黎新龙, 冉琰, 张根保, 何彦

Sequential Preventive Maintenance Strategy Considering Difference of Maintenance Effect
LI Xinlong, RAN Yan, ZHANG Genbao, HE Yan
表4 更换成本cr对最优维修策略的影响
Tab.4 Influence of replacement cost cr on optimal maintenance strategy
cr/元 C*/(元·h-1) N* 维修间隔时间序列,x1,…,xk/h 更新周期长度/h
200 7.05 1 85.05 85.05
300 7.87 2 111.44, 93.781 205.22
400 8.29 3 135.00, 105.90, 91.70 332.60
500 8.61 4 156.66, 117.36, 99.19, 86.04 459.25
600 8.86 4 176.91, 128.29, 106.41, 91.18 502.78
700 9.10 5 196.05, 138.77, 113.39, 96.17, 82.07 626.47
800 9.30 5 214.31, 148.87, 120.17, 101.05, 85.68 670.07
900 9.49 5 231.81, 158.63, 126.75, 105.81, 89.22 712.22
1000 9.67 5 248.68, 168.11, 133.17, 110.46, 92.69 753.10