郭咏涛, 向月, 刘俊勇

Optimal Planning of Power Systems with Flexible Resources for High Penetrated Renewable Energy Accommodation
GUO Yongtao, XIANG Yue, LIU Junyong
表1 待规划灵活性资源参数
Tab.1 Parameters of candidate flexible resources for planning
灵活性资源 安装节点 容量 投资成本×10-4 /
燃气轮机#1 Bus 23 110 MW 182
燃气轮机#2 Bus 20 120 MW 180
燃气轮机#3 Bus 13 100 MW 182
燃气轮机#4 Bus 10 110 MW 182
储能#1 Bus 6 100 MW·h 140
储能#2 Bus 4 80 MW·h 142
储能#3 Bus 11 100 MW·h 140
储能#4 Bus 24 100 MW·h 144