邢志伟, 阚犇, 刘子硕, 李彪, 罗谦

Airport Pavement Snow and Ice State Perception Based on Improved YOLOX-s
XING Zhiwei, KAN Ben, LIU Zishuo, LI Biao, LUO Qian
表3 消融实验对比
Tab.3 Comparison of ablation experiments
组别 GC BiFPN ASFF α-EIoU ψmAP ?mR
G1 × × × × 0.868 5 0.790 2
G2 × × × 0.881 4 0.801 2
G3 × × 0.892 1 0.812 3
G4 × 0.902 9 0.823 9
G5 0.915 3 0.834 5