王亚伦, 周涛, 陈中, 王毅, 权浩

Stepwise Inertial Intelligent Control of Wind Power for Frequency Regulation Based on Stacked Denoising Autoencoder and Deep Neural Network
WANG Yalun, ZHOU Tao, CHEN Zhong, WANG Yi, QUAN Hao
表4 基于SDAE和DNN的逐步惯性智能控制的调频效果
Tab.4 Frequency regulation effects of stepwise inertial intelligent control based on SDAE and DNN
vw/s 风电占比/% 负荷扰动量(p.u.) ΔPup (p.u.) ΔTup/s fnadir/Hz 最大RoCoF/(Hz·s-1)
4 5 0.01 0.0026 8.32 49.9676 0.0258
4 5 0.03 0.0076 8.40 49.9027 0.0707
4 5 0.05 0.0127 8.41 49.8382 0.1079
5 10 0.05 0.0124 8.09 49.8346 0.1143
5 30 0.05 0.0130 7.29 49.8285 0.1449
5 50 0.05 0.0137 6.41 49.8208 0.1982
6 30 0.05 0.0126 7.22 49.8267 0.1458
8 30 0.05 0.0119 7.09 49.8234 0.1473
10 30 0.05 0.0112 7.02 49.8201 0.1489