范厚明, 马晓斌, 彭文豪, 岳丽君, 马梦知

Container Allocation in Multi-Blocks and Optimization of Yard Crane Dispatching in Non-Engagement of Container Delivery Truck
FAN Houming, MA Xiaobin, PENG Wenhao, YUE Lijun, MA Mengzhi
表3 不同规模集港箱于多箱区间分配结果
Tab.3 Distribution results of port container of different sizes in multiple container sections
序号 总箱量 先到先
f1 /min
本文策略 $\frac{f_{1}-f_{2}}{f_{2}}$/%
f2 /min 计算时间/s
1 30 26.58 19.60 138.59 26.26
2 60 43.66 37.09 270.25 17.71
3 90 66.14 54.33 488.99 17.86
4 120 84.76 68.84 662.68 18.78
5 150 107.33 88.08 961.50 17.94
6 180 129.00 101.31 1 396.32 21.47
7 210 142.40 121.03 1 834.14 15.01
8 240 162.08 139.64 2 402.24 13.85
9 270 183.48 153.76 3 132.09 16.20
10 300 201.77 170.46 3 587.80 15.52