尹智成, 王平, 姜霖松, 孙颖, 何祖强

Experimental Study of Flame Characteristics in Simple Cubic Packed Beds
YIN Zhicheng, WANG Ping, JIANG Linsong, SUN Ying, HE Zuqiang
表1 多孔介质物理参数
Tab.1 Physical parameters of porous media
多孔介质 孔隙率/% 导热系数/
SiC泡沫陶瓷1 82.5 16.7 0.9
SiC泡沫陶瓷2 64.5 16.7 0.9
40 mm Al2O3堆积床 52.4 29.3 0.8
20 mm Al2O3堆积床 52.4 29.3 0.8