Geometrical Model and Optimization of Scroll Compressor Based on Involute of Circle with Variable Radii
责任编辑: 王一凡
收稿日期: 2022-04-27 修回日期: 2022-06-6 接受日期: 2022-06-17
基金资助: |
Received: 2022-04-27 Revised: 2022-06-6 Accepted: 2022-06-17
作者简介 About authors
Considering the problems that quantitative analysis and optimization of the geometrical model of scroll compressor created from involute of circle with variable radii are incomplete, the changing trend of the working chamber volume from the beginning of the suction process to the end of the discharge process is given. The volume calculation differences of Green’s theorem method, the graphical method, and the normal isometric method are compared, the reasons for calculation errors are analyzed, and the correctness of the geometrical model is verified. The calculation formula of teeth area utilization rate is deduced, and the sensitivity models of suction volume and teeth area utilization rate are constructed. It is concluded that the influence of the base circle radius variation coefficient and the occurrence angle of the inner profile are particularly significant. A multi-objective optimization analysis model considering nonlinear constraints and taking the suction volume and teeth area utilization rate as the optimization goals is established. The results show that the multi-objective genetic algorithm NSGA-II has a better comprehensive performance than the multi-objective particle swarm algorithm MOPSO and the suction volume of the scroll compressor created from the involute of circle with variable radii for an automobile air conditioner has been increased by 6.5% and the teeth area utilization rate has been reduced by 4.27%. This paper can provide further theoretical reference for the optimal design and quantitative research of the scroll compressor constructed from involute of circle with variable radii.
彭斌, 刘慧鑫, 陶耀辉.
PENG Bin, LIU Huixin, TAO Yaohui.
1 变径基圆涡旋压缩机的几何模型
1.1 变径基圆涡旋压缩机涡旋齿的几何模型
表1 基本几何结构参数
参数 | 符号 | 取值 |
初始基圆半径 | a0/mm | 3.675 |
基圆半径变化系数 | δ0/(mm·rad-1) | -0.05 |
离散的多方指数 | δ1 | 1 |
回转半径 | Rob/mm | 4.361 7 |
内侧型线发生角 | αin/rad | 1.430 44 |
外侧型线发生角 | αou/rad | 0 |
内外侧型线展角 | φin, φou/rad | — |
修正展角 | Φ/rad | 0.6π |
终端渐开线展角 | φe/rad | 6π |
Schematic diagram of geometrical model of orbiting and fixed scroll teeth
Modification principle and teeth head area calculation model of double-arc modification
1.2 变径基圆涡旋压缩机3种工作腔容积求解方法比较分析
式中: xf,in, yf,in为静涡旋齿内侧型线方程.
Comparison of calculation results of different working chamber volume solving methods
由图3可见,利用3种方法求解的压缩腔轴向投影面积变化规律高度一致.对3个不同转角位置(如图3中1, 2, 3)所示的曲线放大观察,格林定理法与图解法的误差较小而法向等距与其两者的误差相对较大,在这3个位置处格林定理法与图解法的误差分别为 0.036%、0.055%及 0.042 3%,主要原因是作图时的测量误差;法向等距法与图解法的误差分别为0.106%、0.128%及 0.078 4%.两者产生差异的原因是格林定理法的计算过程是直接利用生成变径基圆涡旋齿的型线参数方程进行代入求解,因此,误差相对较小;而法向等距法进行了几何等效处理,在平移组成封闭工作腔的内外型线时会造成微小的面积偏移误差,格林定理法虽然精度较高,但由于组成封闭工作腔的型线类型在不断变化,对于吸气过程及后续压缩过程面积的推导极其抽象复杂[17].相反,法向等距法由于其简单易懂且精度满足要求,广泛应用于变壁厚涡旋压缩机的几何模型快速建立中.
表2 单腔轴向投影面积
1.3 完整工作腔容积的变化规律
Evolution and derivative of working chamber volume with orbiting angle
1.4 齿面积利用率计算模型
2 型线参数对齿面积利用率及行程容积的影响
3 多目标优化分析模型的建立与求解
3.1 目标函数及决策变量的确定
3.2 约束条件的确定
(1) 变径基圆涡旋压缩机常用于汽车空调等领域[11].因此,动静涡旋齿的最小啮合盘径定为
(2) 采用法向等距法生成涡旋齿,回转半径大小会影响齿厚大小及内外型线位置.因此,将其定为
(3) 为了使得优化分析有意义,须保证优化分析之后的内压缩比不小于优化前的内压缩比.因此,将其定为
(4) 考虑到变径基圆涡旋压缩机在φe处涡旋齿的强度及刚度,将该处齿厚t(φe)定为
(5) 为了使得涡旋压缩机的壁厚变化规律适应工质在工作腔内压力、温度向中心腔靠近逐渐增大的变化规律,将基圆半径变化系数定为
3.3 求解结果及比较分析
多目标优化算法与传统的线性加权法相比,能够把可供决策者选取的多组解以非劣解集的形式可视化,更具优势.多目标遗传算法(NSGA-II)及多目标粒子群(MOPSO)算法是在传统遗传算法及粒子群算法的基础上,加入了非支配排序算子,超体积(HV)、反世代距离(IGD)、计算时间(T)能够衡量算法的优劣,HV值越大,IGD值越小,时间越短,算法越优秀.表3所示为以上两种算法求解标准测试函数BT1的相关性能指标对比.从表3可知,在相同种群数量及迭代次数的条件下,NSGA-II在计算时间、HV及IGD指标均优于MOPSO.图7所示为多目标优化算法NSGA-II及MOPSO求解标准测试函数BT1(f1, f2为其两个目标函数)的结果.由图可见,MOPSO求解[22]获得的pareto前沿均匀性及准确性均差于NSGA-II对应的求解结果.因此,对于测试函数BT1, NSGA-II更具优势.图8(a)所示为只考虑δ0,αin上下边界约束条件的求解结果,由图可知,对于较少的决策变量,MOPSO与NSGA-II能解得差异极小的非劣解集,但MOPSO对应解的分布均匀性弱于NSGA-II, 且计算时间为12.70 s,多于11.11 s.图8(b)为考虑非线性约束条件的求解结果,其计算时间为25.56 s,虽计算效率弱于图8(a)中的结果,但求解的非劣解集更精确,范围更小,决策者选取优秀的解也更容易.从图8(b)中选取一组非劣解及其对应的型线参数与优化前作对比,如表4所示.
表3 性能指标对比
算法名称 | 种群大小 | 迭代次数 | T/s | HV | IGD |
NSGA-II | 200 | 800 | 4.81 | 0.712 4 | 0.008 032 |
MOPSO | 200 | 800 | 5.19 | 0 | 3.888 300 |
表4 优化型与优化前几何性能对比
名称 | δ0 | αin/rad | Vs×105/m3 | ζ | ε |
优化前 | -0.020 0 | 1.317 8 | 2.316 | 0.276 7 | 4.315 6 |
优化型 | -0.014 3 | 1.222 0 | 2.477 | 0.264 9 | 4.343 6 |
4 结语
[J]. ,基于热力学第一定律、质量守恒定律和气体状态方程,综合考虑工作腔的两种内泄漏以及工作腔壁面与介质气体之间的传热,构建了无油涡旋压缩机的热力学模型。运用欧拉法求解所建立的热力学模型,得到了气体在吸气-压缩-排气全过程中容积、温度、压力和质量随主轴转角的变化情况,并对比分析了不同传热和泄漏的影响规律。对研制开发的无油涡旋压缩机进行了变转速性能测试,分别测试了不同排气压力下的温度、排气量、功率。结果表明:传热对压力和温度的影响最大,而泄漏对工作腔质量的影响最大。随着转速的增大,温度、排气量、功率都呈明显的增大趋势。该热力学模型对无油涡旋压缩机的研发和性能分析具有一定的指导和借鉴作用。
Performances of new oil-free scroll compressors
[J]. ,Based on the first law of thermodynamics, the law of conservation of mass and the gas state equation, the thermodynamic modeling of the oil-free scroll compressors was constructed by considering the internal leakage of the working chambers and the heat transfers between the wrap of the working chamber and the gas. The variety of volume, temperature, pressure and mass of gas in the whole processes of suction-compression-discharge was obtained using Euler method to solve the established thermodynamic model. The variation law under different heat transfer and leakage conditions was compared and discussed. The performance test of an oil-free scroll compressor under different crankshaft speeds was carried out. The temperature, displacement, power were tested for different discharge pressures respectively. The results show that heat transfer has the greatest influence on pressure and temperature, and the leakage has the greatest influence on the working chamber mass. With the increasing of speed, temperature, displacement, power a clear upward trend is shown. The developed thermodynamic model provides some guidance and reference for the researches and performance analyses of oil-free scroll compressors.
Study on involute of circle with variable radii in a scroll compressor
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Research of the scroll expander with variable base circle radius involute
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The modification on scroll wrap with involutes of variable radii
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[J]. ,在涡旋型线形状优化设计中,分析了单目标优化设计的不合理性。提出了基于多性能因素的Whewell方程形式的通用曲线类型线函数表征形式。建立了多目标形状优化设计的数学模型。应用了基于共享小生境技术的非劣优选遗传算法。给出了涡旋型线形状的多目标优化设计实例分析。
Profile optimization of scrolls based on multi-objective genetic algorithm
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Parameter analysis and optimization of modification of tooth head of scroll profile
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Scroll plate optimization based on improved genetic-particle swarm optimization algorithm
基于自适应NSGA-II 算法的变截面涡旋盘优化
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Optimization of variable cross-section scroll based on self-adaptive NSGA-II algorithm
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Optimal selection of profile parameters of variable base circle radius vortex expander
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Investigation of profile base circle involute with changing radius in scroll compressor
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Accurate calculations of working chamber volume constructed from involute of variable radii circle with double arcs modification in a scroll type compressor
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A mathematical modeling of working chamber volume, constructed from the involute of variable radii circle with double arcs modification, is established in this study. The formulations of working chamber volume which is consisted of the involute of variable radii circle and modified by double arcs at center profiles are accurately deduced, and the orbiting angle of scroll at every moment has a corresponding working chamber volume. The effect of parameters on the working chamber volume is investigated. The different values of initial radius of base circle, starting involute angle, corrected increment, polytropic index and modified angle will change the working chamber volume. Furthermore, the effect of parameters on suction volume and volume ratio has been considered in this study, and the design schemes to obtain the highest volume radio are also studied. These results can be used to provide general implications in calculation of working chamber volume constructed from other type involutes and modifications.
Comprehensive analytic solutions for the geometry of symmetric constant-wall-thickness scroll machines
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Research on performance of variable wall thickness scroll compressors for electric vehicle air conditioning
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A profile equation for a variable wall thickness scroll compressor was established.The volumetric,dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of a certain type of electric vehicle air conditioner scroll compressors were calculated under variable wall thickness conditions,and compared with an equal wall thickness scroll compressor.The calculation results show that the volumetric suction of the same scroll compressor with the optimized wall thickness was increased by 7.90%,the volume change rate of the compression process was decreased,the axial force was increased slightly,at the same time,the cooling capacity and refrigeration <i>COP</i> were increased by 15.55% and 41.68%,respectively.
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Comprehensive analysis of geometric performance of circular involute variable thickness scroll compressor
[J]. ,DOI:10.3901/JME.2020.23.118 [本文引用: 1]
A new type of variable thickness scroll compressor line composed of circular involutes with different base circle radii is proposed, which is composed of a circular involute I+ circular involute II+ circular involute I. The method of generating the profile is discussed, the general equations of the profile are given, and a series of geometric models of the circular involute variable thickness scroll compressor are established. Aiming at the established geometric model, the influence of the control coefficients <i>θ</i>, <i>φ</i><sup>*</sup> and <i>R<sub>or</sub></i> on the geometric performance of the variable thickness scroll compressor is analyzed. Based on the circular involute Ⅰ, a geometric model of variable thickness scroll compressors with circular involute Ⅰ + higher-order curve + circular involute Ⅰ is constructed, and the geometric performance of two types of variable thickness scroll compressors is comprehensively analyzed. The results show that:<i>θ</i> taking the median value <i>θ</i><sub><i>M</i></sub>,<i>φ</i><sup>*</sup> taking the value of <i>φ</i><sub>end</sub>-2(<i>n</i><sub>1</sub>+1)∏, and <i>R<sub>or</sub></i> taking the larger, the corresponding geometric performance is better. Higher-order curve variable thickness scroll compressors are similar to the circular involute variable thickness scroll compressors corresponding to the median value <i>θ</i><sub><i>M</i></sub>, and can be substituted for each other.A new type of variable thickness scroll compressor line composed of circular involutes with different base circle radii is proposed, which is composed of a circular involute I+ circular involute II+ circular involute I. The method of generating the profile is discussed, the general equations of the profile are given, and a series of geometric models of the circular involute variable thickness scroll compressor are established. Aiming at the established geometric model, the influence of the control coefficients <i>θ</i>, <i>φ</i><sup>*</sup> and <i>R<sub>or</sub></i> on the geometric performance of the variable thickness scroll compressor is analyzed. Based on the circular involute Ⅰ, a geometric model of variable thickness scroll compressors with circular involute Ⅰ + higher-order curve + circular involute Ⅰ is constructed, and the geometric performance of two types of variable thickness scroll compressors is comprehensively analyzed. The results show that:<i>θ</i> taking the median value <i>θ</i><sub><i>M</i></sub>,<i>φ</i><sup>*</sup> taking the value of <i>φ</i><sub>end</sub>-2(<i>n</i><sub>1</sub>+1)π, and <i>R<sub>or</sub></i> taking the larger, the corresponding geometric performance is better. Higher-order curve variable thickness scroll compressors are similar to the circular involute variable thickness scroll compressors corresponding to the median value <i>θ</i><sub><i>M</i></sub>, and can be substituted for each other.
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Construction and performance investigation of variable-cross section scroll profiles based on Frenet Frame
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