周东荣, 张家铭, 庄欠伟, 黄昕, 翟一欣, 朱小东, 张弛, 张子新

CEL Numerical Analysis of Disturbance of Constructing Curved Beam Based on “Yangtze River Estuary II” Ancient Wreck
ZHOU Dongrong, ZHANG Jiaming, ZHUANG Qianwei, HUANG Xin, ZHAI Yixin, ZHU Xiaodong, ZHANG Chi, ZHANG Zixin
表1 沉船位置土体的物理力学参数
Tab.1 Physical and mechanical properties of soil at wreck location
层号 土层名称 E/MPa 泊松比 c/kPa 内摩擦角,φ/(°) 静止土压力系数,K0 湿重度,g/(kN·m-3)
3 灰色砂质粉土 15 0.4 10 28 0.37 18.4