刘可真, 陈雪鸥, 陈镭丹, 林铮, 沈赋

Dynamic Discrete Equivalent Model of Photovoltaic Power Generation System
LIU Kezhen, CHEN Xueou, CHEN Leidan, LIN Zheng, SHEN Fu
表2 不同渗透率条件下发生三相短路接地故障时电流参数拟合结果
Tab.2 Fitting results of current parameters in three-phase short-circuit grounding fault at different permeabilities
步长/s 渗透
实部拟合残差 虚部拟合残差
0.001 30 3 1.099×10-4 1.502×10-4
0.001 30 5 2.044×10-4 2.647×10-4
0.001 60 3 1.056×10-4 1.003×10-4
0.001 60 5 2.089×10-4 2.389×10-4
0.002 30 3 1.517×10-4 9.681×10-5
0.002 30 5 2.292×10-4 1.926×10-4
0.002 60 3 8.541×10-5 8.792×10-5
0.002 60 5 1.535×10-4 2.154×10-4