上海交通大学学报, 2023, 57(10): 1329-1336 doi: 10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.165



余小鹏1, 王紫旻2, 于忠奇,1, 罗益民2, 郁立1

1.上海交通大学 上海市复杂薄板结构数字化制造重点实验室, 上海 200240

2.上海航天精密机械研究所, 上海 201600

Numerical Simulation of Stamping-Spinning Hybrid Process for Aluminum Alloy Hemispherical Shells

YU Xiaopeng1, WANG Zimin2, YU Zhongqi,1, LUO Yimin2, YU Li1

1. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Digital Manufacture for Thin-Walled Structures, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China

2. Shanghai Spaceflight Precision Machinery Institute, Shanghai 201600, China

通讯作者: 于忠奇,副教授,电话(Tel.):021-34206068;E-mail:yuzhq@sjtu.edu.cn.

责任编辑: 王一凡

收稿日期: 2022-05-16   修回日期: 2022-06-18   接受日期: 2022-06-30  

基金资助: 国家重点研发计划(2021YFB3400900)

Received: 2022-05-16   Revised: 2022-06-18   Accepted: 2022-06-30  

作者简介 About authors



针对航天铝合金半球壳传统拉深成形精度差的问题,引入旋压成形,提出铝合金半球壳拉深-旋压复合成形新思路,充分发挥拉深成形和旋压成形的技术优势,实现该构件厚度均匀性好和贴模精度高的成形加工.建立了铝合金半球壳复合成形过程有限元仿真模型,实现了铝合金半球壳复合成形过程仿真,分析了不同旋压占比复合成形件的壁厚分布和贴模度变化规律.结果表明,旋压占比为50%的复合成形铝合金半球壳壁厚均匀性改善明显;强力旋压可改变成形构件应力状态,显著提高复合成形构件尺寸精度.同时,进行了直径1 m级铝合金半球壳复合成形工艺试验验证,实现了构件厚度均匀性和贴模精度的提高.

关键词: 铝合金; 薄壁件; 旋压; 冲压; 成形精度


Aimed at the poor accuracy in traditional deep drawing of aerospace aluminum alloy hemispherical shells, and by introducing metal spinning, a stamping-spinning hybrid process strategy for aluminum alloy hemispherical shells is proposed, which can achieve the forming processing of the formed component with a high thickness uniformity and high shape accuracy. The finite element simulation model of the hybrid process of the aluminum alloy hemispherical shell is developed, which realizes the simulation. In addition, the variation law of the wall thickness and shape fitting of the hemispherical shells formed by the hybrid process are analyzed. The simulation results show that the uniformity of wall thickness of the hemispherical shells formed by 50% stamping + 50% spinning is significantly improved. The shape accuracy of the component can be obviously improved by changing the stress state of the forming component by power spinning. Meanwhile, the hybrid process is verified by using an aluminum alloy hemispherical shell with a diameter of 1 m in processing test, which improves the thickness uniformity and the shape accuracy of the hemispherical shell.

Keywords: aluminum alloy; thin-walled part; spinning; stamping; forming accuracy

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余小鹏, 王紫旻, 于忠奇, 罗益民, 郁立. 铝合金半球壳拉深-旋压复合成形工艺仿真[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2023, 57(10): 1329-1336 doi:10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.165

YU Xiaopeng, WANG Zimin, YU Zhongqi, LUO Yimin, YU Li. Numerical Simulation of Stamping-Spinning Hybrid Process for Aluminum Alloy Hemispherical Shells[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2023, 57(10): 1329-1336 doi:10.16183/j.cnki.jsjtu.2022.165

运载火箭铝合金球形贮箱由冲压成形的两个半球壳焊接而成[1],为了减轻贮箱质量,需要在冲压半球壳表面进行铣削加工.生产中半球壳采用多道次拉深+中间退火工艺,拉深件贴模精度差导致后续铣削厚度基准确定难,造成半球壳壁厚均匀性差、结构偏重问题出现.通过增加法向压应力调控变形区应力状态是提升半球壳成形精度的重要途径之一.苑世剑等[2-4]通过充液拉深方法调控变形铝合金应力状态,实现了半球壳精确成形,并在直径3 350 mm箱底上应用.除此以外,强力旋压工艺也可以通过施加法向应力提高成形件贴模精度.旋压成形方法具有工艺柔性高、加工载荷低、制造周期短等技术优势[5],已成为国内外箭体箱底整体化制造的一种方式[6].为此,本文针对铝合金半球壳成形精度差问题,开展基于旋压技术的半球壳成形精度提升方法研究.



1 拉深-旋压复合工艺仿真模型



图1   铝合金半球壳拉深-旋压成形示意图

Fig.1   Schematic diagram of deep drawing-spinning forming of aluminum alloy hemispherical shell

1.1 有限元模型建立

拉深-旋压复合成形中,板料拉深处于平面应力状态成形,而强力旋压属于板材体积成形.该半球壳使用圆形坯料为直径1 666 mm、厚度8 mm的铝合金退火材料,其屈服强度和抗拉强度分别为75 MPa和170 MPa.考虑到米级薄板坯料尺寸大,三维实体单元精确计算拉深-多道次旋压耗时冗长,本文基于Abaqus/Explicit平台建立了拉深-旋压复合工艺的二维轴对称有限元模型,兼顾了强力旋压阶段仿真精度与多道次全程加工计算效率.

仿真模型中,铝合金板坯假设为各向同性弹塑性材料,板坯的网格类型为CAX4R,控制沙漏效应的四节点缩减积分双线性轴对称四边形,网格尺寸为4 mm;拉深模具和旋压模具均设置为解析刚体.拉深模具的凹模圆角为50 mm,凸模为500 mm半球面;旋压模具的芯模与拉深凸模同尺寸,旋轮圆角半径为50 mm,尾顶直径根据拉深件贴模区域大小进行设计;假设变形铝合金与凸模(芯模)、凹模、压边圈的接触界面为滑动摩擦,摩擦因数假设为0.15,实际压边力对应载荷为2 MPa;而变形铝合金与旋轮的接触界面为滚动摩擦,因数假设为0.02.


在拉深-旋压复合成形仿真时,根据需要调节旋压占比δ.旋轮工艺轨迹按照宋金龙[22]的规划方法进行设计.旋压阶段采用多道次旋压的逐段贴模工艺,旋出轨迹采用凹曲线的线型,旋轮工艺轨迹规划如图2所示.图中:φ为半径与y轴夹角,即母线角度.相邻道次的旋出点角度间隔为10°,根据不同旋压占比增减普通旋压道次数;最后采用强力旋压贴模整形,旋压最大减薄率为原始板坯厚度的12.5%,需要说明的是在最初10° 范围内减薄率逐渐加大至12.5%.


图2   多道次旋压工艺轨迹设计图

Fig.2   Trajectory diagram of multi-pass spinning process

1.2 有限元模型可靠性分析



图3   拉深件厚度对比

Fig.3   Thickness comparison of deep drawing parts

2 拉深-旋压复合成形工艺分析


2.1 旋压占比对壁厚的影响



图4   复合成形壁厚数值仿真结果

Fig.4   Numerical simulation results of hybrid process of wall thickness

图4(a)为5种成形条件下拉深阶段成形件壁厚分布,图4(b)为后续旋压件的壁厚分布.需要说明的是:在δ=100%仿真中采用强力旋压+普通旋压的复合工艺路径;图4(a)中初始点水平径向距离600 mm处的板坯在拉深过程中位于凹模圆角位置,受到一定的弯曲作用,进而发生一定程度的减薄;初始点水平径向距离700~833 mm的板坯为法兰.从图4(b)可以看出,对于铝合金半球壳全程拉深件,顶部φ≤30° 范围内壁厚减薄较多,φ>30° 后,越靠近端口则壁厚减薄越小,其壁厚最薄处为6.5 mm.因采用复合旋压方式,全程旋压件强力旋压部分构件壁厚减薄较大.δ=30%,50%,70%的半球壳壁厚变化规律相似,这3种复合成形都在20° 附近出现壁厚最薄的区域,超过该区域成形件壁厚有所增加,且在旋压开始后会出现一定程度的二次减薄.对比图4(a)的拉深贴模段可见:拉深部分的构件厚度分布在旋压前后基本一致,这表明在δ≤70%时,旋压加工对拉深件贴模部分的铝合金壁厚影响不大.因此,相对于全程拉深或旋压而言,拉深和旋压复合的成形方法可以提高半球壳壁厚均匀性分布.

为了更好地选择拉深-旋压复合工艺旋压占比,对复合工艺的构件壁厚分布进一步对比研究.可以得出:在球面件的顶部φ≤45°范围内,δ=30%,50%,70%这3种情况的构件壁厚变化规律基本一致,且随着旋压占比的减小,最小壁厚有减小趋势,其中δ=30%对应的构件最小壁厚为6.7 mm,减薄率为16.25%;其他区域(45°<φ≤90°范围),这3种工艺均在引入旋压后出现二次减薄,且减薄程度随着旋压占比的增加而增加.主要原因是:尽管球顶部分完成拉深贴模,然而,因法兰外缘的刚性约束,普通旋压前期仍存在剪切变形成分,造成半球壳壁厚减薄,旋压占比越大,二次减薄越明显.综合得出:δ=30%的半球壳旋压二次减薄较大,δ=70%的半球壳拉深阶段减薄率较大.因此,旋压占比选择过大或过小均会导致构件减薄率过大的情况发生.

综上所述,δ=50%的构件减薄率相对较小,壁厚均匀性更好;从实际工序来看,δ=50%时,此时是实际全程拉深的第一道序,后续两道拉深工序被一道旋压替代,并减少了一道中间退火,缩短了工艺链长度.因此,选择δ=50%的复合成形策略,可以将成形件的最小壁厚控制在7 mm附近.

2.2 回弹量及贴模度分析

δ=0%,30%,50%,70%共4种工况的回弹进行仿真计算,并提取回弹后构件内表面坐标与理论型面的距离,得到构件贴模间隙曲线,如图5所示.图中:c为成形件的贴模间隙.由图可见:φ≤30° 范围内回弹均较小;30°<φ≤90° 范围内4种方案的贴模间隙呈先增大后减小的趋势,其中全程拉深件在φ≥70° 时出现较大的回弹量,最大贴模间隙值为1.78 mm,其他3种复合成形(δ=30%,50%,70%)成形件贴模间隙走势大致相同,均在φ=70° 附近出现较大回弹,最大间隙值为1.28 mm,相较于全程拉深有明显下降.在3种复合成形中,δ=50%的贴模间隙值相对较大,δ=70%的间隙值相对较小,但是尺寸偏差仍没有明显改善.


图5   四种方案仿真结果贴模间隙

Fig.5   Simulation results of four schemes for springback clearance

综合考虑壁厚均匀性以及尺寸偏差,选取δ=50%成形方案进行成形件强力旋压,从而提高贴模精度.从上述仿真结果看出:复合工艺在φ≥30°出现较大的贴模间隙.因此.选取强力旋压起始点为 φ=30°,并采取逐渐减薄工艺策略.成形件强力旋压数值仿真结果如图6所示.图6(a)图6(b)分别为δ=50%成形件强力旋压前后和全程拉深件的壁厚与贴模间隙对比.可以看出:加入强力旋压后,0°≤φ≤30° 的成形件厚度基本没有发生改变,30° <φ≤90°的板坯出现进一步减薄,但是最终稳定在7 mm附近,相比于强力旋压前壁厚更加均匀.成形件在引入强力旋压后构件尺寸偏差更小,贴模间隙控制在0.75 mm以下.相比于全程拉深工艺,复合工艺得到的铝合金半球壳具有更好的厚度均匀性和更小的贴模间隙.


图6   半球壳强旋阶段数值仿真结果

Fig.6   Numerical simulation results of power spinning stage of hemispherical shell

为了分析复合工艺和全程拉深过程的差异性,对成形完成时板坯中间层的应力(σ)进行提取,得到的应力分布曲线如图7所示.从图7(a)中可以看出,两种方案在经向基本都是拉应力,因此在回弹阶段板材会往半球底部收缩,应力越大收缩的变形量越大.由图7(b)可得,全程拉深件在70°≤φ≤80° 时产生纬向压应力,这导致铝合金半球壳卸载后在这个范围尺寸变动更大,与经向尺寸变动耦合后产生了更大回弹量,造成贴模度差.相比较而言,复合成形件应力变化更加均匀,由于采用了逐渐减薄强旋策略,所以只在30°≤φ≤60° 时纬向应力变化较大.


图7   回弹前中间层应力分布

Fig.7   Stress distribution of intermediate layer before springback


3 拉深-旋压复合成形实验验证

为了验证复合成形方法在1 m级铝合金半球壳上的可靠性,进行了退火态铝合金拉深-旋压复合成形试验.先将铝合金板坯在原有的半球壳生产线上冲压50%的高度,即冲压深度为250 mm,随后将退火态半成品工件安装到双旋轮强力旋压机上进行六道次普旋和强力旋压成形,旋压加工现场如图8所示.


图8   旋压加工现场图

Fig.8   Engineering test of spinning process

试验所制得的半球样件如图9所示.对其4条母线上分别取13个不同测点进行壁厚测量.经过测量,最小壁厚为6.63 mm,高于6.5 mm,达到厚度标准.最小壁厚低于前面仿真结果的原因是:在实际旋压试验时,为了消除二次装夹带来的定位误差,预先对拉深部分进行强力旋压保证工件和芯模紧密贴合,导致该部分厚度的减薄.按实际旋压工艺路线对半球壳成形进行仿真,得到壁厚仿真结果如图10所示.可以看出:仿真值与试验值的分布规律基本吻合,最大壁厚误差为4.5%,从而验证了上述结论的可靠性.另外,从工程应用角度,采用本文数值仿真方法可以获得可接受的计算精度,为大中型球面形构件兼顾精度与效率的旋压过程数值仿真提高了技术性验证.


图9   半球壳试验件

Fig.9   Work piece of hemispherical shell


图10   复合工艺成形件厚度对比

Fig.10   Thickness comparison of hybrid process forming parts



图11   试验件贴模情况评估

Fig.11   Evaluation of shape accuracy of work piece


4 结论


(1) 基于Abaqus建立了拉深-旋压复合工艺有限元模型,仿真结果表明:旋压占比δ=50%的复合工艺的综合成形效果最优,能有效改善半球壳的壁厚均匀性.

(2) 多道次普通旋压件经过强力旋压改变了端口位置的应力状态,有效提高了半球壳的贴模精度.

(3) 复合工艺试验结果表明,旋压占比δ=50%复合工艺可以获得壁厚和贴模精度满足制造要求的直径1 m级铝合金半球壳.


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詹梅, 李志欣, 高鹏飞, .


[J]. 机械工程学报, 2018, 54(9): 86-96.

DOI:10.3901/JME.2018.09.086      [本文引用: 1]


ZHAN Mei, LI Zhixin, GAO Pengfei, et al.

Advances in spinning of aluminum alloy large-sized thin-walled and special-curved surface head

[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 54(9): 86-96.

DOI:10.3901/JME.2018.09.086      [本文引用: 1]

Large-sized thin-walled and special-curved surface heads are the urgent needs of aerospace and aviation industry for its high-performance and lightweight. Spinning-quenching is one effective integral forming process to manufacture these components. However, the spinning of large-sized thin-walled and special-curved surface head is one of the complicated local loading/unloading processes under the action of multi-parameters and their coupled effects. In this process, the heads are very prone to produce forming defects, such as local damage rupture, flange wrinkling, local bulge, and unfitting. Additionally, the quenching treatment after spinning will lead to heavy quenching distortion and residual stress, thus seriously deteriorate the material performance. In this work, a finite element model for the whole process of spinning-quenching are established. Based on the model, the distribution and evolution of stress and strain field of the large-sized thin-walled and special-curved surface heads during spinning process is analyzed. In order to obtain the effect laws of process parameters on flange circumferential compressive stress, the mechanism of flange wrinkling is investigated, and a method of controlling the flange wrinkling is proposed. The effect laws of the thickness variation of slabs on deformation quality are investigated. The quenching residual stress and distortion of the large sized thin-walled and special-curved surface heads are also studied.

宋晓飞, 詹梅, 蒋华兵, .


[J]. 塑性工程学报, 2013, 20(1): 31-36.

[本文引用: 1]

SONG Xiaofei, ZHAN Mei, JIANG Huabing, et al.

Forming mechanism of defects in spinning of large complicated thin-wall aluminum alloy shells

[J]. Journal of Plasticity Engineering, 2013, 20(1): 31-36.

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杨合, 詹梅, 李甜, .


[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2011, 21(10): 2534-2550.

[本文引用: 1]

YANG He, ZHAN Mei, LI Tian, et al.

Advances in spinning of aluminum alloy large-sized complicated thin-walled shells

[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2011, 21 (10): 2534-2550.

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夏琴香. 特种旋压成形技术[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2017: 29-96.

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XIA Qinxiang. Special spinning forming technology[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2017: 29-96.

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ZHANG Y Q, SHAN D B, XU W C, et al.

Study on spinning process of a thin-walled aluminum alloy vessel head with small ratio of thickness to diameter

[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2010, 132: 014504.

DOI:10.1115/1.4000930      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The thin-walled vessel head with the ratio of thickness to diameter less than 3‰ has long been considered to be difficult to be spun because wrinkling is very likely to occur during the thin-walled vessel head spinning process when the thickness is far smaller than the diameter. Based on process experiments and finite element method, the spinning failure of thin-walled vessel head with a small ratio of thickness to diameter is analyzed in the present research. The mechanism of wrinkling is identified and some effective solutions are discussed to prevent the failure. The results show that the feed ratio, the blank geometry, and the roller trajectory are the main factors influencing the spinning qualities. In the shear spinning, the feasible roller feed ratio is found to be within a very small range because of the thin thickness of blanks. Wrinkling will occur if the feed ratio is slightly outside the operation range. Bending the edge of blank or enlarging the blank size can effectively prevent wrinkling at a larger feed ratio, which would increase the operation range of roller feed ratio. Due to the fact that the conventional spinning is a process of multiple passes, there are many factors affecting the forming quality of thin-walled aluminum alloy vessel head. Wrinkling is likely to happen by the influence of roller trajectory in the first pass due to the fact that the thickness of blank is far smaller than the diameter. The straight-line trajectory is the worst trajectory under which wrinkling is most likely to occur.

林波, 谷建民, 周尚荣, .


[J]. 机械工程学报, 2011, 47(6): 86-91.

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LIN Bo, GU Jianmin, ZHOU Shangrong, et al.

Research on process of multi-pass draw-spinning of hyper-hemispherical shell

[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2011, 47(6): 86-91.

[本文引用: 1]

The formability of aluminum hyper-hemispherical shell deformed from 1060 plates by multi-pass draw-spinning is analyzed. The testing scheme of two-mould and two-roller are proposed, and different mandrels and rollers are designed. Circle-arc rollers of different work-radius test two shaping schemes by MC2000 playback spinning machine. The figuration of two-mould blanks is bad and the thickness of flange is reduced greatly. The figuration of two-roller blanks and inner moulding surface are excellent by the spinning process that the four quick feeding processes of R25 roller and four low feeding processes of R8 roller. The test results show that the figuration of two-roller can shape hyper-hemispherical shell by multi-pass draw-spinning aluminum blanks. Backward extrusion, expansion scab scale and corrugation are controlled by the spinning process of reducing rotational speed of mould, decreasing thinning ratio of pass and adjusting feed rate.

杜陈阳, 孔庆帅, 赵亦希, .


[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2019, 53(4): 431-437.

[本文引用: 1]

DU Chenyang, KONG Qingshuai, ZHAO Yixi, et al.

Evaluation of flange wrinkling prediction methods of conventional spinning for thin-walled spherical components

[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2019, 53(4): 431-437.

[本文引用: 1]

KONG Q S, YU Z Q, ZHAO Y X, et al.

Theoretical prediction of flange wrinkling in first-pass conventional spinning of hemispherical part

[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 246: 56-68.

DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2016.07.031      URL     [本文引用: 1]

万旭敏, 赵亦希, 孔庆帅, .


[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2017, 51(11): 1312-1319.

[本文引用: 1]

WAN Xumin, ZHAO Yixi, KONG Qingshuai, et al.

Research on prediction of flange wrinkling in conventional spinning

[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2017, 51(11): 1312-1319.

[本文引用: 1]


A study of forming of thin-walled hemispheres by mandrel-free spinning of commercially pure aluminum tubes

[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 64: 306-322.

DOI:10.1016/j.jmapro.2020.12.036      URL     [本文引用: 1]

JIA Z, YE T, HAN Z R, et al.

Study on die-less spinning of cone-cylinder combined hollow parts

[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2019, 271: 488-498.

DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2019.04.028      [本文引用: 1]

Die-less spinning can achieve the thin-walled parts with the regular shape of cone and cylinder or even some non-axisymmetric shapes. And it has advantages in forming some difficult demolding shapes. In this study, dieless spinning in a cone-cylinder combined hollow part and its forming mechanism were investigated. A ballcrown-shape roller was used to replace a conventional roller in the spinning process. The roller movement and spindle rotation were controlled by a computer numerical control spinning machine to achieve a planned roller path. The pass sets of tilted and horizontal lines were designed to form the cone and cylinder shape, respectively. Further, two methods were adopted to link the two forming pass sets and spin the cone-cylinder combined shape. One is to connect the cone and cylinder forming lines directly (Schemes A); the other is to connect the cone and cylinder forming lines by transition lines (Schemes B). The effects of two key parameters (roller path and feed ratio f) on the wrinkling and wall thickness distribution were analyzed. The product exhibited wrinkling on the wall using the roller path of Scheme A with f = 0.5 mm/r. f affected the occurrence of wrinkling considerably. Larger f made the flatness of the cylinder wall worse, no matter which roller path (in Scheme A or B) was used. When f was set to 0.25 mm/r (f was lower than L-T1 in this study) with a blank thickness of 2.05 mm, wrinkling could be suppressed in the roller path of Scheme A. The product had an increasing thickness distribution on both the cone and the cylinder. The cylinder wall was even thicker than the disk blank with a blank thickness of 2.05 mm.

宋金龙, 赵亦希, 于忠奇, .


[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2017, 51(11): 1304-1311.

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SONG Jinlong, ZHAO Yixi, YU Zhongqi, et al.

Research on design method of variable thickness blanks for aluminum alloy head spinning forming

[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2017, 51(11): 1304-1311.

[本文引用: 1]

GAN T, YU Z Q, ZHAO Y X, et al.

Effects of backward path parameters on formability in conventional spinning of aluminum hemispherical parts

[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2018, 28(2): 328-339.

DOI:10.1016/S1003-6326(18)64666-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

宋金龙. 薄壁曲母线件多道次旋压成形精度研究[D]. 上海: 上海交通大学, 2017.

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SONG Jinlong. Study on forming quality of multi-pass spinning of thin-walled curvilinear generatrix parts[D]. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2017.

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