Influence of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoil Forward Flight Considering Step-Type Ground
通讯作者: 张 扬,博士生导师;E-mail:youngz@xjtu.edu.cn.
责任编辑: 李博文
收稿日期: 2021-09-26 修回日期: 2021-11-23 接受日期: 2021-12-16
基金资助: |
Received: 2021-09-26 Revised: 2021-11-23 Accepted: 2021-12-16
作者简介 About authors
The aerodynamic influence of ground effects during forward flight is difficult to ignore, especially when there is a sudden change in the ground structure. The aerodynamic performance of the airfoil during forward flight is investigated using the NACA4412 airfoil, the correlation between two factors, i.e., height and angle of attack, and the aerodynamic performance of the airfoil are analyzed. The results show that under the effect of step-type ground, the wing forward flight causes a steep drop in lift-to-drag ratio when the ground effect is absent, and there is a linear relationship with the height above the ground. The angle of attack from the ground has an inverse relationship with the sudden change in aerodynamic performance, i.e., the airfoil needs to maintain a large angle of attack when it leaves the ground in order to reduce the steep change in aerodynamic performance. The take-off and landing process of a shipboard aircraft is typical of a step-type ground. This paper provides a reference for the aerodynamic design of an airfoil under the influence of ground effects.
徐晓刚, 张扬, 昌敏, 陈刚.
XU Xiaogang, ZHANG Yang, CHANG Min, CHEN Gang.
1 数值模拟方法
k-ω SST湍流模型是一个两方程湍流模型,适合求解低速流动问题,方程[21]为
式中:ω为比耗散率;k为湍动能;ε为湍动能耗散率;uj(j=1, 2, 3)为速度分量;F1为加权函数;P为混合函数;μt为湍流动力黏性;vt为湍流运动黏性;β*、β、σk、σω、σω2、γ和a1均为封闭常数[22].
研究非定常流动的阶跃地面效应时,翼型到达台阶端面之前,应保证流场中各个变量得到充分发展.在没有台阶面的大范围远场下,测试翼型从右向左移动,测得相同条件下需移动15 m才能实现流场收敛,此处设置翼型前缘距断面处的距离为25 m.计算过程所设置的参数:v0=40 m/s,ρ=1.225 kg/m3, p=101 325 Pa, 温度T=288.15 K, Re=2.8×106,网格第一层高度为6×10-6m,为了详细观察后缘处涡的产生和脱落,采用较小时间步长,大小为速度倒数的1%,即Δt=0.000 25 s.按照上述条件分别对3种不同数量的网格进行无关性验证,近场网格为贴体生成,按照增长率1.05外推260层,近场网格规模为 100 000 网格单元.对于重叠网格,背景网格严重影响翼型尾迹的模拟精度,因此对3种不同背景网格进行测试,网格规模分别为 95 000、270 000 和 490 000 网格单元,分别命名为粗网格(Coarse),中等网格(Medium)和密网格(Fine).不同背景网格计算所得的升力与阻力系数(Cd)如图3所示.结果表明3种背景网格对结果影响不大,后文统一采用Medium网格进行分析研究.
2 结果分析
2.1 高度对气动特性影响
以攻角α=10° 为例,研究NACA4412分别在不同离地高度h/c=0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0下的流动情况,如图4所示.图4(a)结果显示整个升力系数曲线均呈现先减小后增大的变化趋势,在无地面效应时,α=10°对应的升力系数Cl=1.42,而在距地高度h/c=0.3时的Cl=1.4,h/c=0.2时的Cl=1.51,说明该计算状态下NACA4412翼型地面效应的增升作用在0.2c以下较为明显.未脱离地面对应时刻为t=0.6 s(区域I),随着离地高度增加,升力系数依次减小,在远离地面之后(区域 II),均恢复至无地面下的升力系数值1.42.在区域I内,h/c在0.2和0.3的阻力系数呈一定曲线变化,地效作用明显,翼型后缘涡的附着和脱落使升力系数发生变化,而升致阻力与升力系数的平方成正比,因此阻力系数表现为小范围波动,如图4(c)所示.整个过程阻力系数曲线均表现为先增大后减小,最终在远离地面对应时间1 s处,阻力系数均趋于无地面下的阻力系数值0.018.攻角一定时,离地间隙增大,阶跃型地面效应影响会减弱,具体表现为升力和阻力系数变化量减小,且在0.6 s飞越台阶面时,数值振荡的现象也减弱.
Comparison of lift and drag coefficients at different heights and a 10° angle of attack
脱离台阶面时,升力和阻力系数均出现振荡的情况,这是由于流场的非定常效应,在翼型后缘处涡不断地附着与脱落,且受台阶影响较大,下表面的压力分布出现较大改变,如当α=10°、t=0.6 s、h/c=0.2时,下翼面长度在0.8c~c区间内,台阶面处产生的涡导致下表面压力系数变号.
Pressure coefficient distribution curves at different heights
表1 压力曲线所围面积
h/c | 面积系数 |
0.2 | 1.5268 |
0.3 | 1.4207 |
0.4 | 1.3838 |
0.5 | 1.3624 |
1.0 | 1.3501 |
在研究阶跃地效下的非定常运动时,以高度h/c=0.2为例进行具体分析.在h/c=0.2,α=10°条件下,非定常过程中流场和涡量的变化如图7和图8所示.结果表明,α=10°时,翼型后缘并未发生显著流动分离,翼型在从右向左运动经过台阶面时,因为边界层的不稳定性,剪切层失稳,边界层的形态发生变化,当量翼型随之改变,经过台阶面时,驻点迅速向前缘点靠近,如表2所示,有效攻角减小,升力系数减小.台阶面的存在使得在翼型弦长方向上存在截面不同的两段流管区域,气流在流过翼型下表面时,流管面积缩小,面积的变化引起速度增加,翼型上下表面压力差值减小,最终反映为升力降低.图8的涡量云图也表明翼型下方存在阻滞作用,台阶面存在使翼型下方的动态气垫作用减弱,被压缩的气流得到释放,增升作用降低,但翼型上表面和后缘处涡量并没有大的改变.翼型在飞越台阶面时,台阶处产生一个随时间变化的涡,翼型下表面的压力分布随时间而变化,导致翼型从t=0.6 s开始,升力和阻力系数曲线都出现小幅度的振荡.
Flow field at different moments at h/c=0.2 and a 10° angle of attack
Vorticity at different moments at h/c=0.2 and a 10° angle of attack
表2 h/c=0.2驻点位置和升力系数变化
t/s | 驻点与前缘点的距离占弦长比例/% | Cl |
0.50 | 3.86 | 1.508 |
0.63 | 1.66 | 1.036 |
0.64 | 0.87 | 0.892 |
0.65 | 0.76 | 0.925 |
1.00 | 1.66 | 1.400 |
不同时刻的压力分布曲线如图9所示,结合表2结果得出,在t=0.63 s和t=1.00 s时,两个时刻下的驻点均在距前缘点1.66%处,有效攻角相同,但t=1.00 s时,上表面具有更大的负压,两个时刻下表面的压力分布相差不大,因此t=1.00 s产生了较大的升力系数.t=0.63, 0.64, 0.65 s对应曲线的面积系数分别为 1.0492、0.9042、0.9371,t=0.65 s时翼型即将远离台阶面, x/c在0.8~1的范围之内,翼型周围流场发生下洗,下表面压力由正值变为负值,在翼型前缘处向上的合力增大,会产生较大的抬头力矩,不利于飞机的纵向静稳定性,在飞越台阶面的整个过程中,上表面的吸力峰在台阶面附近均有损失,导致升力降低.
2.2 攻角对气动特性影响
为了更好地说明在阶跃地效下该翼型的非定常特性,分别取升力线的线性段一个小攻角5°和失速点附近发生流动分离的大攻角15°进行研究,离地间隙h/c=0.3.图10对应了不同攻角下升力和阻力系数的变化规律,在离地间隙h/c一定时,攻角越大,在0.6 s飞越台阶面,受到阶跃地面的影响也更大,升力系数变化量也会增加.因此在无法改变离地间隙时,经过阶跃地面应采用小攻角飞行,以减弱升力系数变化,以防发生失速.阻力系数的变化与升力系数变化类似,区别是台阶面的存在使得升力系数减小,阻力系数增大.
不同条件下t=0.63 s的流场分布
Distribution of flow field in different conditions at t=0.63 s
不同攻角下t=0.63 s的涡量云图
Vorticity for different angles of attack at t=0.63 s
离地间隙的改变会影响大攻角翼型后缘处的分离情况,在水平和阶跃地面会产生相同的影响.图13展示了15°攻角下不同离地间隙阶跃地面对翼型后缘分离的影响,分别对应h/c=0.3,0.5,1.0, 相同攻角下高度的增加,会减小后缘的分离涡,在经过台阶面时,大攻角飞行应保持较大的离地间隙,以防飞机提前发生失速.
t=0.63 s,α=15°不同高度翼型后缘处的分离
Separation at trailing edge of airfoils of different heights at an angle of attack of 15° and t=0.63 s
Effect of angle of attack and height on stationary position at different moments
3 结论
(1) 在以一定的离地间隙和攻角飞越阶跃台阶面时,翼型后缘处存在涡的不断脱落和附着,而且台阶拐点处会产生一个随时间变化的涡,由于流场的非定常效应,翼型下表面压力分布时刻发生变化,升力和阻力系数变化均会出现小幅度振荡.在离开台阶面时,翼型后缘处下表面压力会发生方向变化,产生较大的抬头力矩,影响飞行的纵向稳定性.
(2) 离地间隙相同时,大攻角受到突变地面效应的影响较大,驻点位置向前缘移动,有效攻角减小,升力系数衰减更多,在离地间隙一定时应采用小攻角飞行,以减弱升力系数的变化,以防提前发生失速.
(3) 攻角相同时,离地间隙减小,驻点位置向后缘移动,有效攻角增大,在飞越台阶面处,升力和阻力系数的振荡加剧,而且会增大翼型后缘的分离涡,较大攻角如15°的升力系数会下降,大攻角飞行应保持较大的离地间隙,延缓翼型上表面的流动分离.
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Ground effect aerodynamics of race cars
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We review the progress made during the last 30years on ground effect aerodynamics associated with race cars, in particular open wheel race cars. Ground effect aerodynamics of race cars is concerned with generating downforce, principally via low pressure on the surfaces nearest to the ground. The “ground effect” parts of an open wheeled car’s aerodynamics are the most aerodynamically efficient and contribute less drag than that associated with, for example, an upper rear wing. While drag reduction is an important part of the research, downforce generation plays a greater role in lap time reduction. Aerodynamics plays a vital role in determining speed and acceleration (including longitudinal acceleration but principally cornering acceleration), and thus performance. Attention is paid to wings and diffusers in ground effect and wheel aerodynamics. For the wings and diffusers in ground effect, major physical features are identified and force regimes classified, including the phenomena of downforce enhancement, maximum downforce, and downforce reduction. In particular the role played by force enhancement edge vortices is demonstrated. Apart from model tests, advances and problems in numerical modeling of ground effect aerodynamics are also reviewed and discussed. This review article cites 89 references.
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双方程k-ω SST湍流模型的显式耦合求解及其在叶轮机械中的应用
[本文引用: 1]
双方程k-ω剪切应力输运(SST)湍流模型通常以隐式耦合方式或者显式半耦合/解耦的方式来求解。本文提出了该模型的一种显式耦合应用方法,即通过点隐的方式来处理湍流源项的刚性,并与混合Runge-Kutta时间推进以及当地时间步长、隐式残差光顺等加速收敛技术相结合,从而使得湍流方程可以与流动方程同时求解。为了增强计算的鲁棒性,进一步对湍流变量进行了限制。将所发展的方法用于DLR平面叶栅算例,确认了求解结果的正确性以及刚性的来源。通过对三维NASA Rotor 67的模拟,验证了SST模型的精度;进一步将其与Badwin-Lomax(BL)模型、Spalart-Allmaras(SA)模型对比,发现三者都能正确地捕捉出口参数分布,且SST与SA模型的模拟结果比较一致;对于该算例,SST模型在总温模拟上更具优势,而BL模型在总压分布上与试验值更加接近。
Explicit coupled solution of two-equation k-ω SST turbulence model and its application in turbomachinery flow simulation
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<p>The two-equation <em>k</em>-<em>ω</em> shear stress transport (SST) turbulence model is commonly integrated in an implicit coupled way, or in an explicit loosely coupled/decoupled way. An explicit coupled implementation is proposed in the paper. In the present application, a point-implicit method is adopted to treat the stiffness of the turbulence source terms. Combined with hybrid Runge-Kutta time marching and popular accelerating techniques, such as local time stepping, implicit residual smoothing, etc., the turbulence equations can be solved simultaneously with the flow equations. In order to strengthen the robustness of the solver, the turbulent variables are limited. The proposed method is first validated against a DLR 2D cascade test case, which demonstrates the physical validity of the results, and determines the origin of the stiffness. Further, an NASA Rotor 67 test case is used to verify the accuracy of the SST model. The Baldwin-Lomax (BL) algebraic model and the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) one-equation model are also used for comparison. Final results indicate that the SA model and SST model achieve consistently better results, and the SST model has the best accuracy among the three models.</p>
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