 10 28 0.2 6.8